
Chapter 995 Giving Up?

Date- 4 April 2321

Time- 01:02

Location- Sun Blossom City, Circle Headquarters

Haste chanting or whisper chanting, these two have proved to be effective and unique ways for the card apprentice to activate their cards without revealing their next move to their enemy but not many chose to master them because of the difficulty in mastering them and also because of the presence of a better alternative, the wordless chant.

The wordless chant was a method where the card apprentice activates their cards by commanding their grimoire with their thoughts. Though it was a better alternative than haste chanting and whisper chanting, the difficulty in mastering this method was twice as much as required to master the other two chanting methods. Still, it was worth the effort. And it has been noticed that the wordless chant was easily grasped by the card creationist and array master community since they have strong spirituality compared to the card apprentices in the same realm.

"Kid, don't waste my time. Either reveal the name the card claim to use or just have your semi-demigod bodyguard kill me right now and save us all a little trouble," Mike yelled fearlessly as blaming the boy and his semi-demigod of mal-practice bought him enough time while avoiding the actual battle. Knowing that the boy seemed to have deduced his transformation ability, Mike no longer planned to kill the boy, knowing he will be interrupted by the boy's semi-demigod bodyguard.

The only reason Mike was so confident about taking Ji Feng into his custody and killing the boy was that he believed in the abilities of his myriad devil body origin card. With its absolute transformation ability, he wanted to use the element of surprise to his advantage and achieve his priorities before the semi-demigods watching over the body could react. But now circumstances had changed. If the boy can deduce his card ability, so can his semi-demigod bodyguard. Losing the element of surprise Mike believes he no longer had the opportunity to kill the body without his semi-demigod bodyguard rescuing the boy at the last second.

Knowing that this battle held no meaning with the semi-demigods protecting the boy, Mike was no longer so keen on fighting. The only reason he chooses to face the boy head-on instead of escaping using his origin card was that he was working on another safer and faster plan for his escape. As the presence of Ji Feng made his origin card's advantage in fleeing moot. Ji Feng somehow seemed to be able to find him despite his complete transformation this became apparent when earlier Ji Feng reach out to grab his pebble body out of all the other pebbles in the surroundings. This meant if he tried to escape he would become prey to Ji Feng and the organization backing him.

The high probability of involvement of that organization had put a damper on Mike's plans as it make his only priority of survival bleak. And he did not like the idea that he and the semi-demigods from the main branch of Circle would be pawns in that organization's game, helping it achieve its motives at the expense of them becoming enemies with both the southern royal family and the yin-yang harmony sect.

"Fine, I will leave" a voice sounded throughout the sky. Feeling the voice familiar I immediately check my shadow only to find that Agatha had left my shadow.

"Well, this is unexpected," Mike blurted hearing the voice. He never expected that his baseless accusation would result in the semi-demigod leaving the boy's shadow. This put an end to his reason behind stalling so he thought, 'Nothing ever goes my way.'

"There, you got your answer. Now, let's resume the fight" yelling that I strengthened the blood rule energy covering my body and chanted, "Hop."

Soon my body vanished and appear right in front of Mike's and attacked him with Hexa blood rule slash. At point-blank range, even the evasive spirit would have a hard time dodging all six blood rule slashes. But Mike instantly transformed into an Echo slime by chanting, "Myriad Devil Transformation – Echo slime."

Absorbing the Hexa blood rule slash the transparent body of the slime turned blood red with a red hue as it continued to free fall and soon the red hue intensified as Mike chanted, "Detonate."

"Fuck," I cussed curling into a fetal position and encasing myself within a cocoon made of blood rule. Despite the distance between the explosion was just too strong for me to defend against it using my mortal body.

Under the impact of the Echo slime's self-detonation, the blood rule cocoon was sent flying into the sky. Inside the cocoon, my head buzzed. It felt as if it was being hammered by hundreds of hammers simultaneously. Even with help of Hive AI, it took me a while to return to normal. When I retracted the cocoon, Mike used the time as an opportunity to hide.

Echo Slime's detonation ability allows it to detonate its body with help of the energy it absorbed from its enemy's attacks. It was a strong AOE attack as it exploded with nearly three times the power of the energy it gathered by absorbing the enemy's attacks in its body. But the detonation of its body came at a price. After detonation, it takes considerable time for the Echo slime to regrow its body.

But considering that Mike morphed Echo slime was able to absorb rule power attacks, I don't know what all other feats it was capable of. Which could involve an ability to regrow its body instantly. To understand this I had a theory, that the reason the monsters that Mike was transforming into were able to use rule power unlike the original monsters was because of his ego gem. This was similar to how my stone viltronians were able to comprehend rule power thanks to the Calamity daughter gem.

Knowing that the Mike-morphed Echo slime was able to absorb rule-powered attacks because of his ego gem, it became apparent to me that there were pretty much no more changes to what the Mike-morphed Echo slime could. Meaning after self-detonation Mike-morphed Echo slime must have spent a considerable amount of time regrowing its body which meant, Mike must have hidden somewhere around here.