
Chapter 999 Better then Us? Don't Kid Yourselves

Date- 4 April 2321

Time- 01:14

Location- Sun Blossom City, Out Skirts, Unknown Location

The flower thief spoke his mind and felt he said nothing wrong. By now it was obvious to his team and him how obsessed Matron was with the boy. He felt that Matron would not mind breaking a few of her rules to see the boy die. But seeing the expression on his teammate's faces he knew they did not agree with him. So the Flower thief can only shake his head thinking, 'except for following orders these expendables know nothing.'

"Flower thief, I am in charge of this team and I say we wait," codename Gray fur said sternly. He knew this day was bound to come while receiving extra merits from the organization just to make the codename Flower thief welcome in the organization and develop no hard feelings about the recruitment process.

Gray fur was proud to be the team leader but he never let himself forget that in the organization's eyes he was just another expendable, maybe that was why he has been able to remain a team leader for a long team and contact Matron directly. Despite his pride, Gray fur did not have a problem with giving it up to the Flower thief or someone else. But right now he stood against the Flower thief because he did not agree with his actions and believed that if he continued to entertain the Flower thief's willful actions the whole team will be punished severely except for the flower thief himself.

Remembering Matron's dreadful ability the Gray fur unconsciously trembled in fear and then wondered why she treated the Flower thief and others with handy abilities differently unlike them. With her ability, she did not need to do this. But he can only halt his thoughts from going further.

Hearing Gray Fur put his foot down on this matter the Flower thief gave him a look, 'Oh, really? Just watch me.'

Except for the mind-numbing recruitment process, the Flower thief's time in the organization has been nothing but rewarding. The VIP perks available to him were not something the likes of his teammates could imagine. He was an asset, unlike his expendables teammates. So it wasn't a surprise that the flower thief would look down on his fellow teammates and feel that he was better than them, especially Gray fur.

Ignoring Gray Fur's orders, the Flower thief summoned his grimoire and began to call Matron. Seeing this the other three teammates looked at Gray Fur with great interest. Even though they were all a team it was not like they did not have some grievances against each other. Especially for Gray fur and the flower thief, who acted like they were better than them despite being stuck in the same quagmire as them. So what if you were a team leader? So what if you were given extra privileges? One was a diligent slave while the other was a spoiled slave. In the end, they all were slaves struggling to behave. Begging the question, Where do they get off acting all high and mighty? So when the two of the most hated- envied people on the team were metamorphically grabbing each other's collars the other three reached for popcorn.

"You have her personal contact info, when did that happen," Gray Fur asked the flower thief in surprise as he had to contribute a lot to finally get the privilege to directly contact Matron yet the Flower thief got it just because of his special origin card.

"Duh, doesn't everyone have access to it?" the Flower thief answered without much thought.

Hearing this, Gray Fur's face became hideously unsightly. Something he took pride in was not even worth being considered a privilege by others. At this point, Gray fur knew he had lost. Trying hard to not have thoughts that could be considered rebellious by the organization's standards and decided to let the Flower thief do as he pleased.

"Matron, this is the flower thief," the grimoire call soon connected, and the flower thief introduced himself respectfully.

"Norman, state the purpose of your call," Matron did not waste time exchanging greetings and directly asked the purpose of the call. Even though she knew exactly why the codename Flower thief was calling her.

Since the moment her husband had brought up adopting the mutt that her late best friend gave birth to, Sansa had cleared her schedule for the day and hatched her nefarious plans to bury the mutt seven feet under before her husband brings it home and makes her carry it on her head. Having implemented her plans Sansa has been monitoring the memories of her cronies monitoring the live update on the ongoing mission. There has been little action with the progression of the mission still she patiently monitored her cronies' memories without blinking. So the dispute between Gray fur and the Flower thief was known to her.

Seeing Gray fur being aggrieved as the organization rewarded his diligence with shame and embarrassment Sansa felt satisfied. And a sadistic grin formed on her face as she watched Gray fur time and again forced himself from thinking badly about the organization or Matron. The heated altercation between Gray Fur and the Flower Thief, and the reactions of the other three in their team, were very entertaining for Matron, it helped improve her mood a little. Especially the part where Gray fur breaks down learning that what he took pride in was worth too little to others.

Why was Matron handling the likes of the flower thief and others with handy origin cards with care when she did not have to? This question of Gray fur caught Matron's interest. If somebody interviewed her and ask this question she would say, 'Because I can.' But the truth was far from it.

'Even though we can never get our childhood back, it stays with us till the end and defines our every action.' This saying was best used to explain Sansa's sadistic preferences.