

Date- 12 Oct 22XX

Time- 17:34

Location- Central Region, Capital city, Duskborn Mansion

"Was there such a test? I did not have to give one when they sold me Sir Cloud tail," little Sansa said wondering why she was not asked to take a test while she adopted sir cloud tail.

Hearing Sansa the surrounding kids looked at Ellen for an answer. She looked troubled not knowing what to say, but she did give a test to adopt her monster pet and doesn't know why Sansa was not asked before Sansa adopted her pet.

Meanwhile, the wolf monster pup rushed over and laid on its back next to the lion monster cub hoping to gain its master's attention. Unfortunately, its master was troubled with other matters to spare any of her thoughts for it. As for the lion monster cub reluctantly looking back at the hands that almost made it forget its master it rushed back to its master's side, not sparing a glance at the wolf monster pup. And began to rub its head against its master's leg, trying to tell its master that it never forgot about her even for a second.

"Sansa, are you calling Ellen a liar?" the Baylor kid who followed the wolf monster pup, spoke up for Ellen, insinuating that Sansa was bullying Ellen.

"No, I am not. I was just asking since I did not have to take one," little Sansa said defending herself.

"If you want to know why then I will tell you why," the Baylor Kid paused to give little Sansa a stare and then continued to say, "Yesterday, after my butler picked me up, on my way home we visited the monster pet store to adopt a pet but was told that if I wanted to adopt a pet I need to undergo a test and only if I were able to get the minimum marks in the test will I be able to adopt a monster pet, but there is a way around it. That is if I am willing to pay extra for a trained monster pup, then I do not have to undergo the test.

Sansa, you must have paid extra seeing how your little cat is shy and tamed, it has lost all its wild instincts being trained by professionals. That is why you were not asked to take a test."

"Woah," the other kids looked at the Baylor kid in awe. They were really impressed by Baylor kids' knowledge about adopting process involved in adopting a monster pet while those that had already adopted the monster pet didn't seem to have any idea regarding it.

"Does that mean, I can adopt a monster pet without taking the test if I pay extra?" one of the kids asked enthusiastically.

"Yes," the Baylor family's kid nodded calmly. Gazes filled with admiration by his fellows did not seem to affect his mood.

"Great, then I am buying an eagle monster today and riding it to the kindergarten tomorrow," the kid from earlier reported excitedly. It seems he wanted to adopt a monster pet just like Ellen but held back his urge knowing that he had to clear a test to adopt a monster pet. But now if what the Baylor family's kid said was true then he will adopt a monster pet of his choice right away if he could.

Seeing the boy declare, the others followed suit. After seeing how cute Ellen's wolf monster pup was they all wanted to buy one but lost interest when they heard that they would require to take a test to adopt a monster pet. But now learning that they could adopt a monster pet without taking tests by paying extra, the surrounding kid's interest to adopt a monster pet rekindled.

"Ellen, why did you take a test to adopt your monster wolf pup, when you could get one by paying," One of Ellen's closest friends asked, she was not making use of this opportunity to target Ellen she asked so because she knows how hard Ellen worked to clear the test to adopt a pet. For a five-year-old to learn how to handle and take care of a few months-old monster pups was not an easy feat considering that most kids at this age did not know how to tie their shoelaces and need their parents to do it for them, in these group of kids it was their butler or maid that tied their shoelace.

Hearing the little girl, other kids too could not help but wonder why. Feeling their gazes Ellen once again went silent not knowing how to answer, but thankful a person came to her defense. Surprisingly it was none other than little Sansa, "She did so because she can."

Hearing this the face of the surrounding kids turned awkward but they nodded in understanding thinking that they too would take the test rather than pay extra. And use the extra money they save to buy lots of candies and pastries.

Ellen looked at little Sansa with a grateful gaze. Ellen turned speechless the real reason why she had to take a test to adopt her monster pet was that her parents did not have the money to get a well-trained one. As a matter of fact, her parents cannot afford to buy a monster pet yet her mother insisted on buying her one to help her get close to the heirs of the other prominent families studying in her school.

Ellen's parents belonged to the Duskborn family but her father did not hold any power in the family as he was a mere captain at the way beyond. With the money he earns, they cannot afford to rent a home in the capital of the central region if not for them staying at the Duskborn family mansion along with their big joint family they would have to move to a second-rate city.

Ellen's parents without the name of the Duskborn family were no different than poor card apprentices. But Ellen's mother had big ambitions, and she wanted to fulfill them by marrying into a big family but she lucked out marrying Ellen's father a simple and honest man with no ambition but loyalty to his family and country.