

Date- 4 April 2321

Time- 02:41

Location- Southern Region, Blossom District, Sun blossom city

"What are these rats you keep talking about?" Agatha asked the clones.

"They are the people behind Cole," one of the clones answered.

"People behind Cole? Isn't that the circle?" Agatha asked in confusion.

"No… I will explain later. For now, know this: a bunch of card emperors in the city sewers are trying to poison the entire city drainage system using a potent SS-rank Dragonviper's position," one of the clones quickly brought Agatha up to speed not going into details.

"Where? I scanned the entire city drainage system, I could find any trace of card emperor in those tunnels," Number Nine asked.

"They are in an empty beast to hide their presence you can't find them with your mental strength alone," the Clone explained.

"Then, how do you know that they are in the sewers and what they are planning?" Number Ten asked the boy's clones.

"It is complicated. But answer me this, why would I make this stuff up? What do I get out of this? Do you think I am some kind of habitual liar who lies to gain attention? Come on man, use your brains for once," the boy's clone did not try to mask his disdain for Number Ten's foolish questions.

"…" Number Ten did not explode hearing the boy's clone be rude to him instead spared some thought to what that boy said but decided to prioritize the Mission and then said, "Not our problem, you got your revenge now lets head back,"

The boy's clone ignore Number Ten and then asked Agatha, "Agatha destroy the hidden teleportation arrays used by the circle's semi-demigods and any other you can find."

"Sure," Agatha did not question why and just did what the boy's clone asked of her trusting that the boy will tell everything later.

"Wait, what did you do?" Number Ten immediately got suspicious hearing the boy's clones asking Agatha to destroy the teleportation arrays used by the circle's semi-demigods.

"Aren't you quick to catch on these kinds of things-"

"Just tell me what you did," Number Ten impatiently interrupted the boy's clone and asked to get to the point.

"I was just getting to it," the clone rolled its eyes at Number Ten and then revealed, " The corpse that I gave to the Circle's demigod is fake."

"What, how is it possible? Wouldn't they have noticed if you did something like that?" Number Ten asked in disbelief, wondering how the three semi-demigods could not see through a card soldier's trick. Forgetting that he too did not suspect that Mike's corpse was fake until the boy brought it up.

"I am quite confident about my disguise skills and I used his original broken ego gem to make it more compelling," the clone explained as if it was just another party trick.

"Respect," the boy was starting to grow on Number Nine, hearing his deeds she grew more fond of him. But feeling her juniors stare she said, "What? I don't negotiate, be it with terrorists or kidnappers."

"I can't believe that worked but I don't understand why would you do that?" Number Ten found it surprising that the boy's trick of using the victim's broken gem was enough to fool the Circle's semi-demigods into thinking that they had the real corpse of their comrade. But he could not wrap his mind around why the boy would risk his life by presenting his captors with a fake corpse. Was he an adrenaline junkie? Who loved testing the boundaries with his life on the balance.

"Boy weren't you worried they would kill out of rage," Number Ten asked. To which the boy and his senior looked at him as if he was asking a stupid question. Yet the boy chooses to answer him, "I am confident about my disguise skills."

"Done, all the teleportation arrays I could find have been dealt with," Agatha soon reported after destroying the teleportation arrays used by the Circle's semi-demigods.

"Good, now we wait for the rats to come out of their hole," one of the boy's clones responded to Agatha.

"Nope, we leave now before the semi-demigods from the circle come back knowing they were tricked," Number Ten said, and his worries were indeed worth merit but the boy's clone was adamant, "You can leave if you wanted to I am not leaving until we have dealt with rats in the city's sewer."

"Ten, what are you afraid of? Those three were not that strong. If they return, I will take care of them since I longer have to hold back my punches since we have the boy in our custody," Number Nine asked Number Ten to stop worrying.

"Senior Nine, let's not underestimate the enemy if we don't want another Bandrock incident on our hands," Number Ten decided to use Number Nine's dark past to get his way. And it worked, hearing the word bandrock Number Ten went silent.

"You two do you, I am not leaving until I have taken care of the rats in the city's sewer," Agatha said supporting the boy's decision.

"Semi-demigod Agatha, that is not your mission. The boy's safety is your mission, it would be best if you did just that," Number Ten reminded Agatha that her mission took priority over the boy's baseless claim of five card emperors hiding in an empty beast, conspiring to poison the drainage system of a third-rate city down in the backwaters of the southern region.

"That's cold, millions of innocent lives are at stack here and all you care about is your mission?" the clone looked at Number Nine with disdain.

Following the cat-and-mouse chase between the allied and enemy semi-demigods, all the citizens and residents of the sun blossom city moved to the shelter, which happens to use the drainage system of the city as secondary ventilation and emergency exit. Meaning if the sewer tunnels of the city were gassed with poison then, the shelters housing the citizens and residents of the sun blossom city were not safe. Not to mention concentrated venom of the SS-rank Dragonviper was enough to turn this entire city into a dead zone. Meaning any and all creatures in the city or the vicinity of the city would be direct victims of the poison.