

Date- 4 April 2321

Time- 02:58

Location- Southern Region, Blossom District, Sun blossom city

The demon worshipers reached the point of extinction because of the demigods and other high-level card apprentices' excessively trophy-hunting Demon Worshipers for their Demonoid body parts. So any sensible person would know better than to impersonate Demon Worshipers, especially semi-demigod realm card apprentices as they were more likely to attract the attention of the bored Demigods. Therefore even though the Supreme leader had permitted them to disguise themselves as demon worshipers to complete the mission, the Circle's semi-demigod in charge who had just had his brush with life choose to play it safe. Thankfully he did that because of this he was able to gather information on the whereabouts of the boy faster than he could have disguised a demon worshipper.

"The Assassin whom you guys described sounds very much like a member of this new group that has been recently terrorizing the central region with a string of assassinations disguised as accidental deaths, this group is very mysterious and secretive, nobody knows who they are or where they are from or what they call themselves, so there isn't much I can tell you about them," the circle's semi-demigod in charge spewed the little myth about the paw clan being passed around in the central region which came into existence after people started to notice a pattern in the coincidental death of important figure of the central region.

Though currently the relationship between the Circle and the paw clan was strained, the circle's semi-demigod in charge chose to keep the identity of the paw clan hidden. As no matter how dissatisfied they both were with each other they could not go around revealing each other's secrets fearing that the other would reveal their secrets. Therefore the circle's semi-demigod in charge decided to throw Agatha a bone by narrating the myth about the mysterious assassination group circulating in the central region.

"A mysterious assassination group, really? How dumb do you think I am to believe in something like that? Let us assume I believe you for a second, now tell me why would the mysterious assassination group mostly operating in the central region come to the backwaters of the southern region to kill a card soldier no less? Don't think that you can get the grimoire by spouting bullshit," Agatha snapped at the circle's semi-demigod in charge for trying to sell her a made-up story in exchange for the grimoire.

"How would I know why the mysterious assassination group mostly operating in the central region would choose to come to a third-rate city of the southern region to kill a card soldier? You tell me why, after all, what kind of kid requires three semi-demigods as his bodyguard? I bet only the royal progeny have such a bodyguard lineup. So why would an orphan from a third-rate city have such an expensive bodyguard detail?" the circle's semi-demigod in charge answered Agatha with a question putting her in a spot hoping that it would get her to shut up and just handover the boy's grimoire with no more further questions.

"I don't know, it's because the southern's are crazy I guess. And stop trying to lie your way out of this. As a matter of fact, I know the assassins were the ones who informed Mike of the boy ambushing the circle's sun blossom branch tonight, and about the three of us protecting him from the shadows. Now help me understand why would the mysterious assassination group mostly operating in the central region come to the backwaters of the southern region to inform one of your branch leaders that their branch is going to be ambushed by a card soldier," Agatha finally revealed what she had gathered from her conversation with the boy. From her conversation with the boy, she came to the conclusion that it was the organization behind Cole that informed the circle of the boy's plans to ambush and also assassinated him when they got the opportunity.

"..." hearing Agatha the circle's semi-demigod in charge's expression turned for the worse. He stealthy signaled the six liches to surround the trio. Following the circle's semi-demigod in charge's order, the liches disguised fanned out to surround the allied semi-demigods before they could even react to the situation. The agility displaced by the liches impressed and frightened Number Nine and Number Ten at the same time. As for Agatha, she was still glaring at the circle's semi-demigod in charge waiting for him to answer her.

Seeing the crazy stubborn glow in Agatha's eyes not wavier as the six liches disguised as regular card semi-demigods surround her and her teammates, the circle's semi-demigod in charge knew if he were to use force, Agatha would not hesitate to destroy the boy's grimoire so he decided to continue to intimidate her into giving him what he wanted rather than forcing her into doing something they both would regret.

"I don't know why the mysterious assassination group did what they did, but if you know what is better for you, your friends, and millions of innocent citizens of this city, you will handover the boy's grimoire to me," the circle's semi-demigod in charge threatened Agatha, this time not just with her life but the life of the millions of the residents of the sun blossom city.

"..." Agatha continued to glare at the circle's semi-demigod in charge as if his words did not faze her. So feeling he was not left with any choice her ordered his men, "For every minute we are in this dump, start killing 100,000 people starting now."

Hearing the circle's semi-demigod in charge's orders to his lackeys both Number Nine and Number Ten were intimidated, this situation was something where they could use their teams and the southern emperor's help but considering the death of the boy they could not call either of them. Therefore they could only hope that Agatha would make the right choice by giving the circle's semi-demigod in charge the boy's grimoire.

But all of them had underestimated Agatha as she looked right into the eyes of the circle's semi-demigod in charge, made sure he would know that she was not bluffing, and said, "Go right ahead, mortals die everyday big whoop a lot of them died at the same time and at the same place, see if I care. I will give you a minute to come clean about the organization behind the death of the boy or I will destroy his grimoire. How's that for an ultimatum?"

"Oh boy, Agatha, honey, calm down. Didn't you say you wanted to go to sky blossom city? Let us not waste time entangling these people. Give them what they want and we can go to the sky blossom city, remember Aba still needs you," Number Nine who earlier was opposed to the idea of Agatha rushing to the sky blossom city now advised Agatha to stop wasting time arguing with the circle's goon and rush to the sky blossom city to rescue Aba. As public servants, Number Nine or Ten could not be so indifferent about the lives of several hundred thousand mortals. So they could not sit by and watch the circle's semi-demigod in charge and Agatha make so light of so many innocent lives.

"..." Agatha did not respond to Number Nine but she was contemplating what she said. And then came to the conclusion that the alive Aba took priority over the dead boy. So diminishing the crazy glow in her eyes, she then said, "Take an oath that you will leave peacefully after I give you the grimoire, then we have a deal."

"Now that's something I can work with. But you too will have to take an oath stating that the grimoire you handover belongs to the boy," saying that the circle's semi-demigod in charge and his goons, card apprentice disguised liches included took an oath stating that they would leave peacefully after Agatha handed them the boy's grimoire.

"I too promise to give you the boy's grimoire to the best of my knowledge," after taking her oath Agatha handed the golden grimoire that she believed to belong to the boy to the circle's semi-demigod in charge, she did not fail to mention this particular detail in her oath. Clearly, she was still not sold on the boy's death.

After getting the grimoire that Agatha believed to be the Boy's grimoire the circle's semi-demigod in charge did not waste a second and used the temporary teleportation array formation set up by his goons to teleport out of the southern region.

"Agatha, I am sorry. This is to stop you from harming your and our interest," As soon as the semi-demigods from the Circle left, Number Nine signaled Number Ten, who moved in to knock Agatha unconscious as Number Nine engaged Agatha in a conversation to distract her. Considering that it was a sneak attack and Agatha was weakened in the aftermath of activating Heaven's sanction trap card, she could not put up any struggle as Number Ten knocked her out.

"She is going to be pissed when she wakes up."

"Not our problem."