

Chapter 1085 Artificial

Date- 4 April 2321

Time- 13:14

Location- Southern Region, Blossom District, Unknown Location

I know from arguing with Jill about her being my first to us holding hands, I was not acting like someone who would not develop feelings as a result of the arrangement I had with Jill. In my defense, Jill seduced me with her bare bubble but in her black thong.

Soon Jill led me to the exact center of the underground dungeon, and what do you know I did not see a dungeon core there instead I saw a huge sinkhole, similar to the one I saw in the dungeon above which led me into this dungeon.

But, there was one thing different about this sinkhole, unlike the one at the center of the dungeon above, this did not appear endless as the darkness filled it and covered its end.

At the bottom of this sinkhole, there was a pool of highly-refined soul energy. What was surprising was that the soul energy seemed to gather at the pool out of thin air.

"Fuck, is this what I am thinking?" I asked Jill solemnly.

"Yes-if you are thinking that it is the formation of the dungeon," Jill said, not knowing if what the boy was thinking was the same as the answer she thought of.

"Yes, yes, I am. I can't believe it. I am witnessing the formation of a dungeon from within the dungeon itself," What I was seeing was something thousands of researchers and academicians would kill to watch.

Witnessing a dungeon formation was not a rare sight but watching its creation from within as it formed was. Nobody, not even demigods dared to enter a dungeon about to be formed as the space inside it can be so volatile and overbearing that even a demigod will not last for long in there.

"Wyatt, come back, don't go past that line, otherwise we will be swept in the space swirl," Jill cautioned me seeing that I tried to near the edge of the sinkhole mesmerized by the beauty of the pure soul energy generating out of thin air and gathering at the pool at bottom of the sinkhole. It was like watching a waterfall, waterfalls where highly-refined concentrated soul energy replaced the water.

"Thank you," I thanked Jill for reminding me. And then used my soul pupils to uncover the source of the pure soul energy that was being generated out of thin air.

It took a whole but soon I uncovered veins of soul energy that were responsible for the pure soul energy that appeared out of thin air.

These soul energy veins, there was something wrong about them. As they were very thin, about a mature woman's wrist. which was nothing compared to even the smallest of the textbook soul energy vein, they were as thick as a fully grown human head at the minimum. I gave it a thought but I could not put a finger on what was the problem here so I decided to ask Jill.

"Jill, what's wrong with the soul energy veins? Why are they so thin?"

"You notice- Wait, How did you notice them?" Jill had accepted the boy to notice the problem with soul energy veins but she had yet to show him the charts drawn by the machine. Causing her to doubt how he noticed the problem with the soul energy vein.

"By now you should know better than ask me that," I said nonchalantly and waited for her to answer my question.

"..." Jill stared at me for a while before giving up on holding her breath in getting an answer from me. Instead, she answered my question, "It is because these soul energy veins are artificially made. They are not natural."

"That's impossible, soul energy veins are natural, that's a fact. Not to mention the amount of soul energy required for someone to create a soul energy vein of this size," I said in disbelief because what Jill said was equivalent to her claiming humans succeeded in artificially creating hydrocarbon reservoirs. Now that's how crazy what Jill said was when she claimed that the soul energy vein was artificial.

"You will come around when you find where the soul energy veins start," Jill said with great confidence.

As much as I trust Jill as a capable researcher, what she was claiming here was a challenge to the current norms of things because if the artificial creation of spiritual veins was possible then people could artificially create dungeons. That doesn't stop with that as many other possibilities open up. As what Jill claimed was equal to having incredible power at our fingertips.

If I were a normal card apprentice I would yell blasphemy but I was not and knew if Jill claimed something serious like that, then she had strong reason to believe what she claimed was true.

So I decided to heed her advice and search for the start of the soul energy vein with my soul pupils. It was endless. It easily outgrew my range of sight but I noticed that all the soul energy veins were coming from one direction and that was where the Sky blossom city was located.

Remembering that Jill claimed her research was somehow connected to the dungeon relocation experiment conducted by Luna in sky blossom city, I connected the obvious dots but it was too… too… fuck! This should not be possible. Jill was right if others were to learn of it it could spell disaster for the humankind of this world.

"Sky blossom city, I can't accurately pinpoint the exact origin of the soul energy veins but it seems to be coming from that direction," I answered.

"How the fuck are you doing that?" Jill yelled at the boy in utter dismay. As what he said was accurate. She had to set up a series of equipment and put in the correct calculations and spend days just verifying what the boy found in minutes.

Jill located this dungeon based on her calculation from a similar case in the capital therefore after locating this dungeon first thing she did was cross-check her calculations to come up with a universal formula to locate this kind of phenomenon whenever a dungeon relocation experiment is held.