

Chapter 1112 Karl's Origin Card

Date- 4 April 2321

Time- 21:23

Location- Central Region, Unknown Location, Circle's headquarters.

Karl shook his head knowing that it was near impossible to hide the news that one of the disciples of the Yin-yang harmony sect had used their sect's signature array, the desolate punisher array, to slaughter their employer. If this was an isolated situation then he may have been able to keep the lid on this by buying and silencing whoever he could but the southern royal family and cronies from the central government were involved in his incident, making it impossible to keep this incident hidden.

Thinking of this Karl sighed, not only did loss one of his priced origin cards, Myriad Devil Body, but it was starting to seem that his plan for the Yin-Yang sect was about to end even before it started.

Karl's origin card allows him to create the perfect incarnations of himself by sacrificing a small percentage of his active soul control to refine a developing foetus inside a womb into his incarnation. The incarnation created by his origin card would have a complete and perfect individuality with capability to feel emotions have virtue and sins, making the perfect incarnation which even the world's will would fail to trace back to Karl allowing these incarnations to contract their own grimoire and have two unique origin cards. Incarnation created by this method, themselves have no idea that they were the incarnation until Karl himself wants them to and despite their individuality the incarnations would be under control of Karl as he can control their life and death using his origin card.

Using this origin card of his, over the century Karl has been able to plant many incarnations of his in many big and small sects and organizations across the world. The semi-demigod subordinate he just turned into a origin card and Mike from the sun blossom city, both were his incarnations. Not just these two but the entire core membership of the Circle were filled with Karl's incarnations.

Since the entire core management of the Circle was made up of Karl's perfect incarnations, it was not very hard for him to turn the circle from a small criminal organization from the sky blossom city to occupy a foothold at the central region's capital city. With the entire core management of the circle made up of him, the circle was like a well oiled machine, everyone working towards one goal without any office drama and politics. Making it the secret of the circle's success.

Karl's origin cards applications did not end there, it had many other additional effects that would make it simply too easy to communicate with his incarnations, as if all of them were one and the same despite Karl being the dominant of all his incarnations. This was also the reason why Matron was not able to use her origin card to make her way into the Circle's core. This huge secret of Karl's was what brought Sansa to trust him as a partner.

"How did it come to this?" Karl muttered to himself as he has never taken such a huge loss since he founded the circle. Both Myriad Devil Body and the relationship with Yin-yang harmony sect were the key pieces to his plan of world domination but he lost them in just one night.

One of Karl's incarnations was fighting for the spot of the position of the next leader of the Yin-yang harmony sect. This all started with the unexpected death of the Demigod Yin Widow, despite what the Yin-yang harmony sect had made the world believe, as one of the elder Demigod and with a demigod son, Yin Widow held a key position in the Yin-yang harmony sect, even after her numerous scandals she had strong following and authority in the sect. However with her death the balance maintained between the forces of the sect fell, making it possible for one of his incarnations within the Yin-yang harmony to fight for the position of the heir. As a show of power of his incarnation in the Yin-yang harmony sect, the circle had made many lucrative deals with the sect in return Circle was able to avail many of Yin-yang sects privileges.

But now as one of their headquarters became the origin for the upcoming public relation shit storm for the Yin-Yang harmony sect regarding the safety of the desolate punisher array, Karl felt that it would weaken the stance of his incarnation in the Yin-yang harmony sect succession wars. Yes, it was not the Circle's fault that Ji Feng decided to use the desolate punisher array to bite the hand that feed him but in the politics this did not matter if the Circle was one of the victim here, as long as it helped their agenda that would call their father impotent and mother a whore.

"Where did it go all wrong?" having gone through the memories of the semi-demigod he just converted into an origin card, Karl was starting to believe that there was a huge conspiracy behind this incident, but he could not put his finger on it.

He had already eliminated the southern royal family, Demigod Windsor and Asong as the culprits, seeing how they had no knowledge of the Matron and paw clan, it was clear that these people were not up to date about the undercurrents of the all five regions.

As for someone from the Yin-Yang harmony sect, it was less likely because this incident was going to cost a lot, they may become a wallflower from the social butterfly they are now. Therefore the Yin-yang harmony sect was definitely not behind this.

Leaving only one person, the person who informed him of the boy attacking the sun blossom city headquarters, Matron. She knew everything about this incident, from when the boy would be attacking to the semi-demigods protecting him, and how to overcome Mike's origin card ability. This doubt of Karl was the reason why he had asked his semi-demigod subordinates to prioritise retrieving Mike's corpse from the boy instead of killing him. As he suspected, Matron had already prepared a response in case he did not take her bait to kill the boy, that was to have her men assassinate the boy.

The deadly thing about this plot was, if his semi-demigod subordinates did not return to sun blossom city to get the real corpse of Mike from the boy the allied semi-demigod present at scene would believe that the assassins belonged to the Circle, and worst part of this was that they would start connecting all the assassination in the central region conducted in similar fashion to the boy's assassination as the doing of the circle. This way the rumors of a secretive assassination organization would disappear and the Circle would be left taking heat from the world.

This was why when Agatha insisted about the information about the assassins that killed the boy, Karl allowed his semi-demigod to speak of the secretive assassination organization killing important people around the world.

Due to all these seemingly coincidental incidents Karl had already begun to believe that Matron was conspiring against him, while making sure she was not breaking the simple oath they took to strengthen each other's trust in the other.

The only reason why Karl was not acting out against the paw clan despite believing Matron was conspiring against him and his organization was because of his secret that she held in her hand.