

Chapter 1116 Anna's Ex

Date- 4 April 2321

Time- 8:55

Location- Southern Region, Southern Capital, Royal Palace

Hearing demigod Backster's sarcasm, Colleen did not add any comments. Though he was her employee she could not stop him from expressing his dissatisfaction with his employer.

"Your highness, how long are you going to hold it against me? I used to date your granddaughter, I loved her more than anything in the world. I was considering to marry her, I even asked his majesty for his blessing to make an honest woman out of his granddaughter but just when it got serious she sent me to scour the unknown grounds of way beyond to get her the mythical nectar, by the time I returned she had slept with my best friend and bunch of other friends.

Who in the right mind does that? I was willing to die for her but she… If anybody has the right to be angry here it should be me, the love of my life cheated on me with my friends and the worst thing is I still love her. And I hate myself for that," demigod Backster poured the grievance in his heart out.

"Son, I am not angry towards you, my granddaughter did wrong by you, I feel ashamed, I just can't bring myself to face you. So I can only choose to avoid you," Colleen clarified that she was not angry with Demigod Backster instead she felt guilt for what her granddaughter did to him.

The day her husband told her that demigod Backster was going to propose to her granddaughter, she was happy for her granddaughter but then Anna went and did something nobody could have predicted or comprehended to this day.

"..." hearing Colleen answer that the reason she has been avoiding him was because of her guilt towards him, demigod Backster was without words and felt embarrassed for jumping to conclusions and creating a scene.

"If it helps, I was rooting for you two but I guess you two were not meant to be," Colleen added, hoping her words would console demigod Backster.

"It helps your highness," from demigod Backster's voice it was clear as day that he was still hung up on Anna.

Knowing Anna was hung up on somebody else enough to change her ways for good, Colleen could only shake her head feeling petty for demigod Backster, and said, "You should move on, Anna has already moved on."

"What do you mean your highness? Is Anna in a serious relationship with somebody else?" demigod Baclster asked, realizing Colleen's words had an underlying meaning to them.

"I hate to be the bringer of bad news for you however Anna seems to be serious about a boy but considering it's Anna I am not sure," Colleen genuinely meant what she said. She had known Anna long enough to know it was not easy for Anna to open her heart to someone but if she does then she grows dependent on them to the point of suffocation.

"Your Majesty, if you don't mind me asking how long has she been dating and how serious is she about it?" For someone who claims he hated himself for loving someone who betrayed his love and trust, demigod Backster seemed to have no qualms about investigating his unfaithful ex.

"Son, don't do this to yourself," Colleen said, thinking the best for demigod Backster.

"Your highness, please this may be what I need to move on," demigod Backster begged Colleen.

Colleen knew better but her guilt towards demigod Backster clouded her mind and she spilled the beans, "I don't know what those two have can be considered as a relationship but I know that Anna was serious enough to abstain from doing the deed for the boy, it hasn't been long but I haven't seen Anna so hung up on someone before. This was the first time I have ever heard Anna say she was in love."

Another reason for Colleen to cave was she felt demigod Backster was a better fit for her granddaughter than a country body even if he happens to be the inventor of the infamous silver milk powder.

Colleen has seen Anna jump from one man to another like changing clothes but she had never heard Anna describe the man she was dating as the love of her life. Despite her opinion about her granddaughter's love life, Colleen hopes that this was it.

"What?" demigod Backster said in surprise, having dated Anna for a while he knew about Anna's high carnal desires so it came as a surprise to him that Anna still had not done the deed with her new partner.

While Anna was in a relationship with him she never once uttered the word love. And when he said it to her she would thank him. Because of this, demigod Backster used to think that despite her hyperactive sex life and numerous partners Anna was very serious when it came to love. So it came as a shock to demigod Backster when heard that Anna said she was in love with her new partner.

The more demigod Backster thought of his relationship with Anna, the illusion of a perfect relationship started to fall apart but they began to doubt Colleen's words and asked, "Your highness you sure Anna said she was in love?"

Demigod Backster found it easier to believe that Colleen was lying rather than think that what he had with Anna was just his imagination, an illusion that he used to fool himself into thinking that the girl he believed to be the love of his life was also in love with him.

It was not clear if everything between Backster and Anna was him imagining things that were not there out of his love for Anna because Colleen, her husband, and her daughter also believed there was something between Anna and Backster.

Demigod Backster may be delusional but what about Anna's family? They were hoping he was the one for Anna, they would not think that unless they saw something real between Anna and Backster.

The answer to this was only known to Anna, others could only speculate.