

Chapter 1130 Agent Lois Forger

Date- 4 April 2321

Time- 11:53

Location- Central Region, Central Capital, Unknown, Field Marshal's Office

"Field Marshal Henricks, General Baylor," a suited tall blonde woman with a blind right eye greeted Henricks and his disciple. This woman was peculiar, she came off as a mysterious person. It may be because despite being fully capable of healing her right eye as a semi-demigod she chose not to or there was a story behind it. Seeing how the lady Agent had put thought into how she looked and dressed, it was clear that she did not, not, heal her right eye out of choice.

"General Baylor, meet Agent Lois Forger aka the miracle," Henricks introduced the tall blonde woman to his disciple and then added, "She is how the government plans to ensure the current peace."

"The Miracle?" Demigod Baylor asked, a little baffled. As a demigod, he has been in the presence of a lot of women not of choice of course but never had he spared them a second glance however there was something about Agent Forger that made him gaze into her dim eye, yes, her blind right eye. Glancing deeper into it he felt as if all his worries were being swallowed by it, he found that a weight was lifted off his shoulder, and suddenly he was reminded of his mother's warm embrace, the safest place on this soil…

"Neat trick, pity you are not a demigod," demigod Baylor commented, the entire time he was aware of the reality while he explored the mystery of Agent Forger's right eye.

"Respectfully, General, I wasn't trying," Agent Forger did not lie, she never activated any kind of ability or particularly targeted demigod Baylor. What demigod Baylor expired just now was just like the heat from the fire, if the heat was this strong then one had to wonder how strong would the fire be but then to figure that out one would have put their hand into the fire.

Demigod Baylor could not help but lift an eyebrow hearing the female agent, ever since he had become a demigod, there weren't many people that dared to challenge him let alone a semi-demigod. So demigod Baylor proactively added, "Interesting, someone is letting their pseudonym get to their head."

"Then I will politely have to ask the General to enlighten me in the arena," Forger took demigod Baylor's provocation seriously and challenged him to a fight.

"Enough," Henricks yelled, putting an end to the sparks flying between demigod Baylor and Agent Forger. And then glancing at Lois he sternly said, "Agent Forger, I know the government pampers you with many privileges but in the military you will follow proper conduct, when we are done here you will write a 1000-word letter of apologizing to General Baylor, got it."

"Yes, Sir, Field Marshal," Agent Forger agreed to her punishment without a word.

"Good, before we get to the business, General, it's better if you do not provoke Agent Forger, her abilities are a bit peculiar," There was a reason why Lois was addressed with the pseudonym 'The Miracle' and why the government pampered her. And demigod Baylor was going to learn it soon.

Demigod Baylor could not help but look at the female agent in a new light listening to his mentor. As Demigod Baylor's mentor Henricks had a better understanding of what his disciple was capable of, so for him to ask him to stay clear of the female agent meant that he thought demigod Baylor was not a match for 'The Miracle'.

"Okay," seeing Baylor and Lois behave, Henricks began the dialogue, "General, you must be aware of how for years now the Empire has been blaming our government of stealing their miracle."

"Yes, isn't that just a folklore that the church spun up for their followers to hate our government and the four royal families?" Demigod Baylor answered but could not help once again glance at Lois feeling she was somehow connected to what his mentor was about to say.

"No, that's not folklore, they speak the truth. We did steal what they believed as their miracle, and she is it," Henrick revealed, handing Lois a frozen glass of rum.

"What? I don't understand?" Demigod Baylor asked in confusion. Honestly, he felt that if he understood what his mentor meant then there was no turning back for him, he would become a part of the world that his mentor was in. Maybe it was already too late for second thoughts.

"They kidnapped me from the Empire when I was a toddler," Lois said nonchalantly as she spits back the rum she just sipped into the frozen glass and placed it on the tea table, causing the field marshal to frown. He hated it when people did not know how to appreciate good rum. If it were his disciple who did this he would slap him silly but it was the pampered daughter of the government, he could only show his displeasure but not act on it.

"What? Cold rum is not my cup of tea," Lois complained without bothering for the proper military conduct while addressing the Field Marshal.

"I don't blame you, I blame those old fools for pampering you too much," from the conversation between Henricks and Lois, it was apparent that they knew each other for a while now.

"Our government stole a toddler from the empire? How come I did not hear something like this until today? And you, you are okay with that," Demigod Baylor interrupted the duo's conversation and questioned them in utter shock and disbelief.

"General, you have done your share of covert operations in a foreign land to know how this goes," Henricks answered nonchalantly as if it was not a big deal.

"The Empire had kidnapped me from my mother so, I don't really care that these group of old guys kidnapped me from the empire," Lois spoke as he summoned her grimoire, pulled out a bottle of red wine, and began to chug it.

"..." Demigod Baylor noticed how Lois, unlike Henricks, addressed the government as a 'group of old guys' he felt he had heard something that he should not have heard.

"Yes, that's the stuff," Lois said, wiping her lips with the back of her hand.

"That's it your going to write another 1000-word apology letter for that glass of rum you defiled," Hearing Henricks, Lois looked at him wondering if this old gentleman was being serious, and could not help but look at demigod Baylor for an answer.

"Field Marshal loves his rum," Baylor uttered in his mentor's defense having regained his calm.