

Chapter 1133 Mighty Hubby

Date- 4 April 2321

Time- 12:14

Location- Central Region, Central Capital, Unknown, Field Marshal's Office

Walking out of his mentor's office Baylor did not immediately leave with rage in light of the confidential information he just received. Instead, he approached Jody, his mentor's assistant, "General Jody, about Lt.General Gilliam's call logs, can you share a copy of it with me?"

"Baylor, you know better than to ask me that. But since you have asked, let me remind you that what you are asking of me is against the proper protocol. I cannot share Lt.General Gilliam's call logs with anyone unless the Field Marshal permits it," Jody said without even sparing Baylor a glance.

Demigod Baylor did not argue with Jody and summoning his grimoire he took out an expensive and old bottle of liquor and placed it on Jody's desk saying, knowing why she was acting cold towards him, "Sorry, I couldn't make it to your son's wedding reception, I got caught in something important during the work."

Jody glanced at the liquor bottle before saying, "I will forgive you since I know you are not lying and because I like your wife, she was the life party after the couple left for their honeymoon."

Placing the liquor bottle in her grimoire she then said, "Though I can't share the call logs with you, I can tell you that Field General will not be happy with them because it is a dead end since who every Lt.General Gilliam was contacting was smart enough to use encrypt grimoire ID."

"Weren't the communication guys able to get past the encryption?" Baylor asked in displeasure as he still did not know who his assistant was actually working for.

"Nope, the conversation was too short for them to do that," Jody answered.

"Thank you, why can't I get an assistant like you," Baylor thanked Jody for the information.

"You could if you were not so uptight every time and this charming with everyone," commented Jody and then added, "If you are thinking of trading up your assistant, I might have a few recommendations, after you busted the corrupt officers club in the government, everybody's opinion about you has changed for the better. Word around the block is, being under command is one of the few fastest ways of accumulating merits."

Demigod Baylor understood what Jody meant, people believed that his command got the good missions because he was close to the Field Marshal. Demigod Baylor would have ignored such words considering the rumors generated out of jealousy but with his new knowledge about the government he knew better.

"Not yet, but I will remember your offer," saying that Demigod Baylor left the Field Marshal's office and headed straight to his command base to process what he discussed with his mentor and Lois.

This was the first time he had felt this helpless ever since he became a demigod. A shadow organization that can use demigods and high-level figures as chess pieces, demigod Baylor no longer understood the world he lived in. The news that the government that he believed in and worked hard to protect was just a puppet government, shook him the most. To think his mentor, a respected Field Marshal, and a powerful Demigod, was acting as a lobbyist for the organization running the current government, Demigod Baylor could not imagine how powerful this organization was. But this also made him look at royal families in a new light as they managed to stand on equal footing with them for centuries. Demigod Baylor did not care as long as they helped him keep Ellen's son safe.

Date- 4 April 2321

Time- 20:01

Location- Central Region, Central Capital, Baylor Mansion

Sansa summoned her grimoire being notified of an incoming call,

[Mighty Hubby Calling…]

The caller was her husband, Sansa didn't waste any time answering the call, "Are you working overtime?"

"Yes," Demigod Baylor answered awkwardly and then said the reason for his call, "I will not be able to make it for the dinner, so don't wait up for me."

"Is Ellen's son's situation that bad?" Sansa asked, faking the worry in her voice.

"Don't worry, I got it all under control," Demigod Baylor replied with a heavy heart.

"You know I can't help it until I see you and Ellen's son at my dinner table," Sansa was surprised that demigod Baylor had not heard about the boy's death yet but she did not let it hinder her acting.

"Listen, there is something I can't discuss with you, you are going to hear about it in the news but remember there is nothing to worry about it is all part of my plan," Knowing what the future had in store for him demigod Baylor decided to warn his wife about it because he knew she was the only person left in the world who would genuinely worry for him.

"Honey, I don't know what you're planning but do what you need to do, and remember to come home later I will be waiting for you right here, in our home, in sickness and happiness. Can you promise me that?" Sansa stopped faking it hearing the rarely heard uncertainty in her husband's voice and genuinely speaking from her heart.

"I don't deserve you," Demigod Baylor choked as he spoke these words, and calming himself down he said, "I promise you, I will always return to you until death do us part."

Though Baylor had promised this life for his unrequited love for Ellen, all Sansa asked him of was to be by her side and share his sorrow and happiness with her, as long as these two did not cross each other he had no qualms about promising Sansa what she asked for.

"Good, I will be waiting for you," after Sansa said that Baylor hung up as no more words needed to be spoken based on their mutual understanding of each other. They were an odd couple, one of a kind.

Though Demigod Baylor's heart had no place for Sansa, he had always been the model husband. He never felt short in that department, the problem was he could never bring himself to do what actually truly defined a marriage, still, he managed to check all the boxes except that one.