

Chapter 1135 Sales Pitch

Date- 4 April 2321

Time- 20:19

Location- Central Region, Central Capital, Baylor Mansion

Sansa did not continue to argue with Karl's Incarnation who called her agreeing to her offer instead she ended the call since all that needs to be said had been said. Now it was up to Karl's Incarnation to take action only then could she work her magic.

Decades ago when Sansa's paw clan allied with the fast-rising organization known as the Circle, she and Karl had reached a peace and mutual development agreement. But both knew that the other would not hesitate to stab a knife in their back when given the chance.

Yes, knowing each other's secrets allowed these two to trust each other but it also made them fear the other most. Therefore despite their alliance, each did not spare any effort to get the upper hand in the alliance between them.

For years Sansa tried to turn one of Karl's into her minion but that wasn't possible because if she tried to manipulate any of Karl's incarnations they would immediately inform Karl not to mention Karl could just access the memories of his incarnation using his origin card, therefore it was simply impossible for Sansa to plant a spy or turn one of Karl's incarnation into her lackey.

Karl and his army of clones were starting to prove the most formidable enemy Sansa had ever faced so far as her origin card which was the foundation of her unique operation was being countered by Karl's origin card and unique way of operation.

Learning the obstacle for her to gain an upper hand in her alliance with Karl, Sansa decided to dig deeper into Karl's origin card info and how his organization operated believing that there had to be something there that she could use to get what she wanted.

Achieving these two objectives wasn't easy for Sansa and her paw clan because she had never come across such a closed, tight-lipped, and secretive organization before, the upper management of the Circle was entirely made of Karl's Incarnations making it impossible for outsiders to get any information on the organization members let along the information on how the organization operated. As for Karl's origin card info, it was a dead end from the start.

Sansa could just kidnap a few of Karl's known incarnations and read their memories then kill them but that would be in violation of her alliance oath with Karl, she had unwittingly tied her own hands. But she had no other option because if she had put off an alliance with Karl, who knows what would happen next? So, she could only place the safe bet.

With limited options, it took a while for Sansa to come up with a counter against Karl, which was to offer his Incarnations a second life, one that was free from the shackles of Karl's origin card that was limiting their current life.

What made Sansa think that this would work?

Though Karl's incarnations were basically his clone, they had their own individuality which entitled them to their own grimoire and origin cards but this individuality of these incarnations was forcibly bound with Karl by Karl's origin card allowing him total control over his Incarnations.

Every individual yearns for freedom, and so did Karl's incarnations. Most of them had their own plans for their life, not everybody's plans of world domination like Karl and Sansa. But thanks to Karl's origin card his incarnations were always an arm's length from true freedom. They all had their life planned for them before they were even born, which was to be pawns in Karl's ambition for world domination.

Sansa could offer Karl's incarnation exactly what they yearned for their entire life, getting rid of the shackles that limited them to be nothing more than Karl's pawn in his great plan. But there was a problem.

What Sansa was offering Karl's incarnations was too good to be true for them, so it was not a surprise that they did not trust her when she approached them with an offer that she thought they wouldn't be able to refuse and immediately rejected her. So in desperation, Sansa could only erase and replace the memories of the incarnations she approached, so that Karl would never get wind of what she was up to.

Seeing how none of Karl's incarnations were willing to trust her and take a leap of faith, Sansa was back to where she started thanks to her origin card. Karl's Incarnations weren't being cowardly but practical, though suppressed under Karl they were leading a good life, who to say that would continue once they take Sansa's offer if it was possible? Like Sansa's Paw clan, the Circle too gave its members lots of benefits which were very attractive even for those of Karl's Incarnations who were born in big families and clans.

The biggest advantage of Karl's origin card was that he could refine the babies of high-ranking people in society. Once these babies grow up they not only help Karl infiltrate these families and sects but also become the connecting bridge between these families and Karl's organization the Circle. Allowing the Circle to grow in every possible direction in the world market. This was the main factor that made Circle a very strong organization despite its very short history.

With her brilliant offer being rejected by Karl's incarnations Sansa wrecked her brain to understand what she was missing. She had a good product in her hands but she was having trouble selling it to the target audience. Yes, she needed a better sales pitch.

With that in mind, Sansa began to consider what she offered to Karl's incarnation from their perspective. This way she could come up with a good sales pitch to sell her product to her targeted audience.

Then she realized, no matter their difference Karl and his incarnation consider each other one big family. And if she approached them asking to turn on each other it would be equal to asking them to turn on themselves and no matter how good her offer was she would be rejected all of the time