

Chapter 1139 Choice

Date- 4 April 2321

Time- 21:16

Location- Central Region, Central Capital, Baylor Mansion

"Please spare my family," Sansa was monitoring Karl's incarnation's memories as he begged Karl not to harm his family for his mistakes. She was meticulous and careful about monitoring Karl's incarnation's memories because the timing of consciousness transfer had to be perfect otherwise they would risk Karl becoming aware that something was amiss.

"Nonsense, your family is my family, why would I hurt them, we are one after all. I hate that it has to end like this but it was nice knowing a part of me this closely," Sansa watched through Karl's incarnation's memories as Karl activated his origin card preparing to refine his semi-demigod incarnation into an origin card.

The timing was the key here, Sansa had to make sure that Karl or his origin card did not realize that she or somebody or something had swapped out his incarnation's consciousness with a duplicate one.

And Sansa stuck to the timing and successfully managed to transfer Karl's incarnation's consciousness into her origin card while living behind a modified duplicate consciousness behind.

"I can't believe it, it worked," Sansa was surprised seeing how smoothly she was able to achieve her agenda without tipping Karl off.

Sansa has rehearsed and used consciousness transfer on and for her minions but she never had she used the consciousness transfer under such circumstances. So she was not sure if she could pull it off but it appears she had underestimated herself. Yes, she did assure Karl's incantation that she got this despite having her doubts, she did nothing wrong as that's the part of the job, the hunter does not spook the deer as he hunts it.

Patting her back for a job well done, Sansa immersed her consciousness into her origin card to communicate with the consciousness of Karl's incarnation.

"Hey, I told you I could do it. So how are you feeling?" Sansa asked

"I am fine but I am a little disappointed, this was not what I had in mind when I heard consciousness transfer, it all happened so fast, one moment I feel my body being refined and the next moment I feel my consciousness being pulled by an unknown force, and now I wake up to your sound. I guess I had high expectations," answered Karl's Incarnation's consciousness.

"Since you have the strength to blubber I'm and on, I believe you, you are fine," Sansa did not bother to entertain Karl's incarnation's small talk and instead headed straight to deciding what happens to him next.

"..." Karl's incarnation was not bothered by Sansa's words as he did not have time for that right his thoughts were occupied with fearing for his future. A question kept popping into his array of thoughts no matter how much he tried to ignore it or suppress it, 'Did he transfer from one slave camp to another?'

"Hey, focus. I don't have time to waste on your little paranoia," Sansa had full access to Karl's incarnation's consciousness, so she could hear his thoughts and knew what he was worried about. But she did not bother to waste time assuring him because actions were more powerful than words, or at least in this case.

"Yes, I am with you. What do you need me to do?" Karl's Incarnation cooperated with Sansa readily knowing his life and death were now in her hands.

"Now you choose," said Sansa.

"Choose what?" Karl's incarnation enquired Sansa but in his thoughts, he screamed, 'There it is.' The thing he was dreading was finally going to happen.

"Can you just relax? Listen, here's the deal, I am going to tell you this one time, do not make me repeat myself, okay?"


"I promised you a free life and I am going to give it to you, I am a woman of my word. You have nothing to worry about here, alright?"


"All I am asking you right now is to choose what type of body you want your consciousness transferred into. An artificial one or you want to refine a living person into your new body. Whichever body you end up choosing I am fine with it and I will get that one for you. Do you understand me?"

Sansa still ended up assuring Karl's incarnation about her motives for him. She had no choice, he was so paranoid that every word she said to him was filtered by his thoughts such that they all sounded the worst possible thing.

There was no way Sansa could talk to Karl's incarnation, his mental condition was not right. So to get through to him Sansa had no choice but to use her words to calm him down, to allow her to take action, providing her with the chance to prove that her intentions for him were nothing but good and not malice driven.

"I do. And since you are asking I guess there are advantages and disadvantages to opting for transferring my consciousness to either of my body," Hearing Sansa say out loud that she was going to hold up her end of the promise, Karl's Incarnation finally found some peace.

Why did he trust Sansa's words? First, he had no choice in that matter, and second, the thing about self-made criminal masterminds like the Matron and the Supreme leader was they were people of principle. Nobody knew about honoring one's word better than them.

"Yes, an Artificial body will be specifically designed for your consciousness but if you opt for that you will have to cultivate active soul control from the start. However, I can promise you that the artificial body will be created to display the peak talent and abilities of a mortal.

Nonetheless, if you were to opt to refine a living person into your new body, their realm, and soul energy becomes yours, you do not have to practice from scratch but further advancement in your realm will become difficult. If you were to choose this option I can get you a demigod realm body at best.

Now you know the options choose one," Sansa explained the pros and cons of the two types of bodies Karl's interaction could transfer his consciousness into in a very detailed manner. Now it was up to Marl's incarnation to choose.

"If I were to choose to refine a living person's body into my new body will I get to assume their original identity and live their life? Do I get a choice on whose body to refine as my new body?" Karl's incarnation came up with reasonable doubt which anybody in his position would wonder.

"Sure, why not?" answered Sansa casually without giving it much thought. With what her paw clan was capable of this was nothing, she could help Karl's incarnation assume an existing person's identity.

"So can you help me refine Karl?" Karl's incarnation stated his choice to Sansa. He was not trying to be smart with Sansa but he really hoped that if he could assume anyone's identity in the entire world then it had to be Karl. The reason behind this choice made by Karl's incarnation was obvious.

Listening to Karl's incarnation ask her to get him the body of his previous boss, Sansa rolled her eyes and said, "How about I transfer your soul into a pig monster's body instead?"

"Geez, you could have answered with a simple no," argued Karl's incarnation.

"And you could have just chosen someone whom I actually make available for you," Sansa did not plan on letting it turn this argument into a debate so she asked, "Just state your, or I will make the choice for you. Believe me, when I say you will not like what I will choose for you one bit."

​ "Fuck it, you are right I should stop obsessing over my past and get over with it. I always wanted to make my own life. Now that I have been presented with an opportunity I don't want to take any shortcuts. But before I opt for the artificial body, can you tell me what age my new body will be and what my new identity will be?" Karl's incarnation finally reached a decision, but he still had doubts about an artificial body. He was okay with starting and building up from scratch but not okay with his new body being a toddler.

"Any age, gender, or race you want it to be. As for the identity, I will have my guys figure something out. And if you have any suggestions about the kind of identity you want, you can talk to them when you have a body. So what is it going to be, huh?" Sansa patiently answered Karl's incarnation's doubts.

With the capabilities of the members of her paw clan, creating a fake persona along with the birth certificate to other government IDs was not a big deal for them. Or She could just model the artificial body in the shape of an actual living person so Karl's incarnation can just assume their identity. All this was not even a problem worth mentioning for someone with Sansa's capabilities.
