

Chapter 1146 Help

Date- 5 April 2321

Time- 01:46

Location- Central Region, Central Capital, Warp Array Building

"Are you sure about this? When I tried the same, the southern royal family was not that welcoming and accommodating," General Baylor said to Agent Lois who was planning on using the warp array to travel to the southern place wrap array.

"Relax General, military and secret police are not the same. No matter how daring the Soldier Queen is she will have to respect this," Lois said, pointing at the badge sewn on her lapel.

"Secret police, is that what you call your organization?" General Baylor asked.

"General, we have many names but today we will be using the secret police, try and keep up," said a red-headed man dressed in a similar fashion as Agent Lois. But unlike Agent Lois, he was a card demigod.

"Agent Uri, don't worry about me, I will try not to hold you guys back but shouldn't I be restrained to make this look more believable?" General Baylor was not bothered by Agent Uri's words rather he acted suspiciously docile.

"Change of plans, the southern royal family did not take the bait, so we have no choice but to use the secret police status to legitimize your investigation against them," Agent Lois answered.

After learning that General Baylor had abused his authority to open an investigation into the southern royal family and its recent activities, Soldier Queen Colleen did not act according to the norms, instead of suing General Baylor for abusing his power to harass them, she let him be as if it did not concern them. This was unlike Soldier Queen Colleen's nature, clearly, someone else in the southern royal family acted. So, now Agent Lois could personally charge General Baylor with abuse of power but that would be within the calculation of whoever from the southern royal family intervened and stopped Soldier Queen Colleen from walking into their trap, which meant that they would be walking into whatever trap the southern royal family had in store for them.

Agent Lois was not afraid of a challenge but the thing was the southern royal family only needed to stall for time to achieve their goal, so despite knowing this Agent Lois was to charge ahead then she would definitely not be able to achieve her objective and instead be helping the southern royal family. Therefore Agent Lois decided to address this situation with a different approach even though it will ruffle the four royal families.

The approach Agent Lois decided to use was to legitimize General Baylor's investigation into the silver milk powder fraud case by saying that it was the Secret Police who asked general Baylor to investigate the southern royal family and the silver milk powder fraud case. But doing this meant that the government was directly interfering with the Southern Royal family which would cause the other three royal families to come to the southern royal family's defense. But it was worth it because Agent Lois had received news from her operative that Dr. Luna was done with her dungeon relocation experimentation. So the situation had progressed to the point where it was now or never. As for the political repercussions from the royal families for the government interference, as long as she completed her mission it was the organization behind the puppet government's problem.

"I see," Hearing Agent Lois say that they would be legitimizing the investigation he opened into the silver milk powder fraud case off the books, General Baylor was surprised because he thought the organization was going to use this dirt on him to make him their bog. Despite this, General Baylor did not stop being cautious of Agent Lois or the organization behind her.

"Consider this as a show of faith. Hope, field marshal was not wrong about you," Agent Lois decided to use this to change General Baylor's opinion towards the organization.

"I thank you for that but let me make it clear if I wasn't before I am only in this for the safety of the boy," General Baylor did not bother to assure Agent Lois about where he stood with regards to the organization behind her because he knew unless they decide to trust him nothing he said or did would change their opinion about him. So he did not waste time proving his loyalty to Agent Lois and spoke his mind.

"We want the same," said Agent Uri.

"Good, to know we are on the same page," with this General Baylor made it harder for the two Agents to read his mind and left them guessing.

"Good, the array is ready. Remember once we get there let me do the talking," Agent Lois said, eyeing Agent Uri. In response Agent Uri nodded, it seems despite being a demigod he was not offended to follow the orders of a semi-demigod. This was not because Agent Uri was being understanding and considerate but because Agent Lois was that capable.

With that, the three stepped into the warp array and arrived at the southern region. This time it wasn't just Soldier Queen Colleen who came to welcome them but another demigod had tagged along with her, it was the demigod Backster. The person who grew to fame having dated the Southern Emperor for a record time.

"What brings the secret police to my palace?" Colleen did not bother with small talk and directly questioned the presence of the secret police on her soil.

"Your majesty, it has been brought to our notice that the esteemed southern royal family is taking part in something nefarious that would affect the entire humanity. So, I request your majesty to help us prove that the allegation made against the southern royal family holds no merit and was made out of malicious intent," Agent Lois explained the visit of the secret police to the southern royal palace politely.

"Oh, and how do you want me to help you?" Soldier queen Colleen did not even bat an eye hearing Agent Lois instead she played along.

"If your majesty doesn't mind, you could start by kindly providing us with your full cooperation in our investigation."