
Chapter 1192 Tricking The Devil

Chapter 1192 Tricking The Devil

Date- 5 April 2321

Time- 04:14

Location- Southern Region, Blossom district, Sky Blossom City, Outskirts

"No, I don't want to enter the bet," Belphegor rejected without a second of consideration after hearing the stakes of the bet. He was greedy, but not a fool. Just the thought of losing everything and not gaining anything scared Belphegor. Then shaking his jet-black monster worm head he said, "I made a promise to exchange for my recommendation quota if you offered a fair price so I will ask you once again, do you want to trade my devil merchant code recommendation quota for your demigod's soul that has been to the river of souls?"

"Wow, just like that, uh, you are not even going to consider that if you win the bet you will get everything you want without paying for it," I was surprised to see Belphegor not be swayed by the juicy winning stakes I offered to him and reject the bet. It seems I misread him, Belphegor was not just greedy but a hoarder. Someone like that would not take a risk of losing everything. It seems losing his wealth was what limited his greed. I seem to have not provoked him enough, now if only I could do something about that.

"Yes, no doubt. So are we doing this trade or should I just leave?" Belphegor asked the monster worm knowing if he stayed here any longer he may not be able to suppress his greed for the demigod's soul that has been to the river of souls and the two special mortal souls.

"Fine, let's trade, your devil merchant code recommendation quota for my demigod's soul that has been to the river of souls," I agreed to the trade with Belphegor having figured out just the thing that would provoke Belphegor enough to agree to my bet despite his better judgment.

"Good, I guess you do not have the demigod's soul on your person," Belphegor said knowing somebody of the monster worm's realm would prefer to stash something as valuable as the demigod's soul someplace than carry on person.

"Yes, I can get you the demigod's soul within a week until then let's sign a devil's pact with my special mortal soul as collateral. That should do right?" I did not have time to find Cortney and get the bonded storage card I stashed in Bloodette's dungeon seal therefore I planned to enter a devil's pact with Belphegor stating that I will pay him due demigod's soul that has been to the river souls within a week and if I fail to do so he can come to collect my soul. Only this way would I be able to get my hands on Belphegor's recommendation quota right away.

"Good, will you draft the contract or shall I?" Belphegor would usually draft a crafty contract for his customers but today it was different, his customer was not only smart but also knew his true name. With devil merchant code watching there wasn't much room for Belphegor's tricks, not to forget even if he were to make the contract, the customer could always ask him to make some changes according to their concerns, making drafting a contact a troublesome chore so Belphegor decided to throw the paperwork to his customer.

"I have already drafted a contract using your true name, sign it and give me the recommendation quota," I said summoning my golden grimoire which had the contract drawn under both our true names. As for the witness, both the card world's will and devil merchant code were mentioned. And it had many other terms and agreements in line with the interest of both parties signing the trade contract. Such as no-return policies, customer and merchant safety policies, and other standard stuff. I really couldn't appreciate the Hive AI enough if not for it I could not read the original customer copy of the devil merchant codes or draft his solid contract within seconds.

"Everything seems fine," After going through the contract and finding no loopholes and flaws Belphegor was impressed by the monster worm's thoroughness as he signed it and then summoning a card he handed it to the monster worm saying "Here's your devil merchant code recommendation quota, Dalton Wyatt."

Taking the card from Belphegor, I went through its card info only to find that it was bonded to the name I used in the contract. It was a good thing that I did not use a false name otherwise, it would be a real embarrassment to be caught red-handed.

"See you in a week," Belphegor said preparing to leave but I interrupted him saying, "Belphegor, before you leave do you want to know how I got the demigod's soul that has been to the river of souls?"

Without waiting for Belphegor's answer, I began to narrate how I got my hands on demigod Redfall's soul omitting the obvious details but as soon as I said Bloodline Meaning of the Blood Rule, Belphegor immediately yelled interrupting me, "Bloodline Meaning, is that how this demigod soul was able to escape the river of souls and descend to this world?"

"Yes, is there a problem," I asked Belphegor with mockery apparent in my voice. I need to be as much as jerk I could be about this so that I can provoke Belphegor enough to go against his better judgment.

"You left this information on purpose, didn't you?" Belphegor was enraged, he was tricked by a mortal no less, he want to rip the damned monster worm apart even if he risked being penalized by the devil merchant code but the contract he signed had a very strict customer safety policy that stopped him from doing so. As, if he were to breach it, what would await him was not a penalty from the devil merchant code but a death sentence.

"Belphegor, congrats on becoming the first devil merchant to be tricked by a mortal customer," I said looking at the jet-black monster worm whose black beady eyes had turned red out of rage and embarrassment it felt for being tricked.