

Chapter 1200 Gigamite's Invulnerable PhysiqueChapter 1200 Gigamite's Invulnerable Physique

Date- 5 April 2321

Time- 04:15

Location- Southern Region, Blossom district, Sky Blossom City, Outskirts

Lois's maniac laughter came to an abrupt halt when the boy's eye level went higher than hers. To her surprise, the boy had not only grown taller than her but he looked more monstrous than before. It wasn't just the floating heads and hands behind him, he looked as if a giant monster barely fitting in its human skin suit, he was intimidatingly hideous. But there was an unidentified charm to his appearance, it was not a physical charm but an instinctive charm of the wild, like that of an alpha. The cruelty and strength conveyed by his hideous appearance somehow made him more appealing and attractive.

Unleashing my second transformation I felt unbound, especially with the devil's power coursing through my body. I got a sense of being invincible and a craving for a fierce fight grew in my heart. It was as if every fiber in my body down to its cells was yelling, 'Fight! Fight! Fight!'

I always considered myself a man of curiosity but today something in me or the Gigamite part of me was craving war and destruction. Now I see the point of Viltronains slaying every mutant ViItronian Gigamite right at their birth. For me to be influenced to crave destruction and war despite my painful past, was this the cost of gaining strength?

​ *Boom!* I don't know, I just swung my left fist and punched Lois's face. Gigamite's physical prowess was unmatched, combined with the devil's power my punch should have knocked Lois into the air but it did not. She received my attack with her face while her right eye shone brightly and I felt the force behind my fist drain but I did not just have one left fist but three. Though Lois blocked one of my fists the other two landed on her left ribcage throwing her into the air, after her body made one complete spin and fell to the ground, sending tremors in the surrounding. Fortunately, we were far away from the city but still… hopefully the city would not be dragged into this fight.

Lois quickly got up as if she hadn't taken any damage but her eyes told a different story. However, she did not spare any thought to the injury and dashed at the boy ready to throw a fist at him but to her dismay, before she could even get close to the boy the four arms floating behind the boy floated in front of him and began to charge at her like four missiles, left with no choice Lois had to retreat knowing that with the boy's prediction-type ability maybe she should forget about melee combat and stick to power ranged attacks. Lois was not wrong to think that, as her opponent had three heads and six arms adding to that a prediction-type ability, her chance in the melee battle were not good but Lois was not ready to give up yet.

Lois once again charged at the boy but this time she activated the effects of her card, chanting, "Boundless fist."

So when the four floating fists came to interrupt her charge she threw a punch aiming at all four of the fist. The four fists of the boy greeted Lois's boundless fist with a barrage of punches, eventually bringing Lois's punch to a halt but then she threw another boundless fist with her other arm, in response the four arms could only join together to form a shield. And to Lois's surprise, the four arms together were able to stop her boundless fist. But she wasn't done yet, she threw another boundless fist with her other arm and turned her attack into a barrage of boundless fists. However, after throwing numerous punches at the makeshift shield created by the joining of four floating arms Lois was astonished to see that they were able to persist under her attack making her wonder how thick was the boy's skin to withstand her boundless attacks effortlessly.

But just as her barrage of punches stopped the four arms separated revealing the boy, who pounced upon her throwing a punch aimed right at the center of her chest. Lois immediately crossed her arms in front of her chest as a defense as she did not have the time to move her face to greet the incoming fist. When the boy's fist landed on her hands, Lois's pupils widened under the sheer amount of pain that was transmitted to her brain as her body was blown back a few miles under the impact of the punch.

Lois's body made a few rolls on the ground before she was able to forcefully bring her body to halt by digging her fists into the ground like an anchor. While getting up Lois dug up a huge boulder from the ground and threw it at the boy and she followed right behind it.

The incoming boulder was blown to smithereens by the floating arms of the boy giving an opening to Lois who closely followed behind the boulder to close in on the boy and land her boundless fist on his left shoulder but to Lois's surprise the boy took her boundless fist head on yet remained undaunted, so she turned her attacking into a barrage of boundless fists yet her continues punches despite landing on their target made no damage to it, no, the defense of the target was so strong that the damage of her boundless fists was negligible to it.

With such a shocking revelation, Lois's paused her attack only to hear the boy say, "You done? Now, my turn." Soon Lois felt six different locations on her body being attacked at the same time.

Once again her body was thrown back with the impact of the boy's attack but this time the boy did not stand around to let her get up rather he followed her free-falling body and landed a brutal kick in her gut causing fluids to spray out of Lois's mouth involuntarily. With this kick, Lois's body descend to the ground like a meteorite, and shock waves from the impact of her giant body on the ground caused huge landslides that buried a few low-rank field dungeons in the nearby area.