

Chapter 1202 Detained

Date- 5 April 2321

Time- 04:15

Location- Southern Region, Blossom district, Sky Blossom City, Outskirts

"Why the fuck are you still here? As a devil merchant shouldn't you be busy tricking some innocent soul somewhere," my clone asked the devil not caring about being polite.

"Five minutes is not long, I will wait. Besides, I feel a familiar breath from you and these two. It seems we have an acquaintance in common," the jet-black monster worm revealed its intentions.

"Do whatever you want, just stay away from us," my clone said to the devil. But the devil did not leave and shamelessly stuck around. As much as I would like to send Belphegor where he came from until the wager was over I could not send him back because Belphegor had the right to witness that wager.

"Wyatt, now that Grandma and Backster are here, why don't you ask for their help?" concerned for her young love Anna finally was unable to hold in her worries and spoke out.

As a card warrior herself, Anna knew the significance of a card duel, if it were her card duel she would not want anyone to interfere with it to help her until she was down. After all, one had to be alive to have pride. However, all that pride nonsense went out of the window at the sight of the slightest chance of her loved one being killed.

"I know you are saying that out of care for my well-being but trust me, I can have got this under control," The clone assured Anna not bothering to go into details about his pact with the devil. Besides, Anna's grandma offered to help earlier but I rejected her offer saying I have got everything under control here.

Then I turned to look at Ann and asked, "Why are my floater vessels detained by the southern watch?"

A while ago I received news from Van and Old Ben that as soon as the floater vessels they were traveling in, left sky blossom city, the southern watch detained their floater vessels without giving them any reason. I had a feeling that Lorenzo or Ann was behind this.

"Why are you asking me? I am not the southern emperor. The southern watch doesn't answer me," Ann dodged my clone's question. To which the clone raised an eyebrow and turned to look at Anna.

"I have no idea what you are taking, but if the southern watch has detained your people then there must be a reason. What were your people charged with? If it is nothing serious I will help them get out" Anna clarified and offered her help to the clone.

"You two, fine. Remember, this matter is not over here," My clone understood that Anna and Ann were playing ignorant on purpose so it did not bother to argue with them.

"Oh, my, a lover's spat," my clone and the twin turned to look at the jet-black monster worm hearing it comment on our argument, and yelled in unison, "Shut up."

"This one's name is Belphegor, be careful of him, I am returning to the original body," pointing its head at the jet-black monster worm my clone's body dissipated with the wind, leaving behind the Jet-black monster worm with the twins.

"Fuck," Lois cussed as she props herself up from the crater that had formed due to her crash. To Lois's dismay as she prepares to move she finds that the six places the boy had punched her body had their soul pathway arrangements damaged. Lois was shocked by this development because the boy's attacks were not only able to injure her physique but also damage their soul pathway arrangements meant that her regular recovery and healing potions would have a very difficult time healing these wounds.

Lois drank a potion and looked at the boy who was slowly approaching her and decided that she should not underestimate the boy just because his strength is borrowed and she should not be stubborn and continue to challenge the boy in a melee fight especially now that she knew that the boy's strength was able to breach her defense and harm her soul pathways. Damaging one soul pathway in the higher realms was not deadly but it was not easy to heal and very painful. So Lois's attitude toward the boy became very cautious.

Just when Lois was about to activate her range abilities, she froze feeling the presence of the soldier queen Colleen arriving. Though she was not afraid of being outnumbered however if Colleen was here then it could only mean that Agent Uri died in Colleen's hands or was captured by Colleen. Either one of them was not good news for her. Fortunately, Colleen did not choose to participate in their battle.

"Don't worry no one will come to interrupt our fight," I said to Lois who was distracted by Anna's grandma's arrival.

I assured Lois that nobody would interrupt our card fight as I did not want her to be spooked by Anna's grandma's arrival and flee. Who knows what her legendary physique was capable of and what abilities she was hiding, I did not want to take chances of betting that Lois would risk her life just to make sure I was dead.

"You may be really confident about your strength however I can't help but take it personally feeling you are underestimating me. Anyways, you are going to regret it if your source of confidence were your borrowed powers," Lois warned me before chanting, "Boundless Celestial Arts: Boundless Celestial"

Lois's right eye which was glowing glowed brighter then grew in size and did not stop growing until it swallowed her left eye, nose, and mouth, forming one huge crater of light. It looked as if Lois's face had vanished and been replaced by brilliant light, it very much resembled a motorbike headlight. Asides from that there were very minute changes to Lois's body but nothing notable except for the fact that I could feel Lois's presence everywhere. Seeing Lois's transformation one thought came to my mind, 'And she had the galls to call my transformation disgusting.'