
Chapter 1213 Traitor Within

Date- 5 April 2321

Time- 04:18

Location- Southern Region, Blossom district, Sky Blossom City, Outskirts

"So you were the hidden leader of the freedom fighters," field marshal Heatsend told her guess to field marshal Henricks having read the text from her sister-in-law.

"I knew I should not have used my ability that day to save you. Honestly, I thought you would have been able to figure out my identity a lot sooner. I am surprised it took you so long," Henricks did not deny field marshal Heatsend's guess.

"Yes, you are right I should have figured it out a lot sooner," field marshal Heatsend agreed with Henricks that she should have this connection a lot sooner. But in her defense, this man had saved her and her comrade's lives, so out of respect she choose not to pursue her suspicions about him till today. field marshal Henricks added, "Who else knows about your second identity?"

"You are the first, the only other person who knew my ability was killed by me," Henricks spoke the truth, even his disciple Baylor did not know his secret identity. The other person he spoke of was none other than his master who introduced him to the organization that ruled the world government from the shadows.

"I guess you had no choice that day," field marshal Heatsend spoke of the day Henricks used his ability to save her but did not kill her to keep his ability secret because in that circumstance everyone would know it was he who killed her.

"Still, it was worth it. Because of the deed that day, now the freedom fighters are the only producers and suppliers of silver milk powder in the world," Henricks said proudly. His organization had always lacked in terms of talented manpower and capital compared to the government. But now that they secured the only source of the new ingredient termed as 'silver milk' needed to produce silver milk powder it made them the only producers and suppliers of silver milk powder in the world. Which allowed them to gain the capital that would get them the required talented manpower.

With the possibility of a continuous stream of hefty income from selling silver milk powder in the black market, Henricks did not have to continue to serve as a corrupt field marshal to gather the funding to keep his organization running. Meaning he no longer had enough reasons to keep his second identity hidden. Though he would miss a cover to recruit good talents and gather information from all around the world for his organization. Now that his organization had the silver milk powder, they could nurture talents of their own and buy the information they need. What the freedom fighters needed right now apart from funding was a skillful and charming spokesperson so it was about time he reintroduced himself to the world.

"What about my granddaughter?" field marshal Heatsend asked in concern.

"As I promised, I will personally bring your granddaughter to you alive," Henricks was a man of his word. Since he gave his word to field marshal Heatsend that he would not bring harm to Luna then he would keep his word and not harm her.

"When did you recruit her as a freedom fighter?" listening to Henricks, field marshal Heatsend spoke without batting her eyes.

Field Marshal Heatsend knew for the government to know so much about the silver milk powder and the dungeon relocation experiment, they had a traitor amidst them. Her suspicions grew, wondering how did the government find out exactly when the dungeon relocation experiment was completed, Luna would be carrying the dungeon relocation card, and where to find her? This was where field marshal Heatsend had suspicions of Luna, after creating the dungeon relocation card why did Luna not send it to the secured location despite being ordered to do so and instead choose to keep it on her in the city?

After the dungeon relocation experiment was over, field marshal Heatsend ordered Luna to have someone immediately head to the secured location to deliver the silver beach gate dungeon card to Anna's mother while Luna continued the dungeon relocation experiment on another dungeon such that spies planted by the government would not know that the experiment was over but Luna stalled making an excuse that the silver beach gate dungeon card was not stable and only she could stabilize it.

This was not reason enough for field marshal Heatsend to call her granddaughter a traitor but when Henricks repeatedly confirmed that he would bring back Luna alive she knew for sure that Luna was in cahoots with the freedom fighters. Because the only way to get cards from a card apprentice's grimoire was by forcing the card apprentice to willingly handover the card but the royal family's progenies have been taught not to negotiate with terrorists leaving Henricks only option to kill Luna and use her soul energy signature to fool the world's will and get the card he wanted from her grimoire.

Yet, Henricks repeatedly claimed that he would return Luna to her alive. This meant that he was sure that Luna would go against the teaching of her family and give him the silver beach gate dungeon card. Though field marshal Heatsend wasn't sure why Henricks was so confident about this, in her eyes it would not matter much whether Luna was really a traitor because if she were to give the freedom fighters the silver beach gate dungeon card out of fear for her life, she would be considered as a traitor for going against the teaching of the southern royal family.

"Aren't you sharp? Does it make any difference to know when your granddaughter joined us?

Don't worry about Clown Mask, your family's secret is safe with me, keep her safe I will be picking that treasure trove up soon.

It is a pity that we did not get the boy today but we can always try another time." Henricks revealed enough for the field marshal Heatsend to confirm that Luna was the traitor within. Soon a portal appeared behind Henricks, and taking a step back he entered the portal as it closed. Leaving behind field marshal Headtsend who continued to keep the honor of the Heatsend Royal family.