
Chapter 1240 Joe Hill

Date- 5 April 2321

Time- 11:38

Location- Southern Region, Blossom district, Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse No.234

Now that the D-rank silver beach dungeon was stolen, the southern watch did not have a reason to stay, down here, in the blossom district. It was time for them to pack their bags and report to their regular posts. During their commute, Ann planned to have them make a quick stop at the sun blossom city and help Laura Hill's family with their pest problem from the central capital. Giving Ann leverage to start the talk of sponsorship with Laura.

"Hold that thought," Anna said suddenly gaining our attention.

"Anna, don't mess around. Sword Slave physique is worth our family's sponsorship," Ann felt that Anna was not on board with sponsoring the card apprentice with sword slave physique and tried to persuade her.

"No, not about that. I am talking about the company of southern watch soldiers returning to the southern capital. I have other plans for them," Anna spoke her mind telling that Ann misunderstood what was talking about.

"Anna, I am sure whatever plans you have for them can wait until after I have recruited the girl with sword slave physique," Ann said implying that they should be prioritizing recruiting the girl with sword slave physique over whatever plans Anna had for the southern watch soldiers.

"No, that is not necessary, the southern watch can do both my thing and help you recruit the girl at the same time," Anna answered, arguing that the southern watch could do both her and Ann's thing simultaneously. They did not need to prioritize one over the other.

"Anna, what is it that you are trying to say? Just spit it out, will you?" Ann was confused about what Anna was trying to say as she did not know what plans Anna had for the temporary southern watch company that was set to return to the southern capital now that they were no longer needed here in the sky blossom city.

"You guys remember how poorly the sky blossom city was being managed by its City lord and other leaders the first day I arrived here? Every year the southern royal family spends a lot of taxpayer money on distributing appropriate amounts of budget, subsidies, and incentives to every city under its regime. Yet somehow when we needed it the city array did not work and it was being run by a foreign organization, like the Circle, looting our citizens who pay us taxes to save them from these kinds of stuff happening to them.

The reason for this is the current system we have in place to keep these city lords and local leaders in check is no longer working like our ancestors who put them in practice thought they would. The current system has failed the common people big time. Therefore I have decided that the company of southern watch soldiers will not return to the southern capital but instead visit various cities to inspect that our taxpayer's money is being used for their intended purposes and not eating dust in the vault of corrupt bureaucrats and officials.

Taking our work in Sky blossom city as an example, the company of southern watch can get started on its new mission from sun blossom city. While they are there, they would pay a visit to the Hill family," Anna explained how she planned to use the company of southern watch to inspect the cities and also simultaneously help Ann recruit the girl with the sword slave physique.

"Anna, honey, I appreciate the fact that you have taken interest in managing your territory but what you just said is just dumb. When the southern watch is about to visit their city the City lords and the local leaders will behave and even pour money to make it look like they have been doing their work properly. But what after southern watch leaves?

These guys will increase their corrupt ways and tyranny over the citizens immediately after the southern watch left just to get back what they invested in the city out of fear of the surprise inspection from the southern watch. So in the end all you did was use the royal family's manpower and money to achieve nothing," Ann could not be more blunt and condescending as she helped Anna realize that her idea of making waves was only a waste of manpower and resources.

"..." Anna did not immediately lash out as she would do in the past instead she patiently listened to what Ann had to say concerning her idea and considered it for a good while before saying, "If it takes a little manpower and money to keep these corrupt city lords, officials, and local leaders on their toes and think of the people for a change even for a little while, so be it. I spend more manpower and money on one of my parties. If it means throwing fewer parties for the good of my citizens then I will cut back on throwing parties."

"Wow, how noble of you," Ann said sarcastically.

"I will not say that it is a good idea but it's better than nothing," I said seeing that Anna was taking her title as hier of the southern royal throne seriously.

"Whatever, I am not doing this for your approval," Anna said that but the brilliance in her eyes said otherwise. And then as if she remembered something she squinted her eyes and said, "You, what do mean by my idea isn't good? Are you mocking me? Do you think I am dumb?"

"..." Listening to Anna it was apparent to me that she had seen Susan kiss me. I say this because Anna asked me if I thought she was dumb. Anna never asked this even though I cheated her into signing a pretty much one-sided contract. Or when I purposefully ignored her feelings for me. This time Anna was angry at me. And she had every right to be. If it were me I don't think I would be able to rush to the rescue of a person who was kissing others behind my back. Even though it was just a false alarm, it did not mean any less.


Date- 5 April 2321

Time- 11:17

Location- Southern Region, Blossom district, Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse No.234

Joe Hill, the youngest of the current patriarch of the Hill family in the central capital was the black sheep of the family. Yet, the patriarch sent him to bring home the child from a branch family with the sword slave physique because he was the only one available at the moment and also because Joe needed a place to lie low for a few days as the family settle the matters of him having assaulted a commoner girl whom he had taken fancy. All in all Joe Hill was the worst of the worst with a very fragile bottom line.

Though Joe was leading the group of Hill family members to retrieve the branch family child with the sword slave physique, he had a few advisors tagging along with him who were the real brains of the operation and were also responsible to make sure that Joe would not do anything stupid to jeopardies their mission to bring home the sword slave physique intact.

Arriving at the Hill family in the sun blossom city, Joe immediately took a fancy to Laura's grandma. In the day and age of a card apprentice with miraculous cards at their disposal, the body of a woman would rarely display their age. Not to forget Laura's grandma was a sword dancer and a practitioner of sword arts. Regardless of her age, her body was in shape and looked like it belonged to that of some in their late twenties, the peak of youth where one could still be considered innocent but not that innocent.

As a sword dancer, Laura's grandma had treated and maintained her body like a temple, her silky smooth and lily-white skin was evidence of that. She had a long swan neck with a pair of well-toned long legs that screamed that they belonged to a sword dancer. With her age, Laura's grandma's body had indeed matured but it only showed on her breast and her ass. They were humongous, and her baggy style of clothing could not hide that fact. For a twenty-year-old like Joe Laura's grandma was something he would not quit until he had hit it.

None of the Hill family members were aware of Joe's intention toward their matriarch but Laura's grandma knew the first time Joe laid his eyes on her. She felt disgusted learning Joe's thoughts towards her as she could be considered as Joe's father's aunt. Meaning she was Joe's grandaunt. Yet this boy held such disgusting thoughts toward her. To top it off he even dared to send his junk pics to her grimoire.

Laura's grandma wanted to have some serious talk with this boy but that night he trespassed into her bedroom. Thankfully she had foreknowledge that Joe would dare to do something stupid like this so she had called a few of her children to her room under the guise of having a family meeting in her room. And apparently, Joe Hill who had stealthy broken into Laura's grandma's room was part of this meeting.
