
Chapter 1264 Inviting The Devil

Date- 5 April 2321

Time- 14:15

Location- Southern Region, Blossom district, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon

Listening to my question Park gave me a mild look of doubt mixed with a knowing smile and said, "I think you don't need me to speculate that the demons and the card apprentice made contact through the dungeons is the answer you are looking for."

"Yes, that explanation isn't enough for me," I waited for Park to get to the real stuff.

"Dark realm is very harsh for any race to survive there let alone build a thriving civilization. And those that manage to do so mostly adapt to the hellish dark realm joining the ranks of powerful races, one such example is the demon race.

Card apprentices assume that all demons are the same but they are not, there are many tribes among the demon race. Some tribes of the demon race are still trying to adapt to the dark realm while some tribes are evolving faster than the dark realm itself and for them, the abundant resources of the dark realm are no longer enough or aren't of much use.

That is when a few powerful tribes of the demon race and other dark races decided to find what they need from beyond the dark realm. With time they developed various methods to identify realms beyond theirs and check for signs of sentience. Then it did not take them long to come up with a working inter-realm transportation technique but there was a problem, the will of those realms resisted the inter-realm travel considering it a foreign invasion and it was. This put a permanent end to the plans of the demon race and other dark races.

Or that was what a few believed until someone came up with the idea that instead of them forcefully traveling to other realms and being targeted by their will, what if the natives of that realm invited them into their realm? Some believe that dungeon reversal was the inspiration for this idea but there is no definite proof.

Back then many did not believe this direction of reasoning but those that did never gave up on it. They began to research methods to contact the natives of the realms they planned to invade so that they can convince the natives to invite them to their realm. After some time they successfully created various methods to achieve this and the most famous method to date is the dream whisper. Where a demon projects their will into the native's dream and tries to seduce them or exploit their greed with the promise of power, wealth, and lust.

However there was another huge problem, most of the realms they found were mostly primitive they did not know the concept of soul energy and other powers. If they did not know how to use soul energy or another type of similar power system how could they invite the demons into their realm? So the demons and other dark races had to think of a new inter-realm transportation technique that was not as demanding and complex but easy to learn and use. Such that the natives of any primitive realm could use it to summon them to their realm using the resources available at their disposal.

That was when the sacrificial ritual summoning method was born back then it was in its early stage, and the current method is much more advanced and uses less sacrifice. So what if the natives did not have the concept of soul energy or a similar power system, they would just sacrifice their fellow natives to gather enough energy to complete the summoning and invite the demons into their realm.

This method of being invited to other realms than forcefully traveling to them did not completely eliminate the threat of that realm's will but it no longer went berserk and killed them at sight but suppressed their strength. This was better than nothing and enough for the demons and devils to invade the other realms, plunder their resources, and split before the realm's will could react.

Over several millennia, this method has developed into what it is today allowing the demons to spread their terror and legends across various realms. Today there is hardly any realm that has not heard of demons/devils and their notorious reputation," Park's story was very informative, I finally had an idea of where the myths that the devil cannot enter your home until you invite it in or about the devil appearing in the dreams started. Also, one thing became clear to me, the demons were more intelligent and advanced than many give them credit for.

Come to think of it, I remember Ann saying something similar about the world-traveling method developed by the ten universities. They too seem to be thinking of a solution to the problem called the other world's will which will resist and reject any form of world-traveling considering it as a foreign invasion. I guess they must have already thought of the strategy of being invited to the other world by their natives similar to how the demons and dark races did. If not somebody better tell them. Why not me? I do not like to do things for free unless it directly affects me or if I stood to gain something.

"I see," I nodded my understanding that why the demon worshipers could not use the demon summoning method to create a dungeon connecting this world to the dark realm was because they were not invited by the will of the dark realm or its natives. But one thing became clear to me, the secret to inter-realm transportation was within the demon summoning methods.

Yes, most of them were watered down and encrypted so that a particular summoning method can only summon a particular demon.

Won't the demon be pissed when it does all the work of seducing the native of another realm, teaching the native the sacrificial ritual-based summoning method but another demon gets summoned by the native?

To avoid this kind of confusion the demons give the native the coordinates to their location in the dark realm but high-level demons who have spread their summoning method to various realms and do not know when and where they will be summoned end up encrypting their summoning method using their true name. When the native say their true name while using the summoning method after offering the sacrifice, they would be summoned to that realm without any mixups and confusion. This was just fascinating, I need to get my hands on a few sacrificial demon-summoning rituals.