
Chapter 1268 Retaliation

Date- 5 April 2321

Time- 18:45

Location- Southern Region, Blossom district, Sky Blossom City, Trade Route

Peace prevailed as the sky and the clouds were illuminated golden red by the setting sun while three floater vessels with the Fine Gold logo on them left the city through the only highway connecting the city to the entire blossom district.

However, as the Fine Gold Floater vessels had traveled 50 miles from the city, suddenly out of nowhere tens of thousands of hoverbikes appeared and swarmed the speeding floater vessels and a few thousand hoverbikes landed on the deck of each of the Fine Gold floater vessels without the fear of crashing. Leaving no choice for the floater vessels but to halt. Soon the tranquil scenery was disturbed by painful screams and agony-filled wails.

Cindy rushed into Daina's office, seeing her Daina who had just got up from her chair said, "I have heard the news. They responded sooner than I was expecting."

"They are gathering 50 miles outside the city. I think they are preparing to invade the city once all of their forces have arrived," Cindy reported

"Smart, this way the city management and police cannot stop their gathering. How many of them have gathered by now?" Daina said as she walked out of her office while Cindy tagged along.

"As of now, about thirty-five thousand, but the number keeps growing and by tonight we estimate that they will cross a hundred thousand," Cindy answered.

"It appears they are mobilizing all the cities near us, is it just the high school gangs or are there any signs of adventure guilds?" Diana asked as she got into the executive lift and pressed the button to the ground floor.

"As of now it is just the high school gangs, there are no signs of the adventure guilds. I believe they do not plan to step in until we take action," Cindy answered but frowned seeing that someone was accessing the elevator on a lower floor.

"Our city's number of high school gang members is nothing compared to the combined numbers of the high school gang members of numerous cities. We have no choice but to step in. This is a mess," Diana said in annoyance.

Things were shaping to look as if the sky blossom city was about to face the combined forces of nearby cities, there was no way the other forces of the sky blossom city would be willing to be part of the mess that the Fine Gold created by destroying the sun blossom city branch of the Circle. So it was just them against the combined forces of other cities.

"Well, did you think that after destroying one branch of the Circle, they would sit back and take it? You knew the consequence of our actions still you went through it," Cindy shook her head as they knew that the Circle's retaliation for destroying one of their branches was around the corner but they did not think it would come so soon. Especially when the nearest branch of the circle was on the other side of the blossom district. How did they even get the forces of the cities surrounding the sky-blossom city to mobilize in just two days?

"Don't blame me, our young boss is just too charismatic, I could not say no to him," Diana said as the elevator stopped and Jaya walked in shouting, "Sister, I trying to call Wyatt but I am unable to reach him."

"Why are you calling our young boss?" Diana asked Jaya with a frown because she thought that it was too soon to alarm their young boss about the retaliation of the Circle.

"He will learn about it through the grimoire network anyway," Jaya understood what her elder sister was getting at and argued.

"Yes, he will. But tomorrow he will also learn about our victory against the enemy forces in the grimoire network," All Diana was trying to say was that she did not want to cry fire to their boss every time they saw smoke. If they require their boss's assistance with every little thing then what use were they of?

"It is not just that, I want to seek his permission to let me lead the Bright Loins," Jaya spoke the real reason why she was trying to contact their boss. The current leaders of the Bright Loins were the bright trio but Jaya wanted to be the one leading the Bright Loins gang since situations like today were a rare occurrence and whoever leads today will enter the pages of Sky blossom city's history just like her elder sister Diana did back then.

"What happened to starting at the bottom? Did you give up already?" Cindy asked Jaya with a sneer.

"No, I did not. I still want to do that but after the circle left, Bright Lions swallowed all the other high school gangs in the city. This left us with no rival in the city, which meant I did not have any task to earn merits and climb the ranks in the gang. I thought of challenging the bright trio for their leadership, but with everything that is going on we did not get the time to do that," Jaya explained how she could not earn merits mostly because the Bright Lions gang was the only high school gang in the city. She wanted to take charge of the gang by proving she was stronger than the bright trio combined, but the gang was too busy recently so she never got to prove herself.

"Silly girl, isn't this the situation exactly what you need to rack up the merits that you need to climb ranks in the gang and gain the respect of your gang members?" Diana advised Jaya to use the current situation to prove herself to her gang members and gain their respect. So that they would consider her as their leader without anyone telling them to.

"But then I will not be able to lead our gang to victory like you used to with your gang," Jaya said dejectedly. She had grown up listening to the story of her sister's raise to power from the Fine Gold staff on numerous occasions and wanted to be just like her. Now that the opportunity has shown itself, things were not going according to her fantasy so she felt disappointed. And wanted to use a shortcut to get her way.