
Chapter 1281 Translator Feature

Date- 5 April 2321

Time- 14:53

Location- Southern Region, Blossom district, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon

The inter-realm network's first function, search, resembled a search engine, its second function, Inter-Realm city, from its description sounded much like a virtual city or augmented city that many tech companies back on earth were trying to create. I could not wait to enter the inter-realm city but before that, I had to explore the search function, to see if it can really provide me with the information I am lacking on how to use the demon merchant codex. I need a user manual for this. I could explore blind as I did so far, but it will consume too much time and without the description provided by the Inter realm network I was lost. So, I felt that it would be best if I knew what I was doing to avoid making mistakes.

With that thought in mind, I filled in the following keywords in the search function, "How to use demon merchant codex"

[Searching relevant results for 'How to use demon merchant codex'...]

[No results found in demon merchant's native language…]

[Would you like to see results in other languages?]


"Yes," as I answered I too thought, 'how am I going to read the search result in other languages?' My experience with the inter-realm network caused me to believe that it must have a translator feature to it, otherwise, 'why bother yelling at the deaf.'

Soon a row of search results showed up in order of relevance. But these search results were in languages unknown to me and just when I was wondering what to do, a dialogue box popped up asking me,

[Would you like to turn on the translator feature of the inter-realm network by giving the devil merchant code appropriate offering?


Note: the translator feature will only apply to the search results and not the Personal or Local realm network you will be directed to. A separate offering needs to be offered to use the translator feature on other Personal or Local realm networks]

"No," I did not bother to rent the translator feature of the inter-realm network reading the note section. This was just another way for the devil merchant code to fill its pockets at the expense of the demon merchants who are not native to the dark realm. I wonder if Belphegor used the translator feature of the devil merchant code to communicate with me or if he was fluent in the card world's language. If the latter was true then Belphegor's linguistic accomplishment was impressive.

Since the devil merchant code originated in the dark realm and most of the demon/devil merchants belong to the dark realm it was not hard to deduce that the most popular language used in the inter-realm network was the common language used in the dark realm.

Therefore, instead of wasting wealth on renting the translator feature of the inter-realm network, I decided to learn the common language used in the dark realm. I know this idea sounds stupid since I had no idea which language was common in the dark realm and what it was called however I knew how to learn it, to be exact I knew who could teach it to me. It was none other than Corey's ego fire, Corey Park.

So I decided to take a break from the demon merchant codex until I learn the common language in the dark realm from Corey Park. I was very eager to enter the Inter-realm city however I knew the language difference would ruin my first visit to the inter-realm city so I decided to postpone the visit too. Besides, it would not take me long to learn the language from Corey Park with my Hive AI's assistance. If everything falls in place it will take a few minutes at tops.

Walking out of the isolation array, I looked at the corner of the cave where Corey was busy comprehending blood rule and then I head towards her. Sensing me arrive at Corey's side, Corey Park came out of Corey's body in her flame body and asked, "What is it?"

"I need a favor," I said not knowing how to ask Corey Park to teach me the most common language in the dark realm.

"Sure, what can I help you with?" Corey Park agreed without giving it a thought.

"I want to learn the most common language in the dark realm. Is it possible for you to teach it to me? You just need to provide me with the study material I can learn it by myself," I spoke my mind despite knowing the obvious questions that would rise in Corey Park's mind.

"Sure, I can. Are you planning to trade with demons or some other dark race? Don't tell me it's Belphegor?" Corey Park did not need to bother with why instead she directly deduced what I was up to just based on my favor to her to teach me the most common language in the dark realm.

"Yes, something like that but I promise you it isn't Belphegor this time," Knowing that Belphegor was Corey Park's trauma I immediately explained myself and assured her that I was not planning to trade with Belphegor.

"Well, if you were trading with Belphegor you would not need to learn the common language of the dark realm. However, I warn you it is not just Belphegor, all dark races are cunning and devious by nature. Trickery and greed are in their blood. So whoever it is you are trying to trade with be extra careful than you normally are," warning me to be extra cautious when dealing with anyone from the dark realm Corey Park then added, "There isn't a common language in the dark realm as it is vast and houses many dark races and tribes. Each of these dark races and tribes has there own languages with numerous local dialects. I am only well versed in three languages however these three languages are quite common in the dark realm or at least with these languages I did not have any problem exploring the uncharted dark realm."