
Chapter 1355 Miracle

Date- 7 April 2321

Time- 13:31

Location- Southern Region, Southern Capital, Southern Card Creationist Association, Auction House

eαglesnᴏνel "Folks, now that both the respected card masters have finished the creation of their cards. Now let them show their card and talk about it briefly for the judges to proceed to grade their cards," the announcer declared to the crowd then turning to me he added, "Master Wyatt, you were the first one to finish so will you choose to go first or yield the opportunity to Master Chris?" 

I signaled to the announcer indicate that I yield the opportunity to Chris as I felt that he would not have the confidence to display his card after I have shown mine. Understanding my signal the announcer turned to Chris and said, "Master Chris, the stage is yours." 

Chris's face was ugly as until now in the challenge he was the one to finish the card creation first and he always would choose to yield the chance of displaying their card first to his opponent. Now that the exact thing was happening to him he did not like it one bit. Not to mention he felt that after he displayed his card the fraudster would not have the guts to display his card and directly choose to give up to save himself the embarrassment. 

Chris was so angry with the way things turned out that he did not bother to mask his true feelings. He could not spare thoughts on such petty things when not only was his original identity exposed by the Southern Emperor but a card soldier had created a card faster than him using the same set of random ingredients. Adding salt to his injury was that he did not know how much faster the card soldier had created his cards than him. 

The only thing that kept him sane right now was the thought that the card soldier did not notice that the mortal-grade Nyon Rope that was given as a random ingredient for the challenge was created using common-grade Tree monster bark fibers. 

Why was Chris so sure that his opponent did not notice that? It was because if his opponent had noticed it then he could not possibly create the card faster than him. Because nurturing the soul pathways of ingredients without external help took a lot of energy and a long time. Considering the time it took for the card soldier to create his card, even if he noticed the discrepancy in Nyon Rope he chose to ignore it choosing the fast creation time over the grade of the card he was creating. 

Chris, himself, would not have been able to nurture the soul pathways of the Nyon Rope so fast if not for the special technique he learned from his ancestor's knowledge. Knowing that a regular card creationist did not have access to such special techniques Chris felt the Card Soldier was wise for having chosen the fast creation time over the grade of the card. 

Think of this Chris's raging emotions finally calmed down. Then adjusting his facial expression, he connected his card to the auction house display array formation, which was used to display auction items to the audience. Now he was going to use this array formation to display the card info to the audience while giving a brief explanation and demonstration of the card.

"Fellow card apprentices, I present you E-rank, Common-grade, Coiling Rope item card," Chris announced as the display array formation of the auction hall displayed his card and its info through huge holograms on each corner of the auction house. 

Seeing that the card Chris created was of E-rank and Common grade as he advertised the crowd gasped in great shock. Then they turned noisy discussing the miracle that Chris had achieved, creating E-rank, Common grade item card using G-rank, Mortal-grade ingredients. The influencer went as far as to dub it the miracle of the century in their views. They would not have been only if not for the discrepancy with the grade of the Nyon Rope used to create the card. 

The crowd had grown wild, they had forgotten about the challenge between Chris and the Southern card creationist association because creating higher-grade cards with random lower-grade ingredients was not something even the Diamond grade card creationist could achieve. 

Dimond grade card creationists could achieve similar results if they had a lot of experience in creating a said card and high mastery over the said card's card recipe. However, being able to create higher-grade cards with random lower-grade ingredients on their first try was not possible even for the Dimond grade card creationists. Because being able to achieve that would require card creationists to have complete knowledge of soul pathways and soul pathway arrangement of the random ingredients used to create the card. Not to forget the compatibility of the random ingredients with each other. If the random ingredients did not get along like ice and fire, it would require more than a miracle to use such ingredients to create a card of a higher grade than the grade of the ingredients used. 

This was the reason why the crowd had grown wild and required the announcer to come forward and calm them down while reminding them of the challenge between Chris and the Southern card creationist association, "Folks, I know Master Chris's achievement in card creation is huge but please do not forget that why we are here." 

Listening to the announcer the crowd finally calmed down, however, still some whispers could be heard. Especially the influencer who was telling their viewers that by creating a higher-grade card using lower-grade ingredients Chris was the undisputed winner of the challenge and there was no way the card created by the silver milk fraudster could outshine Chris's card. 

While most of the audience and viewers were excited for Chris, the southern part of the audience and viewers were not. They too like the influencers felt that the results were already determined and there was nothing the Silver milk fraudster could do to change them.