
Chapter 1367 Getting Even

Date- 7 April 2321

Time- 14:16

Location- Southern Region, Southern Capital, Southern Card Creationist Association, Auction House

Being reminded by the announcer the referee nodded and said, "If that's the case we should follow the proper procedure then. How is the Southern card creationist association going to assure challenger Chris Ainsworth about the authenticity of the challenge?"

The referee may be a high-ranking member of the Southern card creationist association but as the referee of the challenge, he took his duty seriously otherwise not just the Southern card creationist association but he too would lose credibility. 

"Forgive my rudeness, sir," the announcer apologized understanding that the only way for the Southern card creationist association to prove their credibility was by going through with a second challenge between their representative and the challenger. Only by displaying his prowess concerning card creation could their representative prove that the ongoing challenge was not rigged by the Southern card creationist association but he was just that good. The second challenge was more of a trial to prove the credibility of the first challenge. 

"Do you have anything else to add before I commence the trial?" the referee asked the announcer who though embarrassed muster all his courage to speak his mind, "Sir, the results can wait for the trial to conclude but Master Wyatt has to complete his card explanation and demonstration before you initiate the trial.

"That is only fair," The referee nodded in response to the announcer's demand. Since Chris got to complete his card explanation and demonstration it was only fair that the representative of the Southern card creationist association got to complete his card explanation and demonstration be for they proceed with the trial which would be the deciding factor of the results of the challenge and the Southern card creationist association's credibility. 

"Dalton Wyatt, finish your card explanation and demonstration so we can get to the trial," the referee ordered the representative of the Southern card creationist association. 

Taking the spotlight I re-activated the taboo limiter and then looked down on the audience and said, "The card's card info speaks for itself. So I won't bore you with the details. However, I would like to add if you are in the market for similar innovative and creative custom cards you can contact me I will be in the Southern royal palace's guest palace No.01 for the next three months. Now, let us just proceed with the demonstration." 

Not getting a brief explanation of the card created by the representative of the Southern card creationist association the audience looked disappointed because they were all intrigued by the huge arsenal of additional effects of the Bloody Lasso of Prohibition. And wanted to learn more about it them. 

However, this disappointment of theirs was soon buried by shock and envy having learned that the boy was not only staying at the Southern Royal palace premises but also in the royal guest palace No.01. Many in the audience may not be locals but they all have heard about the royal guest palace No.01, which the royal family uses to entertain the most valued and honored of guests. 

They did not understand why a fraudster would be allowed to stay in something so pristine and that too for 3 months no less. The Jewel of the South fan club was feeling threatened by the boy. As they felt the distance in their universal devotion to the Jewel of the South, Southern Emperor Anna Heatsend. 

Seeing that the Southern card creationist association's representative did not bother to explain his card but shamelessly advertise his services, the announcer did not comment but immediately called up the two card scholars from the audience who had previously demonstrated Chris's card, Coiling rope. 

However, this time their roles were interchanged. The one who got to use Chris's card became the target for the other to demonstrate the card, Bloody Lasso of Prohibition. This was more about allowing the two volunteer card scholars to get even than ensuring the fairness of the card demonstration. 

Equipping the card 'Bloody Lasso of Prohibition' it took a while for the card scholar to get a jist about the various abilities of the card before he used it on the living target because the card he was about to use had the potential to kill the living target by drain last bit of the blood in his body. To avoid accidents he had to control his power. But most of the abilities were more of auxiliary nature they only came into effect if the target was wounded. 

The card scholar explained his dilemma to the announcer who then asked the living target to make a small cut on his palm and hand over a drop of his blood. 

"Bloody Lasso of Prohibition," the card scholar summoned the blood-red lasso with a light red shine and fed it the blood drop of the living target that the announcer had procured chanting, "Activated Blood tracking."

Feeding on the blood, with one end of the lasso in the grasp of the card scholar, the other end of the lasso stretched out and floated in the air pointing in the direction of the living target who then circled the stage only to find that the floating end of the lasso would follow him accurately without a second of delay while the red-glow of the lasso grew stronger the closer it got to the target. Proving that the blood tracking of the card worked as advertised. 

"Activate size manipulation," the card scholar yelled and following his command, the lasso began to lose its width but gained in length. Interestingly, the lasso's length grew enough to reach the target however now it no longer looked like a lasso but more like a thick thread. 

"Activate Blood Invasion," Listening to its user's instruction the lasso made full use of its pseudo-spirituality to locate the wound on the living target's palm, entering the wound it easily took root despite the resistance of the target proving that the card scholar realm was not enough to resist the Blood invasion effect of the E-rank Bloody Lasso of Prohibition item card.