
Chapter 1410 Plot

Date- 10 April 2321

Time- 08:51

Location- Southern Region, Southern Capital, Southern Royal Palace, Royal Guest Palace No.01

"What do you mean by I will have to learn martial arts in the VR Universe, please elaborate. If learning martial arts in VR Universe is what I am thinking then we have a deal," surprisingly Aba remained calm after listening to the one-sided compromise proposed by me. Instead of acting out she calmly considered my conditions and then asked her doubts.

Seeing the surprised look on my face, Aba smugly explained, "Wyatt, you have what I want. My dad says everything has a price and we need to pay it to attain it. Since this is the price I need to pay to enter the VR Universe. I am willing to pay it as long as it is reasonable. So tell me, what do you mean by 'I will have to learn martial arts in the VR Universe'?"

"It is what you are thinking, the illusionary beings in the VR Universe have their own life and story. They have different occupations and some of them are martial arts masters and teach martial arts, you will be learning martial arts from them. Don't worry about the authenticity of the martial arts taught by them, they are the real deal. It will be like you are attending a martial arts school in VR-Universe. Is this what you were thinking?" I explained in detail seeing that Aba was being reasonable and so cooperative. 

I did not lie to Aba, the high-level NPCs created by the Devil Merchant Code were that capable. Unlike the generic low-level programmed NPCs I had introduced in VR-City, the NPCs created by the devil merchant code were unique, relatable, very interactive, and vivid. 

For the NPCs to be unique, relatable, very interactive, and vivid they needed a story and those stories created a story for their illusionary realm the story of the various illusionary realm created a story for the VR-Universe. 

A plot of the VR-Universe, started by devil merchant code to create high-level NPCs but continued by the NPCs themselves and governed by me. While I claimed to be the ruler of the VR Universe, I was a mere watcher who could only watch as the plot of the universe progressed but not interfere even if I had the power to do so. 

"Really? You swear," Aba asked with huge anticipation. As someone who had a history of being bullied in school for her identity, Aba wanted to try the school in VR Universe where her identity was the same as everyone else. 

"Yes. If you agree to my conditions, I will enroll you in the best martial school in the VR Universe, you can attend it right away. What do you say?" seeing Aba's enthusiasm I proposed. 

"But didn't you say the VR Universe will not open until after the auction?" Aba caught my lie. 

"I am its ruler, for my friend I can make a few exceptions. However, you cannot goof around but seriously learn martial arts. Got it?" I explained. 

"Ok, you have a deal. Let's sign a soul contract?" Aba not only agreed to my conditions but also proposed to sign a soul contract. 

"There is no need for a soul contract, verbal agreement is enough, I trust you," I could always ban and kick Aba out of the VR Universe if she did not adhere to our verbal agreement. 

"You will say that since you have all the leverage, what about me? My dad has warned of these kinds of situations" Aba clarified. She was right to ask the boy to sign a soul contract. 

Today the boy was forcing her to attend a martial arts school to play in the VR universe. What about tomorrow, how can she be assured that his demands will not grow? Aba had no leverage to hold the boy responsible for the verbal agreement between them.

"Not happening, Aba I am not going to sign a soul contract with you over this. Agatha, explain to your princess the seriousness of the soul contract," I was surprised to see Aba demand a soul contract over something like this. But considering her borderline addiction to VR I shouldn't be surprised that she wanted to ensure the continuous supply of her fix. 

"Princess, Wyatt is right. If you sign the soul contract with him over this, you will have to follow it to the end of times or suffer the consequences of breaking. Are you sure you are willing to spend 8 hours per day learning martial arts for the rest of your life?" Agatha did not hesitate to exaggerate the consequence of the soul contract in order to stop Aba from demanding to sign a soul contract with the boy. 

"Relax Agatha, I am not dumb enough to sign an indefinite soul contract. I plan to add specified terms and conditions to avoid unnecessary complications," Aba explained that she planned to add terms and conditions to the soul contract. 

"Princess, Wyatt is your friend, why don't you trust him this once? After all, he is doing this for your benefit," Agatha persuaded Aba. 

"What benefit do I get from this?" Aba snapped at Agatha for siding with the boy. Agatha was her bodyguard, she should side with her instead she keeps siding with the boy. 

"Princess, didn't you keep saying you want to get strong to keep up with your friends and not be left behind by them? Wyatt is giving you the opportunity to do exactly that. Don't you want to be as strong as Corey and Wyatt when you all join the university? Princess, please remember what the master used to say to you?" Agatha explained and reasoned with Aba hoping her word would get through to her. As a semi-demigod Agatha was aware of how serious soul contracts were, they might be assuring at first but soon they then become obstacles not leaving any room for development and negotiation.