
Chapter 1407 Stun

Date- 10 April 2321

Time- 08:26

Location- Southern Region, Southern Capital, Southern Royal Palace, Royal Guest Palace No.01

"What are you guys doing in here? Who let you in?" I asked Ann, Aba, Agatha, and Laura. A frown formed on my forehead as I wasn't able to find the head butler who was supposed to be right outside the door. 

"What's the problem? If she can be in here then why can't we be in here?" Aba asked, pointing at Aria who stood in the corner of the room with her presence masked. 

"I am not going to waste time arguing with you. What are you guys doing here?" as my bodyguard Aria followed me everywhere, even the bathroom let alone my bedroom. Aba and the rest knew this so I did not bring it up just for the sake of arguing with Aba. Instead decided to ignore Aba and get to the matter at hand. 

Listening to the boy, Aba just nodded in response. The reason Aba brought up Aria instead of answering the boy was simple, she was looking out for her friend Susan. An unwed man and woman spending two days alone in a locked bedroom, they were bound to get closer.

As Susan's friend, Aba took it upon herself to learn what transpired between her friend's man and Aria last night to report it back to her friend. But seeing that the boy did not even bother to defend Aria, Aba felt her friend's man and his so-called bodyguard weren't that close, and her friend had nothing to worry about. 

"..." Seeing Aba bring her up, Aria wanted to speak for herself but seeing that Aba was with the princess she decided against it. After failing one of the missions she was assigned Aria felt like she deserved this.

Apart from being the boy's bodyguard, Aria was recently also assigned another mission, which was to monitor every action of the boy and report back directly to the princess. Especially regarding his VR-Cocoon card and VR-City. To be specific, the information where the boy had procured the necessary ingredients for the creation of numerous VR cards he promised to give away for free. If yes, how, where, and who did the boy procure these ingredients from? 

Unfortunately for Aria, after returning to the guest palace the boy had used some kind of mysterious card and hid in space for the past two days, so she was never able to execute her mission. 

Though the princess did not blame her, Aria was too hard on herself feeling that she had let down the princess. After all, the royal family trusted her and gave her an opportunity to prove herself but she failed them and her family. 

"The auction will start in an hour, I hope you have the cards ready. The public is already not your fan," Ann felt that if the boy failed to deliver on his promise to give everyone who attended a free VR card he would be giving them more reasons to hate him. 

The reason why Ann felt that the boy will not be able to keep his promise was because her subordinates in the royal palace and the sky blossom city have been keeping tabs on the boy's every action and according to them the boy has never left the royal guest palace and never spotted in the sky blossom city or its vicinity. 

This meant that the boy never procured the required ingredients for the creation of his VR cards. If he did not have the ingredients for the cards then how would he create the cards? This was the reason why Ann was sure that the boy would not be able to keep his promise. 

The thought that the boy might have prepared the ingredients for the VR cards beforehand did cross Ann's mind but she denied it thinking no matter how well-prepared the boy was, how could he have thought of preparing ingredients for thousands of cards that he promised to give away beforehand? After all, the giveaway was decided by the boy on the spur of the moment. 

"And whose fault is it that they hate me?" I questioned Ann while summoning five VR-Slime cards from the storage card. Then I passed them to all five of them saying, "The cards are ready. I made slight adjustments to the VR card since I demonstrated it previously. Tell me if you guys like it." 

"How is it possible?" Ann exclaimed in surprise. Unlike Ann, the rest did not know the inside story of the boy not procuring the ingredients for the VR cards, so they were not surprised by the fact that the boy had managed to create the cards as he promised. 

"..." Aria too looked at the boy in surprise as he handed her the VR card. But she quickly recovered from the shock and went through the card info of the VR card the boy handed to her. 

"You call this small adjustment, this is a whole new card," Agatha yelled reading the name of the VR card VR-Slime card. Which wasn't the VR-Cocoon card that the boy had demonstrated previously. 

"Soul Energy Digestion," all the ladies in the room exclaimed. The shock brought by the new VR card handed to them by the boy was not small but learning that it had an awesome passive ability such as soul energy digestion attracted it they could not help but exclaim in unison. 

"Wyatt, is this true? Does the soul energy digestion passive effect work exactly as described in the card info?" Agatha asked me enthusiastically. 

"Has my card ever let you down?" I asked confidently implying that the 'soul energy digestion' passive effect worked as advertised. 

"How would I know? I have never used your cards," Agatha quickly answered using my confident expression to freeze. However, Laura came to my defense, "I am fortunate to own one of his cards. So trust me when I say his card lives up to their name."