
Chapter 1414 Proposal

Date- 10 April 2321

Time- 09:23

Location- Southern Region, Southern Capital, Southern Royal Palace, Royal Guest Palace No.01

"All seven million of it? How long will it take you guys to move them?" I wasn't surprised Agatha wanted to move all seven million VR-Slime cards to herself, I did not doubt her and her friend's ability either but I wonder if they will be able to unload all seven million of the cards within a week or less. 

"In a month I will give each one of the seven million VR-Slime cards a new home," Agatha promised confidently. Agatha's confidence did not stem from her liability as a salesperson but from the 'soul energy digestion' effect of the VR-Slime card. With such a miraculous effect those seven million VR-Slime cards would sell themselves. 

"Not fast enough," I judged listening to Agatha say that it would take her about a month to unload all seven million VR-Slime cards. 

"Fine, in how many days do you want me to sell these cards?" Agatha asked the boy to specify a time since he felt that a month was too long to sell 7 million VR-Slime cards. 

"Sell? Just so we're on the same page, I don't want you to sell the VR-Slime card but give them away for free across the world," I corrected Agatha informing her that I did not want her to sell the cards but give them away across the world for free. 

"What? If we give away the cards for free we stand to make no profit. Wyatt, you said you had a huge deal for me," Agatha complained, listening to the boy say that he did not want her to sell the VR-Slime cards but give them away for free across the world. 

The only reason why Agatha agreed to sell the VR cards was because she thought she could make a killing selling the VR cards but now hearing that she would be giving them away the cards for free Agatha was no longer enthusiastic about helping the boy unload the cards across the world. 

"In the beginning did you not hear me say that I wanted to give away all ten million VR-Silme cards for free?" I started at Agatha wondering if she did not hear me at the beginning. 

"You said, if possible. So I thought you meant to give away all ten million VR-Slime cards for free to those attending the auction. How would I know that you meant it in general," Agatha defended herself. 

"Sorry, I wasn't clear about this sooner. Earlier, I did plan to sell VR-Cocoon cards for their appropriate price as their ingredients would not be cheap but now that I have replaced them with VR-Slime cards which are very cheap and can be used by any realm card apprentice, I decided to give them away for free," I explained to Agatha as I did say that she would make a fortune helping me sell the Vr cards. 

"I understand. I can help you move the cards for free considering our friendship but my friends will not," Agatha explained that if her friends did not stand to make a profit they would not help them move the cards across the world. 

I needed to sell the remaining 7 million VR-Slime cards across the world so that everyone in the world would be aware of their existence. And not consider them as a myth or worse, a rumor. 

This was why I needed trusted sellers who would help me unload these cards across the borders. After all, who knows how long before I gather enough capital to create another batch of VR-Slime cards? If all ten million VR-Slime cards find a user then it will not take long.

"Um, how about this, I will give them each 100 VR-Slime cards which they can sell at their discretion. Once all ten million VR cards are given away, their effects will create a demand, and card apprentices will search for card apprentices who are willing to sell their VR-Slime cards for a fortune. Then your friends can use the 100 VR-Slime cards in their hands to amass huge wealth. What do you think? Will they be open to such an arrangement?" Understanding that nobody would work for free, I proposed a reasonable arrangement so that Agatha and her friends can help me unload the VR-Slime cards across the world. 

"Give 1000 VR-Slime cards for each seller and 10,000 VR-Slime cards for me as payment for our services, then we have a deal," Agatha negotiated. She shamelessly demanded 10,000 VR-Slime cards for her service when she just said that she would do it for free considering her friendship with the boy. 

"Nope, I will find someone else to help me with this matter," I said, showing Agatha that I wasn't negotiating with her.

"Come on, Wyatt. There are millions of VR-Slime cards, giving us a few thousand cards for our services will not matter much," Agatha tried to persuade the boy to agree to her price for her services. 

"Do you know how much money I have invested to create these cards? Yet, I am willing to give away these cards for free to card apprentices across the world. Do you know why?" I stared into Agatha's eyes and questioned her. 

"How would I know?" Agatha replied while gazing right back into the boy's eyes. 

"Then how do you know that giving you and your friends a few thousand VR-Slime Cards out of millions of VR cards will not matter? Don't be greedy Agatha," I warned Agatha declaring that the payment arrangement proposed by me was more than appropriate compensation for Agatha and her friends help to unload the VR-Slime cards across the world. 

"Fine, so how many cards do you want us to unload?" Agatha caved and agreed to the payment arrangement proposed by the boy for her services. 

"3 million VR-Slime Cards, and I need each of the sellers to take an oath that they will not participate in any kind of malpractice while giving away my VR-Slime cards."