
Chapter 1448 Uncrowned Ruler

Date- -/-

Time- -/-

Location- Reverse Dungeon, Yellow Plains Planet, Freedom Fighters Secret Base

*Clap**Clap**Clap* the demigod in charge of freedom fighter's finance began to applaud and then with a sneer, he mocked Luna saying, "Isn't this a hoot. You found a new way to spew bullshit. You could not prove that the illusions in the VR-Universe are living beings so you came up with a neat way to con us in to believing that those illusions are living beings by saying that they have their definition of reality and living beings and we would not look at them with our definition of reality and living beings. Bravo Luna, only you can sell such bullshit. 

If the illusions are living beings from their definition then what are we according to their definition? Illusions maybe?" 

"According to their definition, when we're in our world we're aliens to them, unknown beings from another world. But once we enter their world, VR-Universe, we are the same as them as then we fit their definition of living beings," Luna was prepared to meet resistance from the demigods to her defining the illusions in VR-Universe as living beings. So she was not surprised by her demigod colleague's question and immediately answered his qualms. 

"Luna, you are saying VR-Universe is a realm and the illusionary beings you speak of are natives of that realm, just like how demons are natives of the dark realm, is that right?" Baylor asked Luna if he understood correctly. 

Luna was happy to see that Henricks and Baylor had followed through with her explanation and understood what she was saying. So with a gentle smile on her face, she further explained, "Yes, you're correct if you consider the VR Universe as a single realm however the VR Universe isn't one realm but a cluster of realms. 

When card apprentices enter the VR Universe they land in a city of one of the realms of the VR Universe where the native illusionary beings are very similar to card apprentice's humanoid spiritual bodies. 

Here is where it gets interesting, if a card apprentice wants to leave the city they landed in and explore the rest of the world they will have to buy a subscription that will permit them to explore other cities of that world for a limited time. The same is true if you want to explore other realms of the VR-Universe, though you will have to buy the costlier subscription for that. 

As I said VR-Universe is a cluster of illusionary realms, and each of these realms has a unique fully functioning illusionary civilization. If you want to leave your designated city and explore these places you will have to buy subscriptions. These subscriptions are not cheap. 

Not to mention, card apprentices who want to use public transportation or eat virtual food or use other facilities of the VR-Universe city they were landed in, will have to pay for it using the VR-Universe's centralized currency VR-Coins. 

At the launch of VR-Universe, one VR-Coin was valued at 1 cent of our world but as more and more card apprentices kept entering the VR-Universe and exchanging our dollars for VR-Coins, the value of VR-Coins has increased. Now one VR-Coin is worth 60 cents.

I think this value will only increase with more card apprentices entering the VR Universe. This is inevitable considering that the VR Universe is a treasure trove of other world knowledge, item recipes, and martial arts.

This was why I invested all of my department's funds into the VR-Universe's currency exchange. When I made my initial investment, one VR-Coin was worth 20 cents and now it is worth 60 cents, tripling my initial investment.

I think VR-Coins will soon become more valuable than dollars, so I hope that we can salvage the last of the pennies and invest them in the VR-Coins. 

The best thing about VR-Coins is that the government cannot track them and nobody except Wyatt can steal them. Considering he is taking a hefty cut of our money as a service fee every time we exchange dollars to VR-Coins or vice versa I bet he will not want to piss off his customers over short-term gains. 

And also because if he does something like that it will negatively affect the economy of the illusionary civilization of the VR-Universe. So if he wants the civilizations of his VR-Universe to thrive he will have to abide by the rules of the VR-Universe he created. 

What I am trying to say is that the rules of the VR Universe not only bind us but, Wyatt, its creator too. However, he has more freedom than us. And if he tries to abuse his freedom, the beautiful thing he has created will start to fall apart like a house of cards."

"Are the VR-Coins the means of world domination that you said Dalton Wyatt is peddling under our noses," the demigod in charge of freedom fighter's finance asked Luna in utter shock and amazement. Because someone was able to create a currency that will be stronger and more stable than dollars. As for whether VR-Coins will be a stronger currency than soul jades, only time can tell.

"Yes, exactly. With card apprentices pouring their money into VR-Universe to access its other world knowledge, VR-universe will become one of the strongest economies in this world. Wyatt who is the sole creator and administrator of the VR-Universe will become the uncrowned ruler in this world. People whose interests line with VR-Universe will gather around him and support him. 

Considering that the poor card apprentice will be gaining a lot from this, many will fight to protect and support Wyatt so that they can continue to use VR-Universe," Luna explained how the rise of VR Universe will turn Wyatt into one of the rulers of this world. 

"Wait, you just said that subscriptions to the VR Universe are costly. So how will the VR-Universe benefit the poor card apprentices?" a demigod asked Luna in confusion.

"VR-Universe subscription is costly but it is cheaper compared to the real world. In our world, if a card apprentice were to join a monster culinary college or monster corpse processing college, they would have to take loans to do so but in the VR Universe, they can learn that for basically nothing. 

In our world, if anybody wants to learn new items recipes and martial arts they will either have to have a small fortune or belong to a card apprentice family but in VR-Universe they can learn item recipes and martial arts for less than the hundredth of what they would have to pay in the real world to learn similar item recipes and martial arts.

If you look at it, our world's strong regulations on knowledge will become the driving force for poor card apprentices to choose VR-Universe for higher studies over the traditional colleges of our world," Luna explained why VR-Universe and Wyatt will become the messiah of poor card apprentice in the card world.