
Chapter 1469 Keeper Of Golden Gate

Date- 13 April 2321

Time- 09:30

Location- Southern Region, Southern Capital, Southern Royal Palace, Secret Passage, Golden Gate

"Southern Emperor, please," the keeper of the Golden Gate said, handing Ann some sort of ceremonial knife. 

Taking the ceremonial knife from the keeper, Ann walked toward the Golden Gate. Stopping a foot from the Golden Gate, Ann used the ceremonial knife to cut her left wrist and bathed the ceremonial knife in her blood. 

Ann's action did not surprise the demigods of team one or the Golden Gate Keeper or Jill. It appears Jill knew about the Golden Gate Cluster Array formation more than what was known to the general populous. 

Once the blade of the ceremonial knife was covered in blood, Ann used her soul energy to close the cut on her left wrist and stop the bleeding. 

Ann then inserted the blood-covered blade of the ceremonial knife into the small opening in the Golden Gate that looked exactly like a keyhole and rotated it. 

As a result, the numerous demigod-grade array formations that were woven together to form the cluster array formation, Golden Gate, began to shimmer and vibrate rhythmically as if an unknown power was coursing through it and its metaphorical wheels were set in motion.

The Golden Gatekeeper looked at the Golden Gate Cluster array with great emotion like someone who had to maintain a supercar for years and finally got the chance to ride shotgun in it. 

After a few seconds, a book-shaped opening appeared on the Golden Gate, where Ann placed her diamond grimoire and took full control of the Golden Gate Cluster Array formation, the strongest defense of the Southern capital. 

Taking control of the City's Cluster array formation through her blood and grimoire, Ann turned the page of her grimoire to the grimoire network and accessed the city map. 

Seeing this I shook my head in disappointment. The royal family spent so much money, resources, and manpower to create, maintain, and secure something so powerful yet they made use of the grimoire network in its control. 

This was just pathetic because anybody would hack into the cluster array formation through the grimoire network. Considering that it was the strongest defense of the Southern region's capital this was just shameful. 

"Gatekeeper, will you please make the announcement?" Ann turned to look at the keeper of the Golden Gate array formation and asked respectfully. 

Others must not be clear of the greatness of the Golden Gatekeeper as he had given his entire life to protect and maintain the Golden Gate cluster array formation and hadn't interacted with the outside world for centuries but Ann was aware of his origin and history. 

The golden keeper was one of the oldest members of the Heatsend branch family alive, who had sacrificed his marital life and social life for the main family. I think you should take a look at

Therefore, as the progeny of the Henatsend main family, it was Ann's duty to not forget his sacrifice and spread it to the future generation. 

"Thank you, Southern Emperor," the Gatekeeper was not polite and thanked Ann for the opportunity.

Then the Gatekeeper arrived next to Ann and announced in a deep voice, "Brave citizens of the Southern capital, I am the Keeper of Golden Gate. The city will soon be under attack from dark forces in light of that, Her Highness Southern Emperor is activating the Golden Gate Cluster Array formation. So do not resist as the Golden Gate Cluster array formation covers you. Please, do not panic and cooperate." 

The Golden Gatekeeper made the same announcement a total of three times and returned to his original spot after nodding at Ann. 

I watched in confusion as the situation unfolded, as I had no idea what Ann was up to activating the Golden Gate Array formation right off the bat. And I did not like this feeling. 

However, I did not have to wait for long to understand what Ann was doing as soon an apparition of the entire Southern Capital city appeared in the middle of the room. 

The apparition was a very accurate and detailed scaled map of the southern capital city. It also showed the accurate location of every citizen in the Southern capital in real-time. 

The apparition looked exactly like a hologram. Though the apparition was accurate and detailed it was missing one thing, the royal palace grounds in the middle of the city. I could only assume that it was purposefully omitted by the creators of the Golden Gate Cluster Array formation. 

"Southern Emperor, you sure I need to be here? I don't feel like I should be here. I will take my leave," Though Jill knew what exactly the Golden Gate Cluster Array formation was and what it did she did not want to witness Ann use it any further because a question suddenly appeared in her mind. Why did Ann bring her to a classified site like the Golden Gate? 

It was understandable for Ann to bring the boy to the classified site as he was their ally. But why her? 

Jill's misunderstanding further deepened when she began to think that all of this was Ann's plan to have the Southern Royal family throw her into prison for having witnessed one of the highly classified secrets of the Southern region. 

Thinking this, Jill yelled in her mind, 'This bitch is trying to get me killed.' 

Ann ignored Jill and continue to optimize the Golden Gate Array formation to her convenience and then having made all the preparation she declared, "It's time." 

Soon the citizens of the entire southern capital felt an unknown but gentle energy covering them and remembering the announcement of the keeper of the Golden Gate, they did not resist the unknown energy from covering them and their family members. 

This change could also be seen in the apparition as well, as a bright white color shade slowly began to cover the entire Southern capital and the citizens within it. 

Then the bright white color that had filled the apparition of the city suddenly vanished and with it the citizens of the Southern capital.