
Chapter 1520 Time Rule Meaning- Time Flow

1520 Time Rule Meaning- Time Flow

Date- 13 April 2321

Time- 9:52

Location- Southern Region, Southern Capital

The mohawk devil's stride continued to get slower and slower. Since the prey he sought was delivering itself to him he figured he should prepare for the next step by adjusting his time mastery to the card world's time faster.

However, soon the mohawk devil felt numerous strong card demigod soul energy signatures head toward his target. At first, the devil thought they were arriving to protect Wyatt. But then he felt a malice in their intent directed toward Wyatt so he knew they were not here to stop him but steal his prey from him.

The mohawk devil's understanding turned into realization and the realization turned into rage, be it in the jungle or the dark realm, stealing the predator's prey was one of the greatest sins one could commit against them. The enraged mohawk devil let out a deafening roar expressing the rage it was feeling, "Roarr!"

The mohawk devil wasn't the only one Wyatt had also noticed the unknown huge masses of soul pathways heading toward him. He could tell that these soul pathways belong to the demigod conspirators.

Wyatt thought these people will not show up until the very last moment, then take advantage of the chaos to achieve their agenda and leave before anyone could react.

However, he did not expect them to reveal themselves this early. Putting him in a dilemma when he just wanted to go all out against the mohawk devil.

After the demigods neared Wyatt, they all revealed themselves. The demigods appeared to belong to two different factions and from the looks of it, though they did not have any crest or such on them, it was apparent that one faction of demigods belonged to Morningstar University and the other faction of demigods belonged to the Central government's covert force.

Seeing a mass of unknown demigods show themselves next to Wyatt, Ann's heart almost jumped out from her chest as she could tell that these demigods were not there to help Wyatt but were after him. Seeing this she began to reconsider her decision

Just when she was about to call back the demigods and have them help Wyatt. Her grimoire notification rang reminding her that she had received a text from Wyatt. Which read, 'Ann, stand down I got this. Just have your people defeat the other five devils as fast as possible.'

The demigods of both factions kept one eye on their enemy and one eye on their price, Dalton Wyatt. After giving each other threatening stares they began to argue.

"Central government forces back off, we will take the boy away, and once we learn all the knowledge required to create the VR-Universe as promised we will hand him over to you," A demigod dressed like he was out attending a fancy party but not a battle against devils and demigods spoke and his voice resounded in all four directions.

"Since when has it become the turn for the sissys from the morning star university to order us around? You bookworm learn your place and step aside or we don't mind reminding you that you belong at the feet of the central government," the Vice-captain of Arnas's team aggressively thundered and then added, "We will take the boy and you guys can come to central capital to take your treats just like good dogs."

"HaHaHa," listening to their vice-captain's domineering words the central government team burst into a loud laughter.

It was typical of the central government forces to believe that everything below the sky was theirs. Especially, everything in the central region with no exception. 

However, the Morningstar undivseisty and the other top nine universities would beg to differ. They worshiped knowledge and believed that the central government was nothing but a gathering of illiterate brutes who tried to solve everything with muscle and that would be the death of them.

Regardless of what the two factions thought of each other and the differences between them, they appeared to be acting as if the mohawk devil with the time rule mastery did not exist. They entirely ignored it, whether it was out of confidence or just ignorance but these demigods had managed to piss the mohawk devil off.

"How dare you ants try to steal my prey from me? Are you guys tired of living?" the mohawk devil yelled in fury. But was immediately cussed by one of the demigods from the central government forces, "Shut the fuck up you fat bipedal boar. If not for your pork brain meddling with our plans we would not be out here arguing with these bookworms. You stay quiet and wait for your turn. If you want to save your bacon leave before we deal with these nerds."

The demigod from the central government force's description of the mohawk devil was accurate. Once you remove the hourglass on its back and the bulky chain all that was left was brown fur, tusks, meaty body, pig nose, and hoofs. Yep, it did look like a bipedal boar.

As a mighty devil, being called a boar and pig by an inferior begin was just the greatest embarrassment the mohawk devil could suffer. Causing the mohawk devil's fury to rise and max out, its mind was filled with madness it could not calm down unless it had inflected ten times as much shame and pain on the inferior begin.

The mohawk devil no longer cared about planning ahead. Instead, unleashed the power it was conversing, "Death to you all. Tremble before my might, time rule meaning: Time Flow - 1:3600."

As the mohawk devil invoked the time spell the surrounding wind and clouds became still. The world appeared to have paused even the demigods for two factions who were glaring daggers at each other appeared to be frozen as they were.

Even Wyatt stood still like a statue. Neither of their hearts was beating. Not just their heart all their bodily functions seemed to have stopped and all chemical reactions in their body seemed to have been paused mid-way yet somehow their body temperature did not decrease which was absurd.