
Chapter 1674 Reconstructing True Appearance Using Soul Records

Date- 14 April 2321

Time- 12:45

Location- Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands, Central Tower, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon. 

"Wyatt, the wide search on the soul repair and division is complete. I am sending you the list of books related to the topic and also the list of languages you need to learn to read those books. As always you can now access those books for free on the Infinity Library's personal inter-realm network," Dredre informed Wyatt who was contemplating various ways to learn the true name of the Card World's Devil Merchant. 

"Thank you, Dredre," Wyatt politely thanked Dredre for her service and then asked, "Dredre, is there a way for a being to learn another being's true name?" 

"Um, there are many rules and rule meanings that help you with this. For example, the fate, karma, etc rules help beings find other beings' past, present, and future based on different conditions. I can only think of these two rules off the top of my head, if you want to I can search for them on the Infinity Library?" Drebre replied to the best of her knowledge.

"No need. Is there any other way, without the target knowing?" Wyatt stopped Dredre from searching for books on rules that would help him find a being's true name. 

"Nope, now what you are asking is impossible," Dredre responded knowing that there were countermeasures for every rule. After all, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. So, Wyatt asking her for a way to spy on a beings' true names without them knowing was just too magical even for the myriad realm. 

The reason Wyatt made such an unreasonable demand was because knowing the cautious nature of the Card World's only devil merchant and his means it would not be surprising that he has strong anti-spying abilities. After all, he was able to lie low in Clown Mask's future vision where the world underwent change twice. The first time was when the three mischiefs took it from the government and the royal families, and the second time was when Ada with the help of freedom fighters took it from the corpse of the three mischiefs. Despite all that, the Card World's only Devil Merchant did not even show his face once. 

Wyatt knew there was no way the Card World's only Devil Merchant did not participate in these two incidents in Clown Mask's future vision. After all, by not doing so he would be giving up on lots of benefits. Yet, he managed to stay hidden and not reveal his existence. This can only mean that he had a lot of patience and strong hiding skills. 

Therefore Wyatt did not bother to learn any specific rules for it. Not to mention comprehending rules would take a lot of time, even though Wyatt had a high synchronization rate it was not like Wyatt could just learn the rules he wanted magically, especially when the rules that would help his situation were rare and special like fate and Karma. 

It seems the only way he could get what he wanted was by gaining the trust of the 'Seven Princes of the Hell' and the Card World's only Devil merchant's trust as they were the only two entities that Wyatt knew of who knew the true name of the Card World's only Devil merchant but for that he would have to put in a lot of time, work, and effort for it. 

All in all, it was not going to be easy for Wyatt to get the Card World's only Devil merchant's true name, guess he should be happy with just getting the unaltered and true soul records of the Card World's only Devil merchant. However, Wyatt was not the one to give up until he achieved what he wanted. 

Wyatt was right not to give up as he remembered paleontology back on earth, where the archeologists determined the appearance of the dinosaurs based on their bone structure using the incomplete fossils they found. This gave Wyatt the idea to reconstruct the Card World's only Devil merchant's true appearance based on his soul records. As long as Wyatt was able to come up with the real appearance of the Card World's only Devil merchant then it would be easier for him to find him in the Card World with the help of the Southern Royal family. 

But was it possible to use the soul records of a person to reconstruct the original form? Wyatt had many soul records stored in his Hive AI. First, he would create the required program for it and then he can have the Hive AI run the simulations using the available soul records to see how accurately he can reconstruct the true appearance of a person using their soul records.

Wyatt did not doubt in his mind about his being able to reconstruct the true appearance of a person using their soul records. After all, he has been using the soul pathways of different beings to grant different cards their abilities and skills. But what he was concerned about was the accuracy, how accurate the reconstructed thing would be to the original thing. 

Now that he had an idea in his mind, Wyatt just ran with it and did not let his concern about the success stop him from trying it. Soon he developed a nifty program that Hive AI can use to run simulations on reconstructing a being's appearance based on their soul records. 

Wyatt had developed this program such that it would reconstruct the appearance of all beings, not just humans. Though as a human he was face-blind when it came to many species the same was not true about the Hive AI. It could differentiate and recognize the facial features that his naked eyes overlooked. So Wyatt trusted that it would be able to run numerous simulations and optimize the program he developed to more accurately recreate the appearance of any being using their soul records. But for now, the top priority remains the humans. Wyatt did not overlook or deny the chances that the Card world's only devil merchant could be of a different species like Jaya Keith but he will be sure once he gets his hands on his soul records.