Date- 15 April 2321
Time- 03:02
Location- Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands, Central Tower, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon.
Buying a few plants and small beasts from the Inter-realm network, Wyatt began to dose each of them with small amounts of Pixie Dust. Then he used his soul pupils to note the change in their soul pathway arrangements, signature, and vibrations that went through under the influence of the Pixie Dust. He also made a point to note down the obvious changes in the subjects as a being.
Even though his soul pupils could not see through the mysteries of the Pixie Dust, they had no trouble monitoring the soul pathways of the plants and beasts he experimented on.
Soon Wyatt repeated the process with an increased dose of the pixie dust on a new set of subjects and old subjects concurrently while recording the changes to their soul records and their being as a whole. Then kept repeating the same process with a new set of subjects and the old subjects while increasing the dose of pixie dust to the subjects bit by bit. He made sure to record every minute of changes in the subject's soul records along with the time it took for the changes.
By the end of the experiment, he had a whole set of data and an angry Pixie. Dredre was not angry that Wyatt was experimenting on plants and beasts with her pixie dust but the fact after the experiment he threw all the test subjects to her forest. Which was already having a hard time surviving as it was now with new unaccounted beings the ego system had grown unstable and Dredre was too soft to abandon these trees and beasts.
Wyatt could have created separate islands for his test subjects but the stone viltronian was still comprehending rules and Wyatt was too lazy to summon another stone viltronian, but to appease Dredre he summoned another stone viltronian who created a new floating island as the home for his experiment subjects. Fortunately, thanks to the Pixie Dust, they had grown enough sentience to take care of themselves. So, Wyatt did not have to kill them as he was too lazy and Dredre was too busy with her floating forest to tend to their every need.
With the new set of data collected on the effects of the Pixie Dust on plants and beast in his hands, Wyatt came to realize the effect of Pixie Dust on the plants and the beast was totally different. But the end result was the same they all came to gain a greater level of sentience allowing them to become beings with high intelligence and a better connection with the spiritual realm.
With his, Wyatt deduced that an appropriate dose of Pixie dust can not only help the card apprentices forge their ego gem faster but also increase their synchronization rate.
If the Card apprentice uses the Pixie Dust in the process of forging their ego gem, then they can permanently increase the synchronization rate of the ego gem they were going to forge. However, using Pixie Dust after forging their ego gem will only temporarily boost their synchronization rate.
Just a few milligrams of the Pixie Dust was enough to boost the Card apprentice's synchronization rate by 10-30 percent and the boost gained increases with the quality of the ego gem. However, Wyatt inhaled about a handful of Pixie Dust when Dredre showered it on his head.
Considering that Wyatt's Calamity Soul gem was of near-perfect quality with a synchronization rate above 90 percent, the boost he gained to the synchronous rate of his Calamity Soul Gem would be unimaginably high, meaning at that movement he was able to enter the 'one with the world' state spiritually without even thinking. Even in the spiritual plane, he seemed to be in a state that was not recorded in the history of the Card Apprentice. He had gone where no card apprentice had gone before, all thanks to the Pixie dust.
But the problem was he had no idea what state he had entered and if it was beneficial or harmful to him in any way. After his experience under the influence of the Pixie Dust, he compared his new soul records with the old soul records and found that there was no change. He wondered if it was because he had only briefly entered that state.
Wyatt though curious about that state was not stupid enough to ask Dredre for a handful of pixie dust and snort it just to experience that state again for a longer period, only to overdose on Pixie Dust and become a laughing stock in the entire myriad realms as the being who O'ed on Pixie Dust.
It was already shocking that Wyatt was able to survive the first time he ingested so much pixie dust and entered that unknown state without harming himself the first time, It must be mostly because of the Pixie Dust's nature and also because of his strong physique and mutated soul, Wyatt thought.
However, he did not let this stop him from exploring the mysterious state he had entered. As the first Card apprentice who discovered it, he owed to the entire Card Apprentice community to uncover it.
Therefore, Wyatt decided to approach this more technically. He would start by snorting small amounts of pixie dust to find out the minimum amount of pixie dust required for him to enter that state.
Then he will experiment to see how that state would affect his physical and spiritual body. Once he had made sure that the unknown state was not harmful to him, he would try to increase the dose to see if it lengthened his stay in that state or if it would harm him physically or spiritually. Wyatt would not have taken the risk of using himself as a genuine pig for the experiment instead would have used one of his calamity daughter gems to have the honor of helping him with the experiment but he had a good feeling that it was unnecessary.