
Chapter 1701 Getting A Minor Drunk

Date- 15 April 2321

Time- 15:32

Location- Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands, Central Tower, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon

Seeing Ann panicking and blaming herself, Wyatt consoled her, "Do not worry, except for the change in her behavior nothing serious will happen. In a way, foreign soul energy to Dredre is like alcohol to us. Everything will be back to normal once she sobers up, so you can rest at ease." 

"This makes it worse. I feel like I got a kindergartener drunk," Ann's body trembled as she spoke these words and continued to apologize, "Forgive me, for I have sinned." 

"Stop overreacting, I will handle this right now," Wyatt reached his hand to grab Dredre who was busy playing with his hair. Bringing Dredre to his eye level he stared into Dredre's eyes and said, "Dredre, time for you to sober up. Use my celestial force to gather soul energy from the spiritual plane." 

"Wyatt, you smell nice. Let's check if you taste good too," Dredre totally ignored Wyatt's words, and freeing herself from his grasp she grabbed his middle finger and bit on its tip. However, her teeth could not tear it so she was about to like it but Ann acted prompted and stopped her, she grabbed Dredre and sternly said, "Dredre, you are being a bad girl."

"Bad girl, Dredre is a Bad girl?" the playful expression on Dredre's face soon morphed, calling herself in the third person she looked as if she was about to cry. 

"No, you are not a bad girl but if you continue to act like this you will become a bad girl. You do not want to be a bad girl do you?" Ann's stern expression eased instantly and was replaced by a doting one as she began to discipline Dredre. 

"No, I do not want to be a bad girl," Dredre answered. Wyatt stepped in and said, "Then use my celestial force to gather soul energy from the spiritual plane to sober up." 

The craving for foreign soul energy that Pixies build by feeding on foreign soul energy can only be satisfied by feeding on the soul energy they gathered. 

"Okay," Leaving Ann's side, Dredre used Wyatt's hair as cushion to get comfortable as she prepared to gather soul energy from the spiritual plane using borrowing his celestial force. 

As for Wyatt, he was puzzled wondering why Dredre was more wilder than before. After all, she had a lot more foreign soul energy previously compared to now. Only Dredre could answer this.

"Wow," Ann was amazed by seeing Dredre at work and could not help but ask Wyatt, "How did you manage to befriend such a miraculous creature and get her to work for you? This is unheard of for someone who made a small breakthrough in inter-realm travel. The inter-realm travelers from both the top ten universities and the Central government have been killed by the wills of the foreign realms they tried to make contact with even before they got to meet the natives and then there is you." 

Ann could not help but shake her, once again Wyatt had outdone his predecessors. But Ann knew if the population of the card world knew that Wyatt was successful in inter-realm travel, then it would do more harm than good to his reputation. 

Those jealous of Wyatt will use this to add merit to rumors about his supposed relationship with demons, calming that the only reason Wyatt was successful in inter-realm travel when both the central government and the top ten universities failed was that he got help from the demons. 

This was an obvious move on the part of Wyatt's haters as they have been doing the same already. They claimed that all of Wyatt's discoveries and inventions so far were not his own but the demons that were grooming him to take over the card world. 

Wyatt's habit of not sharing his discoveries and inventions with other big forces and instead monopolizing the profits for himself has garnered a huge number of haters in the top one percentile of the world. They did not hesitate to use all the resources at their disposal to defame Wyatt. If not for those who benefited from the free VR-Slime cards coming to Wyatt's defense even the Southern Royal family would have had trouble maintaining the status quo of Wyatt's reputation among the public. 

"I have my ways if you Southern Royal wants. I can sell you a basic realm-travel technique that will allow you to travel to nearby realms. As long as you guys do not harm that realm's interest you will be fine," Wyatt proposed, there were various demon-summoning rituals in the infinity library that allowed the dark races to travel to other realms when called upon. Using them it would not be hard for Wyatt to come up with a better inter-realm travel that would not focus on living sacrifice but high-grade soul jades or other ingredients as a sacrifice. 

The only reason Wyatt was willing to sell an inter-realm travel method to the Southern Region was because he would like to see the look on the smug face of the central government and Top Ten universities when the Southern Region of all the regions was the first to achieve a successful realm-travel. 

"Thank you, I will keep that in mind," Ann did not immediately agree to Wyatt because she had finally mastered Soul Whisper to perfection and believed that the next time she or Anna was in front of their ancestors, her Southern Royal family would see a new rise one that is not from Wyatt but their ancestors. 

"..." Wyatt could not help but raise his left brow in doubt listening to Ann reject his generous offer. Only the top ten universities and the central government knew how much resources they had poured into the inter-realm travel program for centuries only to come up with a flawed method so far, here Wyatt was giving the southern royal family a complete method for inter-realm for a one-time price but Ann refused, this puzzled Wyatt.