Chapter 1722 Breaking The Ceiling
Date- 15 April 2321
Time- 22:09
Location- Card World, Way Beyond, ????, Secret Hideout
Muth Diya was a full-fledge devil which meant that he had forged his title demon core, so there was little point in him using Cuth Diya as a guinea pig to test the foreign forging method, even if that was the case he could have picked any other talented demon from his tribe to do so no his son. There had to be a strong reason why Muth Diya would use his son. After giving it much thought the most obvious reason that popped up in Wyatt's head was that Muth Diya might have some method similar to Demigod Redfall's Bloodline Meaning of the Blood rule, that allowed him to revive himself in the body of his descendants.
A powerful trait like the 'Rule Unity' would be a pretty good motivator for an ambitious devil-like Muth Diya to use his son to achieve what he cannot achieve through normal means. If it was everything that Wyatt had theorized, it had every potential to become a motivator strong enough for someone like Muth Diya to give up on devilhood and try to achieve the devil realm all over again in his son's body.
Especially, because Muth Diya was at the point in his life where he had reached his ceiling, and the younger generation that once looked up to him was now catching up to him. Muth Diya was too ambitious and prideful to let this continue, he was willing to go to any lengths to break past his ceiling even if it meant eating his own son's soul and wearing his skin.
Muth Diya was not alone, history was filled with demons and card apprentices who have practiced something similar in the despair but it was not known how many have truly succeeded. One would think that the history would serve as a cautionary tale but all think that they were different, they were somehow special from the rest. It was funny because them reaching the ceiling of their potential while others had a lot of room to grow served as evidence saying otherwise.
If this were really the reason why Muth Diya was grooming Cuth Diya, then that would put a damper on Wyatt's plans to use Cuth Diya as his mole next to Belphegor. But considering that Cuth Diya was still a card lord Wyatt thought that Muth Diya would probably wait till Cuth Diya was Demon Emperor.
If Cuth Diya were to successfully create his title demon core and gain the Rule Unity trait, he would enter a rapid growth period where he would require a strong tree-like Muth Diya to support his growth period. During this period, Muth Diya was better off aiding Cuth Diya's development rather than taking over his body.
Losing his devil status it would be tough for Muth Diya to start from mid back to top, so he stood most to gain if he were to fatten up Cuth Diya till he was a Demon Emperor and then try to swallow him up. With his experience of becoming a devil previously, it would be easier and faster for him to become a Devil starting as a Demon Emperor instead of a Demon Lord.
If Muth Diya were really after that title demon core of his son, then this was his best option. This meant that Wyatt's plan of using Cuth Diya to sabotage Belphegor would still work that was until Muth Diya determined that Cuth Diya had grown fat enough and gobbled him up. However, that was not anytime soon, and by that time arrived Wyatt was sure he would be strong enough to enter the Dark Realm and kill Muth Diya. Muth Diya was no Belphegor but he was strong.
"Are you sure about this? Weren't you the one who stopped the plan saying that the situation changed as you found out that the dwarf had a strong backing? Even faction updated its orders now," Handsome Fox questioned Muth Diya.
"Yes, I did. That was before I met the dwarf. I did not know he would be this arrogant and prideful. You talked to him, you saw how much of an asshole he is. The nerve of that puny ant," Muth Diya went off topic remembering the arrogant attitude of the the Chaos Dwarf Ezra. If not for the sake of the Cuth Diya forging his titled demon core, he would have slapped him to death long ago.
" I have no problem doing it your way. That Dwarf has got some serious attitude, there is no argument there. But the orders from the faction were pretty clear on the fact that we had to play nice with the dwarf," Handsome Fox agreed with Muth Diya about the Chaos Dwarf but he was not so sure about going against the faction's orders.
"Don't tell me you still think he will join our faction just because we asked him nicely. Even if both you and I were to bend over backward for the dwarf it would still not be enough for us to get him to join our faction. He has an elder who is an executive VVIP of the Infinity Library supporting him, why the heck would he want to go join some third-grade faction?
If do things as the faction has ordered us to, forget getting the elder chaos dwarf back Ezra to join our faction, even will not be able to recruit Ezra into our faction. However, if we follow our previous plan. Not only will we control Ezra but give the elder backing him a strong reason to join our faction" Muth Diya made a strong case about why they should stop the soft approach and switch to the hard approach as they had planned previously.
"You make a compelling case but will the faction be okay if we do things this way? If we do this there is bound to be a large backlash, are you prepared to face that?" Handsome Fox was still on the fence about what Muth Diya proposed.