
Chapter 1732 Message From Ghost

Date- 16 April 2321

Time- 11:09

Location- Card World, Way Beyond, ????, Secret Hideout

"..." Muth Diya looked at Ezra for a second before he grabbed his son and left the vicinity. He did not bother arguing with Ezra because he had a feeling that Ezra might have other tricks like the soul protection spirit item on him. So he left in a hurry, such that Handsome Fox could do everything in his power to subdue Ezra or kill him. His being here another second would only favor Ezra since the contract clause would tie Ezra's hands, therefore he and his son who were part of the Blight Brood Club had to leave so Handsome Fox could truly get started. 

"Hey, Midget, why don't you try waving your sharp tongue now?" Handsome Fox tightened his grip around Ezra's neck and asked him to act smart now that the father and son duo from Blight Brood Club had left. Meaning he did not have to hold back anymore.

"I would but I am not a masochist like you, you suckerrrr—- *BooommM* —-" Ezra yelled before detonating his physical body. 

"A demon master's self-detonation is not enough to scratch a demigod let alone hurt one, Who is stupid now, stupid?" Handsome Fox uttered as he watched Ezra's eyes lose sign of life before his physical body exploded. Unfortunately, there was nothing left of Ezra to answer him.

"What happened?" Listening to the explosion Muth Diya who had not gone far rushed back to check on Handsome Fox.

"He detonated himself," Handsome Fox informed Muth Diya, who repeated his words word to word in astonishment, "He detonated himself?" 

"Yep, that is what happened," Handsome Fox said having trouble believing what he saw. Ezra turned out to be a warrior, he would rather die than be enslaved. Ezra taking such a drastic measure finally satisfied Hansome Fox's sadistic thirst just imagining what the Chaos Dwarf would have gone through in his last moments to so decisively detonate himself he felt like he was about to have an orgasm. 

"It's a pity though, since his spiritual items did not drop I guess he chose to destroy them with his death," Muth Diya said, he could not be happier with how things turned out. He felt that Ezra had made things easier for them. Now there were only two people who knew about the secret of the hell of the contamination being born, him and his son. 

"Yes, it is a pity. But what do we tell the faction," Handsome Fox asked

"Well, one thing is for sure we cannot report back to the faction what exactly happened here. Cheer up, we have little to worry about as I do not believe the faction will be willing to lose two devil merchants over a dead chaos dwarf," Muth Diya said confidently. 

Muth Diya was not wrong, with the 'Seven Princes of Hell' faction's upcoming event to conquer the card realm where their predecessor failed the faction could not afford to cut off two devil merchants. Especially, Handsome Fox who had a good enough understanding of Card World. Since they had invested all their fortune to buy the devil merchant code's rights to the card world. 

They had to make up for their investment while also making a huge profit enough for them to compensate for the labor and time. So even though Muth Diya and Handsome Fox had made a huge mistake they will be penalized to slave for the faction at best and not be thrown out of the faction at times like this. 

This was what gave Muth Diya the courage to go against faction orders and do things his way, from convincing Handsome Fox that enslaving Ezra would be the best choice to kill Ezra to erase their biggest blunder. 

"If you say so. But know this, if the factions come after me I will not hesitate to throw you under the bus," Handsome Fox warned Muth Diya that if the faction were to suspect or blame him for the failure of the mission he would not hesitate to reveal to them what exactly had transpired. Having sold his realm, the Seven Price of Hell faction was his means to move to the dark realm. 

"Relax, we are in this together. Trust me," Muth Diya was so happy with way the things had turned out that he did not mind Handsome Fox's rudeness. 

"..." Handsome Fox frowned looking at giddy Muth Diya. He felt that Muth Diya was happy with the death of Ezra and he was sad about failing the faction's mission to recruit Ezra into their faction along with his elder if possible. 

Handsome Fox locked eyes with Muth Diya and without any exchange of words, he tried to gauge Muth Diya's real motive. However, just then, His, Muth Diya's, and Cuth Diya's demon/devil merchant codex rang alerting them of an incoming message. Surprised by the coincidence, all three locked eyes suspiciously, and then shaking their head they went through their respective messages. 

[Hi Dumb Ass,

 I told you guys you would help me make a fortune. Now do you believe me?] 

Going through the notification Muth Diya who was the happiest of the three exclaimed, "How is possible? Could it be somebody less?" 

The trio locked their eyes again but this time instead of suspicion there was shock and a hint of fear in them. Especially Muth Diya and Handsome Fox. If Muth Diya was worried that his secret about the successor of the hell of contamination being born was no longer safe, Handsome Fox felt that he was a fool. 

"The message I received is making use of the Infinity library's personal-realm network and has a very high privacy. I guess it's the same for you guys too. This kind of message could only have been sent by the Executive VVIP member of the Infinity Library. Who is it we do know has access to the privileges of the Infinity Library's executive VVIP membership? So it has to be him or his ghost."