
Chapter 1734 Return

Date- 16 April 2321

Time- 11:32

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom District, Outskirt

Informing his calamity daughter gems about his arrival, Wyatt rushed back to the TSR Headquarters where Sarah received him. With her help, he made it to the basement, back into the blood rock, and removing his disguise he checked on Bloodette. Seeing she was still in deep slumber, leaving a true clone next to her he returned to the seed world appearing a foot in front of Dredre. 

"Did you miss me?" Wyatt wanted to surprise her but he did not want to scare her so he made the choice to appear in front of her with very little suspense. 

"Wyatt, you are back. Yes, I did miss you," Dredre instantly rushed to Wyatt's side and nestled in his hair. For some reason, they never seemed to get dirty and always smelled so nice and fragrant.

"Wyatt," Ann greeted him as she enviously stole a glance at Dredre who was playing with Wyatt's hair, seeing it wasn't just Dredre but Wyatt too genuinely missed her. If not for her knowing that it was physically impossible for Wyatt to be with a pixie, Ann would have considered Dredre as one of her rivals with the most potential. Because she was just too damned cute. 

Wyatt returned Ann and Aria's greeting with a nod, and he asked, "Hope she wasn't too much of a trouble." 

"No, she was a delight. I would love to play with her some other time," Ann said. She could not spend too much time away from the royal court. Especially, with her mother returning from the Western Region. Her mother cannot find out that she has been slacking off for an entire day.

"Ann, you are leaving," Listening to Ann, Dredre paused nestling in Wyatt's hair, and asked with a hint of sadness. Though they only knew each other for a little time, she had grown to like Ann and Aria, enough to miss them if they left. It was a lot harder for a Pixie to get over someone than getting attached to someone. 

"Yes, but I will come visit when I am free. Or you can come to visit me in the southern when you have built your forest," Ann knew with her mother's arrival her schedule would be jam-packed with new projects thanks to the masterstroke her grandpa had pulled. As such she might not have a day off in the foreseeable future to come meet Dredre. This might be goodbye unless Dredre comes to visit her. 

Dredre flew out of Wyatt's hair to lock eyes with Wyatt and to ask his permission before she made any promise to Ann about going to meet her. Knowing what Dredre was about to ask him, Wyatt jumped the gun and agreed, "Yes Dredre, we can go meet Ann in the Southern capital." 

It is not like Wyatt planned to return to the Southern Capital, it's just that with the Southern Royal family suddenly building silver milk powder factories on the outskirts of the Southern Capital, he thought he would be visiting the Capital soon depending on what explanation Anna's mother was going to him. Colleen and Ann have been very doggy about this topic. Something that could make these two doggy must be serious. 

"Yeah," Dredre cheered, and then turning to Ann she declared, "Ann, I will come visit you in the southern capital once I have built my forest." 

"Okay, I will be waiting for you. You are going to love the royal garden," Ann replied. Wyatt couldn't help but laugh listening to her, 'She wants to show off her garden to a Pixie, ignorance is bliss.'

"Wyatt, you have been to the royal garden. Isn't it beautiful?" Ann asked with her left eyebrow raised. 

"Yes, by card apprentice standards. But by Pixie standards, the entire card world may be barely good enough," Wyatt said knowing Ann would not understand what he actually meant. 

"What do you mean? I don't get it," Ann said. 

"It is an inside joke, am I right Dredre?" Wyatt tagged Dredre but she threw him under the bus saying, "I would love to see the royal garden." 

"You heard her," Ann said proudly. 

"Yeah, yeah, take her with you too," Wyatt pointed at Aria whose presence was masked, even though she was a few feet away from them it was like she was not there. 

"No, I am your bodyguard. I should be with you all the time. Next time you leave please take me with you," Aria demanded with a straight face, she was being serious.

"I killed a devil that managed to single-handedly kill two teams of demigods. Since when did I require a card lord to act as my bodyguard? Just leave with Ann. You can stay if you need my expertise with fixing your bloodlines flaw," Wyatt rejected Aria's demand outright. However, she was welcome to stay if she was willing to let him experiment with the Art family and Heatsend family bloodline. 

"I–" Aria was about to argue with Wyatt but Ann stepped in saying, "Aria, you are relieved of your bodyguard duty as of now. However, if you want to use Wyatt's help to rectify your bloodline the royal family is more than willing to pay for the fees." 

Aria thought for a second about what Wyatt and Ann proposed then replied, "Thank you, your highness. Though this body is mine, the bloodline belongs to my family and the royal family. It's not my place to make a decision. I cannot be the judge of this, I will have to talk to the elders of my family regarding this." 

"Okay, then let us head back to the Southern Capital," Ann, as a good little mama's girl, was impressed by Aria's words. Her words had made a deep impression on her. Her conviction that had been wavering since knew Wyatt suddenly stabilized. She decided to focus on her duty and let her relationship with Wyatt take the natural course.