Date- 16 April 2321
Time- 14:07
Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon, Seed World
"Why turn into an ugly old dude when you can be anybody?" Corey asked with a tone that implied that Wyatt had a freaky tendency.
"Shut up, just tell Susan that the Southern Royal family has sent a highly designated medical card apprentice to help her deal with Handsome Fox's ability. Tell her that the medical card apprentice has helped you and is currently helping Bloodette. That should be enough reason for you to bring her to the Blood Rock Cave dungeon without getting suspicious," Wyatt instructed Corey. The reason he chose to morph into an ugly old was almost random, he had morphed into the first image that came to his mind he thought of a renowned card medicine expert. He felt as long as his disguise was not attention-grabbing and suspicious it was good enough.
"Really, you could not think of anything more believable than a hunchback card medicine expert. If he was that good don't you think he would have found a way to cure his hunchback," Corey argued that Wyatt's character was not believable enough.
Wyatt glared at Corey and regretted not creating a laser beam vision card, that way he could weld Corey's mouth shut. Wyatt's glare was so strong that even Park, who was hovering behind Corey felt it on her fiery skin and defended Corey saying, "She not wrong you know."
"Fine, you guys tell me whom do I disguise as?" Wyatt found that Corey did have a point so he took a step back and decided to listen to her out.
"How about an elderly lady with a chest big enough for patients to lay their head on it comfortably and tell their ailments?" Corey proposed as she playfully gazed at Wyatt waiting for his response.
"How about I morph into your father," Wyatt was not one to be outdone, he showed Corey that two can play at that game.
"Don't you dare," Corey felt like she was about to live her worst nightmare. Ever since Susan had begun to reciprocate Wyatt's feelings for her, Corey regretted her decision to confide in Wyatt about her origin card. Especially the part where she believed Susan to be her past life's mother.
On numerous occasions, Wyatt has taunted her that she should respect him since he was going to be her father someday. Corey had a thick skin she could take a taunt or two but the fact that it could come true haunted her dreams and kept her awake. She has come to respect Susan's decision to date whoever she wants but she cannot stomach that Wyatt was that someone.
"Why not? Susan has not met your parents right," It was impossible for Wyatt to morph into Corey's father as he did not have her father's DNA to use myriad devil transformations to morph into him. However, seeing Corey's reaction it was worth it.
"That's it! You and me, right here and now. If you win you can date Big Sis Susan if she wants to but if I win I get Dredre," enraged Corey suddenly proposed. She looked very serious contrary to her stupid stakes for the fight.
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"Do you think you are the only smart person in the room?" Wyatt rolled his eyes at Corey as her intentions couldn't be more obvious. Then he added, "Besides, I do not net an incentive to whoop your bratty ass."
"What the heck is happening!" Corey exclaimed in fright, suddenly feeling the space around her compress and collapse on her as an invisible force drew her toward Wyatt. She struggled but it was fruitless. Her strength was no use against the strength of the invisible force.
"As your would-be father, I have decided to take it upon myself to disciple you," Wyatt informed Corey with a wide grin.
"Wyatt, this not funny, let go of me. I swear to you, I will never forgive you if you do this to me," Corey began to yell threats at Wyatt.
"As your would-be father, my first lesson to you is- Do not run your mouth in front of someone stronger than you," Wyatt spoke as he used his celestial force to drag Corey in front of him and bent her over. As he prepared to spank Corey's bratty ass he screamed with a deep grudge, "Wyatt, mark my words I will never forgive you for this humiliation."
"Wyatt, I think it's enough. You have proven your point," Park finally stepped in and asked to stop. Next, she added, "When did you master celestial force and how did your control over it become so skillfully? I did not even notice you enter one with the world physically and spiritually."
"Fine, catch," Wyatt used his celestial force to fling Corey at Park like a rag doll, releasing her constraints. Then he answered her, "In my fight against Belphgor's Worldhog I had a sudden epiphany and with practice, I have polished my control over celestial force to such a level."
Park had mistaken Wyatt's celestial force as the celestial force that he had borrowed from the card world. Wyatt did not correct her instead he went with it as correcting her meant telling her how obtained his own celestial force. He trusted Park and Corey but not enough to reveal the secrets of the Pixies to them.
"Wyatt, I will pay back a hundredfold of this embarrassment," freed from Wyatt's constraint Corey swore glaring intently at him.
"Look's like you have not learned your lesson," Wyatt immediately mobilized his celestial force seeing Corey continue to make threats
"Park, save me," feeling the space around her begin to compress Corey instantly rushed behind Park asking her to help her. To which Park said in annoyance, "Corey, how many times have I advised you that if you keep your mouth shut, you can help yourself?"
Just as Wyatt was beginning to repeat his first lesson to Corey, she felt the presence of Sarah outside the seed world requesting an entry.