
Chapter 1745 Demigod Norley

Date- 16 April 2321

Time- 14:15

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Headquarters compound

Under Susan's amazement, Little Beam reduced her size and then warped itself around Susan's waist over her regular belt. Then a ginormous red ethereal spirit of a snake similar to little Beam formed with Susan in the center of the ethereal snake's head.

Then the ethereal snake flew into the sky, carrying Susan who was inside her ethereal body toward the source of the unknown voice as she demanded. Susan had just recently become a card scholar with the help of Corey's mystic pills.

When Corey heard Wyatt had helped Susan contract a silver grimoire, he did not hold back and made use of Park's knowledge of medicine and herds to help Susan advance to the card scholar realm.

As far as little Beam was concerned Susan was fragile, hence she chose to use her ethereal spirit form to take Susan to the source of the unknown voice that sounded throughout the headquarters compound. This way she could freely use her powers while keeping Susan out of harm's way.

As the ethereal snake spirit soared to the sky, the unknown voice suddenly went quiet, and the intimidating aura covering the headquarters compound also vanished. With this, the employees who were ready to meet their maker, immediately left what they were doing before and ran for their lives.

"Your Highness, please do not make things difficult for use," one of the 11 demigods assigned to guard the requested source of the unknown voice, a handsome middle-aged demigod dressed in casual clothes. If not for him floating 2000km above ground, one would mistaken him for a harmless neighbor who was generous enough to tend to your lawn with his.

"I have a small business with Wyatt, once I handle it I will leave," the dashing middle-aged demigod replied calmly even though he was surrounded by 11 demigods from the Southern Royal family.

"Your Highness, if you haven't heard. Wyatt is no longer in this world but has gone to the world of the yellow plains," the female demigod from earlier explained.

"Lt. General Spencer right, I know Wyatt has returned from the yellow plains. You should know better than to lie to me. If not for the respect for you ruler of the south, I would have already entered the compound and found that little rascal myself. Do not waste my time and go fetch him before I lose my patience," the middle-aged man seemed to know the female demigod's name and rank. Which shocked all 11 demigods surrounding him.

The demigods were shocked not because the female demigod's name and rank were classified but because they could not believe someone of the middle-aged demigod's status would remember a small character like the female demigod. The middle-aged demigod was only middle-aged by looks but not by age. None of the demigods present dare to guess his true age. He was one of the lesser-known founders of the current government, Demigod Norley. 

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"Your Highness Norley, you know I cannot allow that," Lt. General Spencer answered standing her ground against one of the Card world's strongest beings. Proving her undying loyalty towards the Southern Royal family and the Southern Region.

"Sigh, why do you have to be like this? Do you not value your lives?" Demigod Norley sighed in annoyance. He was already frustrated with the matter with Wyatt, he did not have the patience to deal with these ants.

Listening to Demigod Norley sigh in irritation, all 11 demigods held their breath. Each one of them was experiencing the same as what the mortal in the headquarters compound experienced. However, they did not take a step back instead to a step forward. This move of theirs was unconscious.

Their mind was blank from uncertainty but their body was prepared to sacrifice themselves for the royal family and the Southern Region. It seems however the Southern Royal family was training the Southern Watch, it was proving effective. The action of the demigods to be willing to stand against one of the guys on whose shoulder the current government was built was a testament to that.

"I am going to say this one last time bring Wyatt to me while I am being nice, or else I don't mind erasing everything standing between me and Wyatt," Demigod Norely warned, his casual appearance was the clear evidence that he was restraining himself by a lot.

"Your Highness—"

"Next word better be yes or else," Demigod Norley interrupted Lt. General Spencer and warned her that if the next word she spoke was not yes, then he would stand good on his promise to erase everything between him and Wyatt.

*Gulp* all 11 of the demigods swallowed their saliva in unison. Demigod Norley's words were not attached with any form of malice instead they were plain without any emotion, unlike this previous tone which reeked of annoyance and anger. This was when they knew Demigod Norley was done talking.

Lt. General Spencer's mind was paralyzed with fear, she was not in the state to make any form of judgment. However, her heart was drumming aloud to get ready for war. She wanted to rip her heart out of her chest and yell at it to shut the hell up. They were facing Demigod Norley, in front of him their numbers were nothing. Even if they were ten times their current numbers she would not have the courage to fight him. As she knew no matter how many of them there were, it was only a matter of time for Demigod Norley to kill them all.

However, what she was protecting was not something she could gloss over. Dalton Wyatt might just be a card master but he was the future of the Southern Region and its people. She was not protecting some bratty child of the royal bloodline but the future of the Southern Region.

Thinking that dying for the future of the Southern Region was worth it, Lt. General Spencer prepared to announce her last and final order to her comrades. However, she paused feeling a strong breath heading towards them from below. When she looked down to find the source of the strong breath, all she saw was bright red light flash through the clouds and rushing towards them.

"Um," Demigod Norley frowned his brows seeing the fast approaching red flash of light. Unlike Lt. General Spencer, he was able to see that the red flash of light was the ethereal spirit of a snake, what was surprising was that at the center of the head of the big ethereal snake spirit was a card scholar who was in her late-twenties. He could sense that the ethereal snake spirit was stronger than average demigods but he was puzzled about what a card scholar was doing at the center of its head.

Lt. General Spencer wanted to yell at the red flash of light to halt but fortunately, she remembered that Demigod Norley had warned that her next word out of her mouth should be yes otherwise he would stand good on his promise. Was she being overly cautious? No, she was being respectful toward Demigod Norley.

If Lt. General Spencer were to yell a halt, then she would be leaving Demigod Norley no choice but to come through with his words. Even if he were to change his mind by some miracle, his hands would be forced to stand good on his promise because if did not he would be a liar. The founders were the role models of all generations that followed. They had to lead by example. Out of respect for his noble status, Lt.General Spencer did not want to make a liar of Demigod Norley.

"Little Beam slower! Go slower!" the sound of Susan yelling could be heard as the red flash of light came to a stop in between Lt. Spencer and Demigod Norley.

"You did it on purpose, right? Otherwise, protected by your energy how could I feel the wind and turbulence," Susan was starting to get the feeling that little Beam did not like her but she did not know why.

"..." Little Beam continued to ignore Susan and its ethereal head stared at Demigod Norley conveying to Susan that the good-looking middle-aged man was the source of the unknown voice that was terrorizing the headquarters compound with his intimidating aura.

"Interesting, you are not afraid of me. It seems you are not an average SSS-rank monster but a devil— no this sinister soul energy signature, what are you?" Demigod Norley ignored the big ethereal snake head staring at him and stared at Susan's waist as he asked little Beam its origin.

Susan did not know what demigod Norley was talking about but she was not deterred by the current scene. She had already resolved her mind when she blackmailed Little Beam into bringing her here. Taking a deep breath she addressed demigod Norley, "Your Highness, I am Susan Tucci, Dalton Wyatt's Manager. How may I help you?"