
Chapter 1748 Summoning

Date- 16 April 2321

Time- 14: 30

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Headquarters compound

"Wait Corey, little Beam is carrying Susan 2000 km high in the sky if you summon her now, Susan will fall to her death," Wyatt hurriedly stopped Corey before she could do anything stupid and unknowingly harm Susan.

"Big sis Susan and little Beam are 2000 km high in the sky Wyatt don't lie to me, nobody's eyesight is that good," Corey found it hard to believe that Wyatt a card master was able to spot Susan and little Beam 2000 km high in the sky from down here.

"Corey, my origin card is aura sight. Without anything obstructing my sight I can vaguely spot the aura of Susan and little Beam up there surrounded by 11 allied demigods and a very strong enemy demigod," Wyatt explained so that she would not act on any other stupid plans that would pop in her head.

"I don't know Wyatt, 2000 km is a lot. Even if anything is not obstructing your vision," Corey did not find Wyatt's explanation believable.

"With Susan not replying to your text and answering your call what option do you have but to believe in me," Wyatt tried to reason with Corey while ignoring the numerous texts from Lt. General Spencer asking him to leave the city and get to safety.

"Fine let us assume you are right, it does not matter because the summoning gate allows little Beam to carry goods and food along with her. If she is carrying Big Sis Susan with her as you said then when I summon her little Beam will pass through the summoning gate while carrying Big Sis Susan with her. The way I see it is the best way to save Big Sis Susan from the predicament that you just claimed," Corey made a valid argument as such even Wyatt could not find anything to oppose her on. So he agreed with her plan to summon little Beam, "If what you said is possible then you may be right this is the best way to save Susan. Go ahead and give it a try."

Corey nodded and proceeded to summon little Beam. Summoning her golden grimoire she chanted, "Activate, A-rank Rare-grade Sinister Summoning Gate."

Soon black smoke started to ooze out of Corey's body which then gathered to form a big pitch-black gate. The current method Corey was using to summon Little Beam was different from the one she used in the city tournament with the help of summoned skeletons. Corey was not idle these past few days she has been busy upgrading her card arsenal. Especially, after the incident with Handsome Fox.

Date- 16 April 2321

Time- 14: 30

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Headquarters compound, 2000 km up in air space

"It seems you are the reason why the boy keeps rejecting my daughter. I wonder if I kill you he will return to my daughter. That foolish girl has been crying her eyes out ever since the incident in the Southern Capital," Demigod Norley's words caught all 11 demigods, Susan, and little Beam off guard.

"Your Highness, you are joking, right?" Lt. General Spencer blurted she wanted to add that killing Ms. Susan is not the answer to Demigod Norley's problems but the contrary. However, she chose to live by not testing his patience.

"I liked you better when you were quiet," Demigod Norley indirectly asked Lt. General Spencer to shut the fuck up. Hearing him, she was glad she chose not to speak her mind. Seeing his mood, if she had tried to lecture him on how love worked then he would have killed her before she could finish saying what she wanted to say.

As for Susan, even though demigod Norley had threatened to kill her she did not seem to be demotivated about seeking information on Wyatt from him since anyone belonging to the Southern Royal family would not tell her where Wyatt was and not talk much about him. They were avoiding any topic on Wyatt like avoiding a plague. 

Susan's current actions were the most badass shit she had done in her entire life. Confronting a dozen demigods to get information on Wyatt's well-being and whereabouts was just bonkers. What could she do when every time she tried calling her it was out of reach? Though the members of Southern Watch guarding the city and Corey repeatedly assured her that Wyatt was fine, they would void her time if she asked their help to contact him.

All their actions matched the narrative Susan heard in the VR universe, that Wyatt sacrificed himself to save the card world. Susan herself was puzzled as to where she found the strength and resolve to do something as crazy as this. Even being threatened with being killed her resolve did not waver, she would only be here after she learns about Wyatt's well-being and whereabouts.

"Little girl, Susan right, your lack of reaction tells me that you seem to have something more pressing than your own life. What is it?" Demigod Norley was surprised to find that Susan was not afraid of dead instead eager to achieve something. He could not help but ask her what could be more important than her life.

"Your Highness, if you don't mind. I would like to know everything you know about Wyatt, I have been unable to contact him ever since I learned the rumors about him sacrificing for the card world surfaced. Earlier you said that Wyatt was fine and had returned from the world of yellow plains, what is all that about? Is he okay? Where is he now?" Since the demigod himself asked her what was bothering her, Susan did not hesitate to ask him about Wyatt, his well-being, and whereabouts.

Listening to Susan, Demigod Norley found that something was wrong with her. Frowning his brows he began to scrutinize her actions and words so far, just then a big pitch-black gate opened above the ethereal snake spirit's head. Little Beam who heard Corey's calling immediately entered it carrying Susan with her while the gate closed behind her.