
Chapter 1754 So, What About Jill?

Date- 16 April 2321

Time- 15:02

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, TSR Guild Headquarters compound

"Thank Your Highness," Listening to the explanation of Field Marshal Heatsend, Lt General Spencer was genuinely touched by the mere attempt let alone her kind words and praises. She suddenly felt recognized and acknowledged, the frustration she felt earlier vanished as if it had never existed in the first place. At this moment she understood what Field Marshal Heatsend meant by saying the old rules were outdated.

Lt. General Spencer didn't just thank Field Marshal but put the lesson she learned into action by inviting her two squads to a conference call, "Everyone, you all did a good job on holding down the fort till Her Highness Field Marshal Heatsend's arrival. Her Highness will be taking charge here. We are needed at the newly found dual gate dungeon. Major Leroy, prepare the shuttle, we are heading back to the Southern capital."

Noticing that Lt. General Spencer did not just bark orders but also informed them what was going on, the two squads felt at ease. Especially now that they knew the reason why they were asked to retreat was not because they were much weaker than the enemy but because they completed their mission of holding the fort till the reinforcement arrived. The frustration of not knowing what was going on had caused them to assume the worst.

Now that they understood the reason behind Lt. General Spencer's orders they were ashamed of thinking as such. Since they should never have doubted their superior, they were so caught up in their worries that others would judge their loyalty to the southern region and royal family for having retreated in the face of danger that they never stopped to think that their questioning the orders of their superior could be considered as them doubting the loyalty of Demigod Spencer to the Southern region and Royal family.

"Lt. General, thank you for another successful mission with zero casualties," Major Leroy, who finally received her awaited explanation, congratulated her friend for another job well done. Soon others followed her and thanked Lt. General Spencer for her patience before the adversary. 

As all the demigods left their post and gathered at that shuttle, they all felt that the atmosphere seemed to be much more harmonious than before. They all have been following Lt. General Spencer for a while now but this was the first time they all felt assured of their choice. They had a great leader. After all, how many of the demigods in the royal army would face one of the founding fathers of the current government and live to tell the story? Thanks to Lt. General Spencer's level-headedness and accurate commands they all made it out alive and had a good story to share with their progeny.

Seeing the Lt. General Spencer and her two squads hurry to the Southern Captial at their fastest speed, Field Marshal Heatsend nodded her head thinking, 'My niece has always been better at winning people's hearts than her muscle-head brother.'

Field Marshal Heatsend had no problem with the way royal guards and army were run until her niece, Anna's mother, suggested that their rules were outdated and needed to be updated to prepare themselves for the new era. She was skeptical about it at first but since she had promised her niece to think about it. She has been trying out the changes suggested by her niece and to her surprise she has come to see the new era her niece spoke of. The new generation was growing up in a peaceful era unlike their ancestors, they did not understand and would not agree with doing things how they used to do in old times. With the changing times the rules need to be updated so they can catch up with the tides of time and not get washed over to be buried in the sands of time.

"Sigh," letting out a sigh Field Marshal Heatsend looked into her Mystic Dimension wondering, 'How can such a smart person birth to such a foolish daughter? Maybe the ministers are right Anna's mother is a better choice than Anna as the next ruler of the Southern Region. However, it is not their or my place who the brother chooses as his heir. It seems the heavens do take care of fools and drunk.'

"Grandaunt, let me out," Feeling the presence of her Grandaunt Anna who looked haggard and tired yelled.

"Destroy the seal and you can leave by yourselves," Field Marshal Heatsend replied.

"I have destroyed the seal a hundred times by now but every time I destroy it reassembles itself stronger than before. This is unfair, I am tired and I miss my Wyatt. I am starting to forget what he smelled like," Anna said trying to reminisce the fragrance of Wyatt's body.

Field Marshal Heatesend never informed Anna about what happened with Wyatt after the Southern Capital. Seeing that Anna was finally taking her training seriously she did not want to distract her with the news about Wyatt almost sacrificing himself for the card world. She believed that if Anna was able to become strong enough to avenge Wyatt from her training then she would understand. Fortunately, Wyatt went beyond everyone's expectations and surprised everyone by dealing with the plague egg created using a realm fragment.

"..." Field Marshal Heatsend did not respond to Anna and turned her complete attention to Wyatt and Demigod Norley. As she was used to seeing Anna complaining while giving her best in the training. Though she would prefer Anna to do her training quietly, she did not mind her complaining as long as she took the training seriously.

Field Marshal Heatsend would have made it to Sky Blossom City a lot earlier if she did not have to wait for the three demigod squads to replace her as the security to the dual gate dungeon connecting the Southern capital with the Western Capital. If not for that delay she would have arrived at Wyatt's rescue a lot sooner.

No, Field Marshal Heatsend's choice did not mean she prioritized the dual gate dungeon over Wyatt even though on the surface it seemed like that because her niece had judged that due to the new deal struck between one of the masters and her father, the central government would not harm Wyatt recklessly so Demigod Norley's visit to the Sky Blossom City could have a deeper conspiracy to it i.e their real target was the Dual gate dungeon and not Wyatt.

However, now based on reports of Lt. General Spencer and her observations so far, Field Marshal Heatsend has come to realize that Demigod Norley's visit might be because of an entirely different reason. She was not naive to believe that the cruel mad scientist was here out of concern for his daughter.

Since the staff had all run away because of Demigod Norley's stunt, Wyatt took the chance to show his skill as a barista. Preparing three coffees with the highest-grade ingredients he could get his hands on he and demigod Norley sat at an empty table under the watchful gaze of little Beam.

"Little Beam, he will not be able to hurt me. So relax and just enjoy your coffee," Wyatt said serving the third coffee to the snake. The reason was so confident because he was aware that Field Marshal Heatsend had arrived. If earlier he had still some reservations against Demigod Norley, now they were no longer there.

Listening to Wyatt's advice, little Beam let go of her vigilance and curiously headed to the hot cup of coffee. She did not think twice about taking up Wyatt on his advice as she had seen the strength Wyatt could unleash and knew it was not much worse than her current strength.

"Where did you find this snake? Seeing how the world's will is not suppressing her, was she born in the unexplored area of Way Beyond?" Demigod Norley asked Wyatt amazed by the fact that the world's will was tolerating this unknown alien being.

"She is one of a kind. For your own good forget about her as many have tasted despair trying to figure her out," Wyatt advised Demigod Norley to not have any thoughts about understanding little Beam's origin as even Infinity Library had to create a separate book apart from Myraid Realm Race Records to record beings like her with the mysterious origin.

"Since you are saying that, I take it you must have a good reason for saying that. Besides, I have retried indulging in this will not help my case," Demigod Norley took Wyatt's advice seriously. If it was someone else advising him the same he would have scoffed at them however Wyatt was different as he respected Wyatt as a fellow researcher. Wyatt's achievements such as silver milk powder, soul energy digestion, and VR-universe were enough for Demigod Norley to consider him as an equal, intellectually.

"So, what about Jill?" Wyatt asked Demigod Norley sipping the coffee he had prepared meticulously. It was happy that he had not lost his touch and could brew a good coffee.