
Chapter 1854 Elder Pixie

Chapter 1854 Elder Pixie

?Date- 17 April 2321

Time- 12:28

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, TSR Guild Headquarters, Blood Rock Cave Dungeon, Seed World

"Wyatt, did you not say that you tell us the high-profit margin ingredients to import and export between the realms?" Corey spoke seeing Wyatt single her out.

"Did not read the employment even after misunderstanding earlier? One of the clauses in it, clearly states that you guys will pay me less commission for trades that you bring in," Wyatt criticized Corey for jumping to conclusions without reading the employment contract.

"Oh, I see. But why do you get profits on trades that we bring in?" as Corey asked this, everyone present looked at her in disbelief.

"It's because I will be providing you the capital for the trades, I will be providing you the trade channels in the card world, and not to forget you are my slave for the next hundred years. Corey, tell me honestly do you have any idea what we are doing here?" Wyatt looked at Park while speaking to Corey. His eyes enquired Park, 'What have you been teaching her?'

"Corey, honey, to make high-margin profits in these kinds of trades you need a lot of capital and good trade channels to buy or unload the goods in bulk and in the fastest time possible. Even if I can somehow arrange the capital we still need Wyatt's contact and trade channels in the Card World to complete the trade. So, we pay a percentage of our profits to Wyatt even if it is our personal trade. Think of it this way, the less we depend on Wyatt the less we have to pay him," Park hurriedly informed Corey, before she could answer Wyatt. This was her attempt to stop Corey from blabbing something stupid.

"Wyatt, Corey is du— young. Give her some time she will catch on," Susan came to Corey's defense as she believed Corey was doing well and trying her hardest for a regular seventeen-year-old, not everyone was the Dalton Wyatt.

"Fine, whatever, but somebody please get her to read the employment contract," Wyatt had set high standards for Corey after all she was like him in some ways considering she had her past life memories and all. But now that Susan pointed it out, past life memories or not, Corey was an average teenager with a lot of emotional baggage.

"I have read the employment contract twice, it is just that I did not understand it as well as I had thought," Corey replied avoiding Wyatt's eyes. She could not be more embarrassed right now. One could fluently read a written text but it does not mean that they completely understood the what text conveyed.

"If you did not understand it, why did not ask me or big sis for help?" Park was furious hearing Corey but she wanted to hear wanted to hear her out before Psycho Park on her.

"I am sorry, I was embarrassed to ask for help. As even Dredre understood the contract," Corey revealed, she appeared to be holding back her tears as she did not want to add to her embarrassment.

"Hey, what is that supposed to mean? I might be smaller than you but I am a lot older than you. Besides, as a book guide fairy, I am a traveling encyclopedia. You are dumb to compare yourself with me," Dredre did not spare Corey's feelings and ripped her a good one. Shocking Park, Susan, Corey, and Wyatt. They stared at her dumbfoundedly as they did not believe Dredre was capable of something like this.

Wyatt understood this might be because Dredre truly felt she was among friends. However, Wyatt believed Corey was most responsible for bringing this side of Dredre out. Because of Dredre's cuteness, all of them were drawn to spoiling her. However, what about Dredre? What did she feel about each one of them? 

Wyatt did not know what Dredre felt about the rest but he could see that she cared for Corey like an older family/friend looking out for a younger sibling/friend. Which meant that she considered Corey dumber and more immature than herself.

On some level, Corey also realized the dynamic between Dredre and her, she did not like it one bit. So she tried to prove herself. However, the more Corey tried to prove herself to Dredre the more she ended up appearing as a troublemaker and an idiot. Being the bigger person, Dredre tolerated or forgave all of Corey's antics.

"Dredre, do pixies fight among themselves," Susan asked Dredre curiously as the image of pixie she had built in her mind had been destroyed.

"Not that I know of," Dredre replied humbly without outright dismissing Susan's question.

"No," Wyatt answered confidently and continued saying, "By nature, pixies are meek, even in their territory they avoid fights. The thought of fighting back does not cross their mind. I am not saying Pixies do not feel jealousy, anger, and such negative feelings like us humans, they do but the chances of them acting out and willingly hurting others because of these feelings are near zero.

For reasons unknown, they do not let the negative feelings control them. However, when these negative feelings accumulate they grow sad, depressed, and are prone to suicide. This does not mean the pixies are a bunch of cowards. They are just peaceful creatures who would rather suffer than hurt others.

But if they can overcome their innate nature during a traumatic event, they will advance into an elder Pixie. For example, when a bunch of Pxies are threatened by any external factor, those among them, who can overcome their nature to protect their friends and family evolve to become elder pixies gaining the responsibility to lead and protect other pixies."

"How do you know all that?" Corey asked Wyatt skeptically.

"I learned this by deciphering the what little books Infinity Libaray had on Pixies," Wyatt answered.

"Wyatt, wait. Which book are you taking? I have also read all the books on the Pixies in the Infinity Library but none of them mentioned how a Pixie can evolve into an Elder Pixie," Dredre was astonished to hear Wyatt talk about how a Pixie can evolve into an Elder Pixie when she a Pixie did not know of it.