
Chapter 1886 Long Lost Pleasure

?Date- -/-

Time- -/-

Location- Unknown, Blood Rule Source

Slowly coming to the conclusion that the Elder Anesthesia Dragon was no match for the Deviant Devil, Wyatt was beginning to understand why the Elder Anesthesia Dragon hid in the blood rule source for millenniums together but never tried to seek the Deviant Devil for revenge or help its tribesmen which were now not only being slaughtered by the?Deviant Devil but defiled.

Regardless of all its bravado, the Elder Anesthesia Dragon knew that it was no match for the Deviant Devil. This was why, at first, it did not dare to attack the Deviant Devil despite its numerous taunts. At first, Wyatt had mistakenly believed that the Dragon did not dare to fight with the Devil at a close range because of its past trauma where the Devil would try to engage in a dirty wrestling match as it did earlier. Now he was starting to feel Dragon's hesitation to engage the Devil at close range was more because it was aware of its limitations and not because of its past trauma.

This begs the question, what was the Elder Anesthesia Dragon up to, trying to fight someone it knew it could not defeat? Was it because it was tired of running? Nah— Wyatt immediately erased that thought. The Dragon might be stupid enough to mistake a human for a World Calamity tree but, clearly, it was not tired of living seeing how it planned to groom a World Calamity tree even if it meant that it would become enemies with the Librarian. This showed that the Elder Anesthesia Dragon had a lot of ambition for its future.

Regardless of how much Wyatt wrecked his brain, he could not understand why the Elder Anesthesia Dragon was fighting the Devil if it knew it was no match for it. Forget the Elder Anesthesia Dragon, Wyatt did not understand the Deviant Devil. If it was powerful enough to subdue the Elder Anesthesia Dragon then why was it not imprisoning the Dragon and dragging it to its palace in the dark realm?

Wyatt soon found the reason for this exploring the laughter of the Deviant Devil. The Deviant Devil was not quickly imprisoning the Dragon and dragging it to its castle because it understood that it could enjoy the Elder Anesthesia Dragon the most inside the blood rule source. The fact that it stood to gain maximum pleasure from its toy within the source was enough reason for it to not drag the toy to its castle where the toy would be broken easily.

How did the Deviant Devil stand to gain maximum pleasure in the blood rule source? It was because if found out that, within the blood rule source, it could attack the Anesthesia Dragon without worrying about killing it in a single punch. Earlier it only planned to defile the Dragon as it usually did but now after the explosion. It was able to experience the pleasure it had long lost, the pleasure of getting high on the Anesthesia Dragon's sleep breath.

The counter damage of the Anesthesia Dragon also increased the chance of the target falling asleep, so every time Deviant Devil attacked the Dragon, despite its immunity to the Dragon's sleep breath, even though just for a fraction of a second it could relive the rush of being high on the Anesthesia Dragon's sleep breath.

How was that possible? It was because the 60 percent counter damage from its attack on the Dragon would break the defense of its muscle as such for a fraction of the second it would lose its immunity to the Dragon's sleep breath and for that moment it would experience the potent sleep breath. Even though the satisfaction was only for a second the Devil was now at least able to enjoy it unlike before when it had to rely on other means to satisfy its needs earning it the title Deviant Devil.

All this was only possible because the Dragon was able to survive its punch and return 60 percent of it to him as counter damage which was only possible because of the blood rule source acting as its inexhaustible power source. On the outside, other Dragons couldn't survive its punch and would die even before their counter damage activated.

This was why the Deviant Devil laughed heartily and yelled that Raukaul was the only Anesthesia Dragon that could satisfy him. Feeling the long-lost pleasure of the dragon's potent sleep breath for a fraction of a second, the Deviant Devil was moved to tears. It wanted to feel it again, which was why it gave the Elder Anesthesia Dragon all the time in the world to prepare for its next attack. As far as the Deviant Devil was concerned, it was willing to risk its life again and again to enjoy the potency of the Dragon's sleep breath.

For Wyatt, the Deviant Devil's thoughts were simple, its actions and words matched. However, the Elder Anesthesia Dargon on the other hand was a mess, its words and actions did not match making it difficult for him to read its thoughts. Just as Wyatt wondered what was the Dragon's gameplay here, the surface of the rule source began to tremble as the colossal amalgamation Dragonoid sprinted toward the Deviant Devil not waiting for the blood-rule energy cloud to settle, once again it pounced on the Deviant Devil without regard for its defense.

The addict Deviant Devil caught the ticking timebomb with open arms and a grin on its face. Soon the sound of an explosion reverberated throughout the blood-rule source while producing a big blood-rule energy mushroom-shaped cloud. This mushroom-shaped cloud was even bigger than the last explosion.

The explosion sound that echoed throught the battlefield suddenly died with the Deviant Devil's pleasure-filled cries, "Ah~...Yes, this is it! Give me more baby."

Wyatt listened to the moans of the Deviant Devil with a deadpan face, he was embarrassed but he had little choice here as this time too the turtle shell was able to negate all the damage of the explosion.