
Chapter 1895 Mulias Tribe’s Moon Incubation Skill

Date- -/-

Time- -/-

Location- Unknown, Blood Rule Source

'...' Wyatt stared at the red dome covering the turtle shell shield in dismay with words. His feelings about the Elder Anesthesia Dragon were mixed. It was treating him genuinely, however, knowing that it was because of a misunderstanding, Wyatt was having a hard time appreciating it.

'It's about time. Brace for impact!' the Elder Anesthesia Dragon warned Wyatt.

'That can't be right,' Wyatt muttered, using his soul pupils to peer through the blood dome and into the sky. The celestial blood rule slave had grown closer, but it was still far away.


Suddenly, a huge explosion shook the blood rule source. Tremors spread across the surface of the blood-rule source threatening to spilt and swallow everything or being that stood on it. Even the World Calamity tree, within the turtle shell shield, which had its roots buried in the surface of the blood rule source, found it hard to stand on it.


The blood-rule slave amalgamation dome covering the turtle shell shield burst like a water balloon while protecting the turtle shell shield from the shock waves of the explosion. The blood-rule slave amalgamation flooded the turtle shell shield. But soon, each drop of the amalgamation worked together to reform the dome around the turtle shell. 

Once the surface of the blood rule source stabilized, Wyatt searched for the source of the explosion. He easily found it as it was covered in a silver apparition which resembled a mini-moon, it was Malius Prince, the Devint Devil. He was asleep inside a mini-moon-shaped apparition in a fetal position. It appeared as if the moon was a womb housing the deviant devil. Which was contrary to the lore about Mulias Tribe ancestors eating the ninth moon of the dark realm.

So Wyatt could not help but ask the Dragon, 'Are you sure the lore said Mulias Tribe's ancestor ate the moon because from what I am seeing it appears as if he was born from it?'

'Wait for it,' the Elder Anesthesia Dragon didn't immediately answer Wyatt. Instead, asked him to wait creating suspense. Wyatt wondered if the Dragon hated the Mulias tribe or not. From the looks of it, it did but it could not help appreciate strong abilities. Just like any other dark race.

'I don't think any enemy would wait for it,' Wyatt remarked on the time it for the Deviant Devil to activate its tribe's ability.

'That's the beauty of the Mulias tribe's ability. It has two states moon incubation state and awakened state. During the moon incubation state, all the attacks they suffer will not only not be able to kill them but will be healed once they awaken. But the real kicker is the fact that in the awakened state temporarily they will gain immunity to all the attacks they suffered in the moon incubation period. So if the hostels were impatient and kept attacking the Mulias tribe members in this period, then when the Mulias tribe awakened their nightmare would begin,' the Dragon explained, revealing a little about the Mulias tribe's ability to Wyatt.

'Doesn't that mean, it would be impossible to kill the Mulias tribesmen if they chose to stay in their moon incubation state?' Wyatt asked the Dragon in shock. He thought the Anesthesia Dragon tribe's damage negation and counter were overpowered but the Mulias tribesmen seemed to have an even overpowered ability.

'Nonsense, the Moon incubation state can only last for a few minutes. It varies between the Mulias tribesmen. It is perceived that those with stronger bodies can remain in the moon incubation state longer. So the deviant devil with his physical prowess can stay in the Moon incubation state for a few more minutes than the rest of its tribesmen but not more than that. Besides, using that ability follows with a temporary weakened state, so the Mulias tribesmen only use it as a last resort.' the Dragon revealed. It was very forthcoming about the ability for someone who said that it would not spoil the Deviant Devil's ability for him.

Listening to the Dragon, Wyatt felt that despite its many limitations, the Mulias tribe's ability was overpowered. Even if those familiar with their ability would avoid attacking them during the moon incubation state, there was more to the Mulias tribe's ability that the Dragon had not revealed to Wyatt.

'Raukaul, you sure the Deviant Devil is hiding strength. I do not see any sign of it hiding strength,' Wyatt asked the Dragon again because after rechecking the Deviant Devil's soul pathways a few more times, the Hive AI reported back to him that the Deviant Devil was not hiding its strength.

'The moon incubation state is a blessing to the Mulias tribesmen bestowed by their ancestors. So, the Deviant devil is not hiding its strength but borrowing strength from its ancestors. This should be why you are unable to gauge its new combat power,' the Dragon elaborated and then added, 'Wyatt, stop pestering me. Can't you just be patient and see for yourself?' the Dragon wanted Wyatt to see the ability of the Mulias tribe rather than explaining their ability to him.

'...' Wyatt rolled his eyes at the dragon. He did not like being surrounded by variables since he was only comfortable when he had a certain control over his surroundings. So ever since he had entered the blood rule source he has been uncomfortable. First, the dragon, then the deviant devil, and now the celestial blood rule slave, Wyatt did not have peace of mind as he felt prepared not knowing what could happen next.

Since the Dragon was no longer willing to answer him, Wyatt decided to use his trusted soul pupils on the Deviant Devil to monitor the changes it was undergoing.

Recalling that he was able to use his soul pupils to almost copy the skill the Demigod Micheal Godson had bestowed upon his last descendent, Pax Whiteburn Godson, during his origin card creation, Wyatt believed that he should also be able to repeat the same or do better in the case of the Deviant Devil. If he could copy the blessing of the Mulias tribe then just like their ancestor Wyatt too could bestow this blessing on himself and others.