
Chapter 1915 Just Another Selfish Coward

Date- -/-

Time- -/-

Location- Unknown, Blood Rule Source

"An oath with the blood rule source as a witness!" the Elder Anesthesia Dragon exclaimed, it did not expect Wyatt to demand him to take an oath.


The Dragon looked at the ceiling of the pearl diamond form barrier and let out a thunderous roar expressing its despair. As if yelling, 'Why? Why must I suffer like this? What crime did I commit to be treated like this?'


The Dragon's roar though thunderous as before, no longer held a sense of majesty rather it sounded more like a wail, a cry of despair. The emotions in its heart and mind rushed out and poured through its roar.

The Dragon finally found someone it could consider home after a millennium of being on the run. It was even willing to blindly trust that someone, without any questions, regardless of the consequences but that someone did not even trust it back, enough to even trust that it would keep its word to them. Instead, they demand an oath as proof of the blind trust it promised them.

As a ruler-class being, nobody knew the consequences of an oath taken in the presence of the blood rule source better than the Dragon itself. The cruel truth was that it did not have to look far back to understand why it was being treated like this. It had betrayed their trust for its greed now it had to give up itself to earn their trust back.

The Dragon closed its eyes in surrender, he had already decided to let go of its pride and enter the demanding monster space used to tame lower-level beings, to prove that it did not mean for things to end this way. Now it was willing to let go of its will to prove the very same thing. This was the attempt to make up for its regret.

The Dragon's obsession with Wyatt was mostly misplaced feelings. The Dragon has always regretted and felt guilty about ignoring what the Deviant Devil did to its tribe and remaining in hiding as its tribe members suffered and died in its place. With Wyatt's appearance, it saw a chance to reestablish its tribe from the being. It saw him as a chance to make up for his millennium of guilt and regret. All these feelings were what made the Dragon's obsession with Wyatt stronger than it should be.

"..." Looking at the Dragon roar in despair and close its eyes in surrender Wyatt did not feel an ounce of pity toward it but rather felt disgusted toward it. He knew what the Dragon claimed was actually it revealing its hypocrisy. Because he knew that all of this was its attempt to redeem itself in someone else's eyes and get a sense of validation before it tasted the sweet relief of death.

Wyatt had seen many people like the Dragon. Even though they were just mortals, the Dragon and those people had one thing similar, they all were selfish.

When these people had the power, they did nothing but seek more power without caring about others. Especially those poor souls that got crushed in their quest for more power.

But when they were finally about to meet their maker they started to remember that there were other people besides them. They suddenly start to believe in karma, doing good deeds, making things right, justice, and everything that they disregarded when they were in power.

Was it the fear of being judged in the afterlife or entering eternal oblivion, whatever it was, these people just wanted to use their last moment to ease their fear by doing whatever it took, it was just their way of trying to make up for their selfish lives.

Even when doing that they wanted to feel the other kind of power. The power that came with when one knew they were doing the right thing.

The power of righteousness, the power of faith, the power of love, the power of friendship, this power had many forms but it could only achieved by the most bravest of souls. These selfish hypocrites at the end of their lives try to buy this power by submitting what they had gathered with their sin for most of their life.

However, how could these fools ever comprehend that they would not be able to ever truly experience this power no matter what they offer because this power only came to those who were willing to do the right thing at the risk of losing everything?

These fools turned to the right path at the end of their life when they no longer had anything left to lose, that was, no other paths to turn to. The greed, lust, pride, etc, they kept feeding for their lives in the end turned their backs on them, leaving only the righteous path to turn to. However, those who travel the only path left when they have nothing else to lose were considered desperate and nothing else.

The same was true for the selfish mortals and the same was true for the Dragon. Though it might appear to be making great sacrifice and noble, in the end, it was just another selfish person taking the only path open for it to walk. It was just another desperate soul seeking righteousness in its final moments.

In the Dark realm, the Dark races worshiped the strong which was why the story between Deviant Prince Mamas Mulias and Strongest Assassin Raukaul Maar known as the Anesthesia Dragon Lover/ Slayer, not something else. This title of the folklore was not as such because the Deviant Prince and his family were strong but because the Strongest Assassin was a coward. He turned his back on his tribe when the Deviant Prince was defiling and killing them left and right trying to provoke it and search for it.

The Dark Realm had many folklore about heroes that may not have been strong in strength but their bravery was unparalleled. The Dragon could have been a similar existence had it not chosen to hide when its tribe was in peril. When the Dragon lost innate ability, the true self of the Dragon depicted in the folklore revealed itself, it was nothing but a selfish coward. Its noble lineage could no longer hide that fact.