
Chapter 1929 Demolition Fist: Brutal Enlightenment

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 07:12

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, TSR Guild Headquarters, Blood Rock Cave Dungeon

"It is not taking advantage if your friends are okay with it."

Listening to Bloodette's words, Wyatt who was still struggling to forgive himself for the Handsome Fox incident recalled the true reason why it was hard for him to let go of the guilt and blame when Cortney requested him to.

'Dr. Wyatt, don't blame yourself. We're doing this for us, our families, and our children.'

'Listen, kid, use me as you will. Just rid the Earth of those alien blood bastards.'

'Wyatt, go! I said leave us behind, damn it. You need to live.'

'Promise me, you will return Earth to its rightful owners, us humans. Promise m—'

'Sir, we want to do this. This is our planet too. Just press the button when it's time.'

'Unless you fail to deliver on your promise, you have no reason to blame yourself.'

'Wyatt, listen to me. My death is not your fault. I choose to give my life to see the dream you spoke.'

'I-I maybe *cough* leaving early. But don't think you are off the hook. When we win, remember to pour a glass of beer for me. Then, we are square.'

It's not that Wyatt did not understand, only that it had become a painful cycle. The same pattern kept repeating, and surprise surprise he was right at the origin and end of this painful cycle but never through it. The people who went through it were the people who mattered the most to him, who gave him their trust and loyalty.

However, this time all the people involved managed to survive the painful cycle, but Wyatt still remembers that in the past that was not the case. He would always be the lone survivor of the painful cycle. That was only because the people involved would risk and sacrifice their lives to protect him.

"Yes, things have changed," Wyatt suddenly yelled in a realization.

His struggle was not the guilt or blame, his struggle was with his incapablity. Incapable of being able to protect the people who were willing to give their lives for him with a word. He did not have to use calamity daughter gems on them, he did not promise them riches, they just believed in him and his ideas. So they shared his ideas and were willing to give their lives to see him fulfill those ideas. These people were the dearest to Wyatt but he could only watch as they were mowed down by a being that possessed what he then believed to be god-like prowess.

Now things have changed, this time he was actually being targeted by entities with god-like powers. Repeating the painful cycle, however, he was not incapable he finally managed to save his friends. He was so focused on what had happened, what could happen, and what he could have done that he did not see what he had done.

Wyatt did not manage to break the painful cycle but he managed to give it a different ending. A favorable ending, favorable to him and his friends.

'Just because gravity is pulling you down. You don't lay flat on your back/belly. You crawl, you learn to walk, then you learn to run, then you make rockets, freeing yourself of gravity's constraints.'

Just because there were people out there who did not like seeing others rise and would go to any lengths to keep them grounded, that did not mean that Wyatt would stay grounded. He will struggle, he might not succeed on his first try, he might not succeed on his hundredth or even thousandth try, damn it he will never give up trying until he was where he wants to be.

Today, he had managed to change the ending of the painful cycle, but tomorrow he was going to break the painful cycle altogether, to live the carefree life he dreamed of with the people who matter to him.

"Has he gone crazy?" Bloodette asked Cortney, seeing Wyatt scream something totally unrelated starting into the void.

"I think so," Cortney declared without even checking, and then asked, "Now can I punch him."

"Sure, go ahead maybe that will awaken him from his stupor," Bloodette nodded, giving Cortney a green signal to punch Wyatt in the face.

"Finally," said Cortney sucking Bloodette into her innate blood rune, she muttered, "Blood Armament: Demolition Guartlets."

'Cortney, I said to punch him not send him to hospital,' Bloodette's voice echoed in Cortney's mind. As she wrapped around Cortney's arm and morphed into a huge blood-red Guartlet. 

'Wyatt is strong, this is barely enough to enlighten him,' Cortney argued as she balled her hand into a fist, it looked very much like a tiny red wrecking ball the size of a basketball.Then, raising her fist high, aiming for Wyatt's nose, she launched her punch yelling aloud in her mind, 'Demolition Punch: Brutal Enlightenment.'

Corteny's vas so fast that the wind in the surroundings had not time to escape, they heated up and burst into a brilliant surrounding her fist. It speeded toward Wyatt's face as Bloodette's scream echoed in Cortney's mind, 'Stop! I said to punch him not kill him.'

Cortney was unfazed by Bloodette's scream, as she knew enlightenment required a good spanking. Her lips opened in a grin revealing her silver teeth. As the fist grew closer to Wyatt's face the grin on her face grew wider. But a fraction of a second away from impact, her fist came to an involuntarily halt. It lost all its speed and momentum. Cortney felt a strong but invisible force binding her fist, forcing it to halt before it could reach Wyatt.

"What the heck do you think you are doing?" A mad vocie came from behind Cortney's big fist. Then Wyatt's face slowly emerged from behind her fist and stared at her in mockery as he said, "It's a thousand years too early for you to beat me. But since you raised your fist to punch me, I hope you were prepared to get punched."

"No, can you let this one go with a simple sorry."

"Nope, you know the rules: Only throw punches if you can take them."

"How about a sorry and I give you a peek at my breasts?"

"Your clothes barely manage to cover them, there isn't much left that I haven't seen yet."

"Then how about I let you feel them?"


"No? How about I let you squeeze them a little.'

"Forget it."

"See Bloodette, I told you, this always works against virgins."

"Now you are asking for it."