
Chapter 1934 Grooming Camps

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 08:18

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City

With the VR universe gaining popularity, the money he gained from currency exchange, and selling VR slime cards to powerful organizations Wyatt was making more money than he could spend unless the demon war were to break out. So spare a little of his wealth to build orphanages not a big deal for Wyatt.

"If it is not about the money, then what is it?" Cortney asked with a frown. She had finally found what to do with her life and could not believe Wyatt, her best friend, was her first hurdle. She was pissed right now, time and again her eyes wandered to the back of Wyatt's head with an impulse to slap it but Bloodette stopped her, knowing that it would not end well for Cortney.

"Diana, what are your plans for the orphanages you are planning to build? What is your motivation for starting such a project? Don't tell me you are doing this with some naive idea of giving back to society or helping others," Wyatt asked Diana, ignoring Cortney. He was kind of afraid that if he did not give her a valid reason for his rejection soon enough, she might slap his head ignoring his warning. Of all his friends, this one and Corey were very impulsive and very predictable.

"Well—" Diana was without words because she was doing it with such an idea. She believed with their current influence and strength they could afford to entertain such naive ideas.

"What's wrong with opening a few orphanages with the idea to do something good?" Cortney asked with a frown, she was starting to consider Wyatt a villain.

"Cindy, Diana, Cortney, you three have been to orphanages at some point in your lives, you should know better than that. Such ideas are not enough to run an orphanage successfully. You guys are not talking about starting a zoo or ranch but raising kids. Your idea is noble but in the long run, it will not help the kids," Wyatt pointed out to the three that their motivation to undertake such a big project was flawed.

In Cortney, Diana, and Cindy's case, the reason these three were successful in their life despite their tragic start was not because the orphanage showered them with love and care, but because its atmosphere toughened them. Though the orphanage was not as tough as the streets, it was like a beginner's town in a game where they learned how to work and navigate the streets from a very young age. Not to forget a little luck on their sides. As for those who failed to adapt to orphanages' tough atmosphere and did not have luck, they vanished.

Diana's idea was noble, knowing her, what she was planning to do was start a huge greenhouse for orphan kids. A place where the kids will know no trouble and difficulty. Allowing them to grow up in a caring atmosphere with love and peace.

But what about the kids once they become legal adults and have to enter society? Was Diana's orphanage capable of giving them the mentality and skills to survive in society on their own? Unless she planned to provide for these kids till they died, her naive motivation to start the orphanage would not work.

In Wyatt's book, this was overcorrection, many new parents do this. They think they will give their children a better childhood than the one their parents gave them and end up ruining their kids with their own hands. Their kids would be so spoiled and ruined that they end up spending most of their adult lives with parents trying to figure out a way to survive society.

But the orphanage cannot actually do that for every kid in their care with new children coming in. Even if they tried to no amount of money would be enough.

"Master Wyatt, if you are worried about that, then please be rest assured I have already thought of it and come up with programs that will help the kids develop the necessary skills that will help them when they're introduced to society. And also I plan to recruit the best and brightest into our various organizations," Diana assured Wyatt that his worries were unwarranted as she had already thought of it before proposing the project to him.

"Yes, see. Now you have reason to reject the project," Cortney yelled in excitement kicking the back of Wyatt's seat.

"Damn it, Cortney. For goodness sake, pipe down. Or I will throw you out of the car," Wyatt said in annoyance and thought, 'I liked her better when she still felt guilty toward me because her mother killed young Wyatt's parents.' Wyatt did feel bad for thinking as such but that was how he felt.

"You are only annoyed because Diana got you cornered with her preparedness," Cortney retorted, as long as Wyatt did not green-light Diana's project he would be a villain in her eyes despite him being her best friend.

Wyatt rolled his eyes at Cortney's words and asked, "Diana, tell me, how what you just suggested is any different from the orphan grooming camps that circle and other shady organizations open to train killers, assassins, and death soldiers. Don't give me the bullshit that you are not training them to be killers and all because you should know better than anyone that once you manage the orphanage in an organized way then it will lose the meaning you were starting it for."

Diana was one of the many unlucky orphan kids who were recruited and trained by the circle to be their loyal dogs and bite whoever the circle pointed at. She knew better than Cortney, who only joined the circle for her mother, what Wyatt was talking about. Especially, with her planning to recruit the best and brightest orphans into their organization.

Even though Diana's means were different compared to the circle, the end she planned for the orphans was no different from what the circle had in store for her.