
Chapter 1944 Rehabilitation And Reintegration Program

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 09:03

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City

'All it takes for evil to win is for good people to do nothing'

Cortney's words dug up this quote from Wyatt's memory. Causing him to turn and look at Cortney and ask, "Where did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Cortney asked, rubbing the corner of her teary eyes trying to hide her tears. With her emotional maturity, she had already understood what Wyatt was getting at. All of a sudden she felt for the orphanage headmaster. She wanted to know what the orphanage headmaster's true dreams and goals were. If it was not too late to fulfill them, she wanted to help her fulfill them.

"Those words that you just spoke, did you come up with them yourself?" Wyatt asked Cortney, ignoring the tears in her eyes. Knowing this topic was a very sensitive topic for Cortney, Diana, and Cindy.

"Why do you have a problem with that? If good people like you guys and I do not do everything in our power to be the change in the world what will happen to the world? Answer me, damn it. Don't tell me you expect the bad people to bring the change you expect to see in the world?" Cortney yelled furiously. She was disappointed in Wyatt, Diana, and Cindy. These guys had the power, wealth, and awareness, but they did not want to do anything because they put their dreams and goals above all else. Suddenly Cortney felt very lonely in a very cold world.

'...' Diana and Cindy clenched their fists and bit hard on their lips, drawing blood. They were already feeling worse because of their choices. Hearing Cortney call out to them for their choice when they knew better, they felt even worse. Right now, they have the lowest opinion of themselves. However, they continued to choose their dreams and goals. This was their ambition, they could not allow a fleeting moment of guilt to stop them. They were willing to carry this regret, as a reminder.

"Yes, exactly that. Though, I feel the characterization of people as good and bad is naive. But if it helps you understand the world better then it doesn't matter," Wyatt responded, shocking not only Cortney but Diana and Cindy.

"What? Wyatt, this is not a matter of joke. I can understand if you do not want to participate but don't make fun of it," Cortney sternly warned Wyatt. Now that she had decided to live her life for the greater good of the orphaned kids around the world. She won't rest until she has achieved it or die trying. Therefore, she would not allow anyone to mock her resolve, even if that person was her best friend.

"Do you see me laughing?" Wyatt asked summoning the most serious expression he could conjure.

"Wyatt, when people like you, Diana, and Cindy are not willing to give up on your dreams and goals and live for the orphaned kids then how can you expect people who are willing to murder and loot to dedicate their lives for some orphaned kids," Cortney asked Wyatt while glaring at him with threatening eyes. If he did not give her a proper explanation she was planning to beat him up.

"Why Cortney, don't you think every person deserves a second chance?" Wyatt asked Cortney with a gentle smile. As if he believed that even people who committed heinous crimes and murdered innocent people deserved a second chance.

"What the fuck are you getting at?" Cortney asked Wyatt with a frown, feeling that Wyatt was baiting her.

'...' Even Cindy and Diana looked at Wyatt curiously and wondered, Wyatt didn't seriously believe that criminals of all people would be willing to dedicate their entire lives to nurturing and guiding orphan kids. Because they, themselves, were the criminals that Wyatt spoke about. Yes, they only walked in the gray area but they were dangerously close to the black area. They felt that there was no way in the world, that criminals of all people would sacrifice their ambition to dedicate their reminder of lives for orphaned kids.

"Nothing, I genuinely think that everyone deserves a second chance. Therefore, I am thinking of talking to the Southern Royal family and starting a Rehabilitation and Reintegration program for willing criminals. Especially those sentenced to for life or the death penalty. I think if given the option these people will be willing to redeem themselves by dedicating their lives to nurture and guide the orphaned kids," Wyatt answered, going into details about how he wanted to improve the current orphanage system.

Listening to Wyatt, Cortney was fuming, ready to explode but even before she could speak, Cindy asked Wyatt wanting to confirm if she heard him right, "Boss, don't tell me you really believe that. I know I am not the one to say this as you gave us a second chance to turn our lives around but the people you are talking about are not like us. Yes, we also participate in crimes but we never knowingly hurt innocent and regular people."

Diana nodded agreeing with Cindy and added, "Master, trust me those who are sentenced to life or with the death penalty, are not like us they are a totally different breed of criminals. Most of them even used to be demonic card apprentice. They will tell and do anything to save their life, they cannot be rehabilitated."

"Diana, Cindy, you guys need to have a more open mind. Life is beautiful, sometimes it will surprise you," Wyatt spouted bullshit, pondering on how to convince the Southern Royal family to green-light his criminal rehabilitation and reintegration program.

"That's it, let my fist show you how beautiful life is," Cortney jumped on Wyatt from behind ready to beat him up, but she felt a force binding her to her seat. Then she yelled at Wyatt, "You asshole, I knew it, you were not serious. How dare you mock my idea. Unhand me you jerk, I will not rest until I make you apologize."

'Wyatt, don't tell me you really believe the bullshit you just spouted,' the Field Marshal's voice sounded in Wyatt's mind asking if he was being serious. She had been eavesdropping on him since the beginning. That was an unavoidable part of her job as his bodyguard.