
Chapter 1950 Male Version Of Pleasure Cards

Chapter 1950 Male Version Of Pleasure Cards

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 09:27

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City

Seeing Wyatt casually discuss his business with his staff having just agreed to an impossible wager with a tight time limit, the Field Marshal frowned. She almost got the feeling that Wyatt might have forgotten their wager. But she knew Wyatt well enough to know, he would not make such dumb mistakes and felt he might have already commenced his plan to free Clown Mask. This thought made her uneasy. So to make sure her hunch was right she could not help but contact him to gauge what he was up to.

'Eight hours is a lot of time. Besides, Your Highness, I mean disrespect by this, but why do you care? You are betting against me remember,' Wyatt reminded the Field Marshal, knowing she was suspicious of his actions. However, he genuinely felt that eight hours was a lot of time for him to complete his wager with the Field Marshal to free Clown Mask from their custody.

Field Marshal did not respond to Wyatt, feeling that she was feeding him information about her mental state rather than gauging what he was up to. She had long learned to be wary about what she said and did around Wyatt. Understanding that just like her niece, this boy could not be underestimated because of his realm, actions, and words. Both of them were deeply hidden and only let others see what they wanted them to see.

The Field Marshal had warned herself about this before accepting the wager. She knew she would come to regret entering a wager with Wyatt. She was not new to mind games nor did she shy from them but it's just that Wyatt and her niece played at a higher level than her. Which gave her a head.

Right now she wanted to take Wyatt and go to the hidden facility where Clown Mask was kept to guard both of them simultaneously for the next eight hours but then she did not act on it thinking that maybe Wyatt was counting on her to do exactly that.

This uncertainty, was always present when dealing with these two. She was the strongest but strength cannot solve everything. Not to mention these two were among the few people she cared for. This made it even harder for her. Which was why she did not want to go against them unless she absolutely had to.

Shaking her head, the Field Marshal gathered her wits. Now all she would do was make sure that everything on her end was solid. She once again contacted the facility holding the Clown mask and requested them to give their best for the next eight hours. Just then thinking of something she hurriedly said to Wyatt, 'You do know that you are not allowed to hurt the staff during the course of this wager.'

'Of course, who do you think I am to hurt my own people? Don't worry neither me nor my people will not touch a single person guarding Clown Mask,' Wyatt promised the Field Marshal, even though he strongly felt that she should have thought of this before agreeing to the wager. Anyway, it did not matter since he did not plan to harm anyone to free Clown Mask.

'Your people hurt the people guarding Clown Mask, that's a joke, right? Who are these people of yours? The hoodlum youngsters or the low-level adventurers. You do know that the card apprentices guarding Clown Mask are of card emperor realm minimum. Not to mention they all excel in martial arts and have superior physical strength—,' The Field Marshal suddenly stopped, thinking she unintentionally was leaking a lot about the facility. Even if Wyatt already knew this information, she should not be unknowingly confirming it for him. That was not professional at all.

Wyatt chuckled finding the Field Marshal's clumsiness cute. She was scary strong but as a person, she had a good personality. He could see befriending someone like her. With crazy friends like Cortney and Corey, he could use some normal.

"Wyatt, what is a pleasure card? None of them is answering me," Cortney asked Wyatt when Diana, Cindy, and Vivian avoided answering using various reasons.

"You have a working grimoire don't you, go search it on the grimoire network," Wyatt said, feeling that if Jill's father must have already started selling his pleasure cards then he should have a proper ad for his product on the network, Cortney should be able to find a proper explanation on the grimoire network about pleasure card than asking him.

Speaking of Jill's father, Wyatt could not believe that the old dude had not only created his version of the pleasure card so fast but was also selling it in the central region. 'He is fast.' Wyatt thought.

Then, Wyatt pondered if it was because he was busy creating his version of the pleasure that Demigod Norley did not respond to his distress call to rescue over a hundred thousand people from becoming a human sacrifice. Even if that were the case he could have contacted him later. But Wyatt, himself, was unavailable for the last day since he was stuck in the blood rule source dealing with multiple ruler-class beings.

Wyatt wondered if he should call Jill and clear the air. After all, Demigod Norley was her father, she should know the reason why he did not respond to his distress call. While he was at it he could ask her to share her father's pleasure card with him. He had no presence in the Central region so he could not get his hands on Demigod Norley's mass-produced pleasure card to judge it. Though the ads demigod Norley put for his products came with a lot of promise it was still unknown if the product could fulfill all of them.

Even though Wyatt felt Demigod Norley could not outdo him, it would not hurt him to keep an eye on his competition. After all, Demigod Norley was one of the founding fathers of the current civilization Wyatt was enjoying. Nothing good would come from underestimating someone of Demigod Norley's prowess and status.

"Wyatt, tell me your pleasure cards come in the male version. Because I can't find any in the grimoire network," Cortney suddenly said, shocking everyone in the car.


AN: Check out Reader's Quest Board in the Author's Thoughts section for mass release.