
Chapter 1959 Red Skid Mark On The Sidewalk

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 09:57

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City

'It wasn't anonymous, I told them who I was. It is not my fault that they did not believe. Fortunately, they bothered to follow up on my tip,' Wyatt said causally.

Listening to his words, the Field Marshal felt his actions were irresponsible, especially considering the person in question was the only true family who did not want to take advantage of him. So, she sternly asked him, 'Why did you not report this to Ann or Colleen? They would have handled it with more care. Besides what's up with your grimoire it doesn't show your ID.'

'I did not feel the need to. Since I had contacted Kathy and informed her about the ordeal giving her the contact info of Ann. Though heartbroken she did not want to bother others and was set to return to Sky Blossom City to her old job as a high school teacher. As for my grimoire, I made a few adjustments to keep the peeping tom out,' Wyatt explained why he did not bother to report this to Ann or Colleen. As for his grimoire's privacy updates, he was honest about it.

'So, why did you contact the Border Petrol and the Southern Watch? Wait, you were testing them. Wyatt this is too much,' The Field Marshal wanted to ask Wyatt, 'What if there was a spy, how could he risk his only aunt's life like that?' But thinking it would only shine a bad light on Southern Border Petrol and the Southern Watch she did not bring it up.

'Do you even have to ask that? Let's say, if I was testing them, then would I not be also evaluating them? Besides, you should be happy your highness, your people did not let you down. However, they did not have to keep Kathy in the dark about what was going on until Colleen arrived. It caused her unnecessary mental stress. I think you guys should work on public relations a bit more,' Wyatt advised the Field Marshal while explaining to her that he had everything under control giving her a hypothetical.

'Wyatt, who the heck do you think you are to test and evaluate the Southern Border Petrol and Southern Watch?' Field Marshal's tone was sharp. She was pissed at the fact that Wyatt was seriously undermining the Southern Royal family and its authority, especially when they were lowering themselves to deem Wyatt as their equal partner. If they wanted to they would take everything from him and have him for work for them for pennies.

'Woah, I never agreed to having done such a thing. Besides, this was after the Southern Capital incident, I wasn't a big fan of you guys back then,' Wyatt denied the Field Marshal's charges against him, but was honest about why he did such a thing.

'You know, I can arrest and hold you in prison indefinitely for tampering with your grimoire,' the Field Marshal suddenly brought unable to counter Wyatt on his reason for his actions.

'Go ahead, arrest me,' Wyatt said, believing the Field Marshal was only trying to scare him.

'You think I won't?' the Field Marshal asked feeling challenged, then shaking her head she said, 'Forget it. I won't lower myself to a child's level.'

'Good for you, Your Highness. It would be pretty embarrassing to lose to a child,' Wyatt said sarcastically.

'Don't blame me, you asked for it,' saying that the Field Marshal mobilized her power to teach Wyatt a lesson.

Wyatt's senses warned rang, and soon his body was pushed down to the ground with an incredible and invisible force, 'Splat,' Wyatt's body was reduced to a red skid mark on the sidewalk. The crowd did not even notice what happened to him, except for Cindy and Diana who were following him and Cortney.

Before they could panic, a profound female voice informed them their boss was fine and they should prepare a change of clothes for him. The voice belonged to the Field Marshal. She knew about Wyatt's instant regeneration capabilities and decided to use them to complete her mission. The Field Marshal would not have thought of this plan if not for Wyatt provoking her.

Field Marshal Heatsend's plan was simple, she would squash Wyatt's body except for his mutant ego gem. That way Wyatt's ego gem would instinctively regenerate his body in its original form. When it does the onlooker would notice him and what happens next does not matter to her because she believed her mission was completed as long as she revealed Wyatt to the crowd. As for what Wyatt would do next, does not matter to her either, since her mission to give Wyatt to the crowd would be complete. After all, She can lead a horse to water, but she can't make it drink.

The Field Marshal was pleased with herself for coming up with such an ingenious plan to complete her mission, but the smile on her face froze when she saw Wyatt's mutated ego gem take the form of a Rainbowfly monster and then use stealth to hide and hover over the crowd.

'How is this possible?' the Field Marshal asked in astonishment. She had crushed Wyatt's entire body. Without a brain to command it, the ego gem should be instinctively regenerating his body into his original form and not into a fly monster, unless his spiritual body can function independently of his body. Considering, Wyatt was so adept in borrowing celestial force from the world that was obvious his. How could she have made such a simple oversight?

'Shocked?' Wyatt remarked. Then, he added in a sarcastic tone, 'I cannot believe that someone as noble and honorable as you would resort to such lowly means, Your Highness.'

'Shut it, you had it coming with that big mouth of yours,' Field Marshal said in frustration. She continued saying, 'And stop it with your fake politeness. Ditch the honorifics since you do not mean them. Hearing 'Your Highness' 'Your Majesty' from your mouth is starting to feel like a taunt.'
