Date- 18 April 2321
Time- 11:45
Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City
"Cleaning sewers, now I understand why you rejected the special needs program," Diana was impressed by Marcy's personality and continued to hold her hand out saying, "How long are you going to wait for a handshake? My arm is about to fall off from the pain."
"But," Marcy hesitated. However, looking into Diana's bright eyes that had no judgment but just respect for her, she extended her hand and shook Diana's hand.
Soon Marcy felt a refreshing force wash over her body, astonished she blurted, "Cleansing card!" Understanding that Diana had used a cleansing help her clean.
"You kids have it easy because of the new headmaster, back in my time, the city sewer used to be our secret base," Diana said with a bright smile, giving Marcy a firm handshake. Not that she was jealous of the orphan kids, she just shared a bit of her past in a not-that-sad way so that Marcy would be comfortable around her. Meanwhile, Wyatt and Field Marshal were having a mental conversation of their own.
'You look confused,' the Field Marshal mentally connected with Wyatt.
'Yes, I am. Didn't Anna kill everyone from the Davis family? Except for Ada whose existence was not known to her,' Wyatt held back from asking why the Field Marshal reacted so kindly to Marcy. He knew that kids weren't responsible for their parent's sins, but he was surprised to see that the Field Marshal who had been indifferent to other orphans acted warmly to Marcy.
'Wyatt, I thought you knew Anna better than to believe what the public says about her,' the Field Marshal's response made it sound as if Wyatt was at fault for jumping to conclusions.
'Cut the speech, I know for a fact that Anna slaughtered the entire Davis family because they were devil worshippers,' Wyatt had long looked into the Davis family because of Ada Davis who was targeting him because of Anna. Even if everything about the Davis family's demise was faked, Ada's hatred for the Southern Royal family couldn't be faked.
'Yes, everyone knows Anna slaughtered the entire Davis family but only those who were there with her truly know why she did what she did,' the Field Marshal replied saying there was more to the story about Anna slaughtering her father's second wife's family.
'What is it? I did not find anything suspicious in the confidential records about that incident,' Wyatt asked, wondering if Marcy was a friend or foe. He sincerely hoped it wasn't the latter because from what he had learned about Marcy so far he did not want to have to— let us not go there yet.
'Keeping the question of how you accessed the confidential records of the incident aside, what actually happened that day was not mentioned or recorded anywhere because Anna's mother did not want what the Davis family did to taint the names of everyone else who contributed and sacrificed to put an end to the reign of devil worshipers. Therefore, she decided to make Anna the villain of that story since Anna did go there that night with the intention of killing those who brought shame upon her mother and exiling the rest of the family using the fact they were devil worshipers as an excuse.
I will also refrain from going into gruesome details about that incident and just say what you need to know. The Davis family, aside from the fact that they were devil worshipers, were involved in many shady stuff far from human imagination. One of them was human experimentation.
During the demon invasion and the terror of demon worshippers, it was common for the strong to experiment on the weak. They were all doing everything they could to survive the invasion and then the devil worshippers. In a way, it produced many cards, elixirs, and arrays that people are enjoying today. I am not trying to justify what happened then, it is what it is.
However, the Davis family continued it even during the peaceful times. It is not a surprise considering they were devil worshipers but they crossed a line that no one had dared to cross, they were experimenting on cross-breeding humans with demons right in the artificial dungeon under their family castle.
No one had any idea about this until Anna surprised them with her visit. She learned they were trying to find a way for demons to contract grimoire, from ego gems and divinity.
Once our world had successfully managed to resist the demon invasion, it had become a hot topic in the dark realm and gathered a lot of attention. Many devils and demons grew interested in our power system and began contracting card apprentices.This gave raise to a period in our history were devil worshipers were rampant. But after numerous attempts and experimentation the devils and demons could not contract the grimoire nor form ego gems or divinity. So their interest quickly died. However, some did not give up and hired families like the Davis family to continue where they left.
All in all, the Davis family deserved what they got,' The Field Marshal got emotional and talked a lot but feeling Wyatt's gaze she cut it short. As someone who had participated in the war against devil worshipers Field Marshal was very ashamed about the existence of the Davis family who fooled them all.
'Where does Marcy fall into all of this? I don't see any demon blood in her, except she seems to be infected by some kind of pathogen that is found in the dark realm. Thankfully, it is not infectious,' Wyatt reminded the Field Marshal that she had gone off-topic.
'Though Anna massacred the Davis family, she set the people they were using for their experiment free despite her subordinates advising her against it. Her mother gave her an earful for that. Fortunately, to this day, there have been no cases of those people or the experiment done on them causing trouble. Marcy must be the descendent of those people but it is surprising that they took the Davis family surname,' the Field Marsha informed, she could not believe that the victims would take the surname of their captors.
'That must be because Marcy is a descendant of the Davis family,' Wyatt could tell this by comparing Marcy's soul record with Ada's soul record. Wyatt guessed this might be because Marcy's predecessors when in captivity might have been assaulted by the Davis family men.