

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 14:27

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City

Wyatt found it refreshing to see the Field Marshal confide and trust him. With a knowing smile he shook his head and opened Aurelia's silver grimoire saying, "Let us continue where we stopped." Opening the grimoire's card creation page I placed Marcy's blood rule substitute card in it, preparing to introduce the pathogen that once plagued Marcy into Aurelia's body. Aurculean physique passively gives its user strength, defense, and speed beyond their realm allowing them to be physically unrevealed in their realm. When activated its user gains a golden form that allows them to absorb eighty percent of all physical or spiritual damage taken boosting their physical strength & speed along with physical and spiritual defense allowing them to become an unstoppable force on the battlefield.

Aurculean physique, in theory, was a dream physique, but practically was a quirky physique as to absorb eighty percent of the physical and spiritual damage the user has to directly withstand the remaining twenty percent of the physical and spiritual damage. Twenty percent of the damage might be small but when in a prolonged battle, facing a stronger enemy, or multiple enemies that damage would prove life-threatening. Hence one could only use this physique to gain a small burst of power and end the battle quickly before it becomes life-threatening.

This was why those who had awakened Aurculean physique had never been able to use this physique to achieve anything great enough to leave their mark on the card world's history. That was until Dan Malvin awakened this physique. Paired with his family bloodline it gave birth to the unstoppable legend, ex-Field Marshal Dan Malvin, the founder of Border City.

The reason the Aurculean physique was quirky was because of one shortcoming, it had no healing effect. If the physique were to boost the user's healing ability along with their physical powers then the user would not have to worry about the twenty percent of damage taken when absorbing the rest eight percent of all physical and spiritual damage.

Not that none of the Aurculean physique users had thought of various methods to make up for this shortcoming. All the previous users of this physique, including Aurelia, have tried to make use of the various healing and regeneration abilities to complete their quirky physique but they all failed as it was not as simple as it sounded. The Aurculean physique users had to increase their healing powers both physically and spiritually to bring out the full potential of their physique. Just boosting one's healing power was not enough, the healing power should be able to keep up with damage taken both physically and spiritually. Only when they were able to meet these two conditions could a card apprentice bring out the true prowess of the Aurculean physique. Just finding an ability with a strong physical healing effect was hard enough, let alone finding one with a strong spiritual healing effect. Therefore in history, none was able to truly display the full potential of the Aurculean physique until the Malvin family. As the Malvin family's bloodline perfectly made up for the Aurculean physique's shortcomings. It was able to boost it's user's healing powers to keep up with the damage taken. This was possible because the Malvin family bloodline effect was to temporarily boost the innate healing prowess its users were born with every time they took damage. The important part to note about the Malvin family bloodline's effect was that the boost gained would be proportional to the damage taken and in case of consecutive attacks the boost gained would stack. Hence, if they were able to survive the initial few damages their healing ability could stake to a point where it could be considered godly for that duration making the users of this bloodline very dominant in prolonged battles. 

Still, just by itself, the Malvin family's bloodline wasn't remarkable as its effects would not even make it a decent healing ability. Being able to heal oneself quicker every time they took damage provided no advantage on the battlefield since they could die before their bloodline took effect. Hence, until the birth of Dan Malvin who awakened Aurculean physique, the Malvin family had no highly notable merits on the battlefield. The Malvin family thought of various ways to boost and stack their healing abilities before going into a battle but that was basically self-harm and a desperate measure. Hence they used their brains over brawns to survive in that harsh period. This allowed Dan Malvin to possess the brains required to become a Field Marshal while his physique paired with his bloodline gave him the strength necessary to become a Field Marshal. After all, a Field Marshal didn't just have to be strong but they needed to have sufficient strategic prowess to efficiently lead the army on the battlefield. The Aurelia Physique allowed the possessor of the Malvin bloodline to survive long enough that their healing prowess was boosted and staked to a level that would allow them to display the full potential of the Aurelia physique, turning them into an unstoppable force on the battlefield. This combination of the Aurelia Physique and Malvin Bloodline allowed Dan Malvin and his direct descendants to become legends on the battlefield. However, this led to new a problem for them other than them being compared with the Southern Royal family itself. Many noticed that almost all the descendants of Dan Malvin were awakening the Aurculean physique, this gave birth to the rumors that the Malvin family had a method to help their descendants awaken the Aurculean physique. However, the Malvin family denied these rumors claiming that the awakening of the Aurculean physique was a total coincidence by showing that it only awakened in the Dan Malvin's direct descendants with the purest Malvin bloodline. They even speculated that the Aurculean physique was inherited by Dan's descendants through his bloodline. Because no other descendants of the Malvin family that weren't directly related to Malvin awakened the Aurculean physique. However, this led to a division in the Malvin family as many branches of the Malvin family began to believe the rumor and thought that the Main family was keeping the method to awaken the Aurculean physique to themselves. Hence, many began to leave the Border city and immigrate to various parts of the southern region. This caused the pundits of the Southern region to speculate that the rumor about the Malvin family possessing the method to help awaken Aurculean physique was started by the Malvin family enemies to divide the Malvin family that was amassing a lot of power in the Border city. Many even went far as to say that maybe the Heatsend Royal Family was behind it. However, the Main Malvin family immediately came out and said that these rumors were created not to divide the Malvin family by Malvin family enemies but to divide the Southern region by the enemies of the Southern family and Malvin family has always been loyal to Southern Royal family and will continue to do so in the future. The swift actions of the Main Malvin family were to protect themselves since even though few of their descendants were unstoppable and comparable to the unparalleled descendants, their family as a whole was not unstoppable like the Southern royal family which as a whole was truly unparalleled. Not to mention the Malvin family never planned to make enemies of the Southern Royal family let alone plan to overthrow them. Hence they strongly believed someone was targeting their family mainly because of their Unstoppable moniker. However, still today they could not figure out who was targeting them. If not for the Southern Royal family showing them mercy and differentiating truth from the rumors the conspirator's conspiracy to get rid of their family would have succeeded. Wyatt had no idea about the Malvin Family bloodline or their political importance in the Southern Region when he noticed Aurelia's quirky physique. Yet thanks to his soul pupils when he first noticed Aurelia's physique he immediately found that Aurelia's physique had a big shortcoming, it lacked a healing effect. Making the physique impractical to use. Wyatt only knew of how Aurelia's family members had similar physiques and used it to make their legends on the battlefield when he heard the Field Marshal talk about Aurelia's mother and did a deep search on Aurelia's family. That was where he learned how her family members managed to over come the shortcoming of Aurculean physique using their family's bloodline. However, Aurelia who lacked the family bloodline planned to make up for the shortcomings of her physique by practicing Body reinforcement martial arts.

Wyatt thought it was stupid and not the correct way in the long run as in Aurelia's current realm not many were capable of using spiritual power to attack so she was able to showcase her family's signature unstoppable momentum just by practicing her body reinforcement martial arts. However, when faced with enemies that could use spiritual attacks she would instantly lose even if the Aurculean physique were to absorb eighty percent of it. Wyatt could not help but wonder why her family members did not warn her about this, especially her mother. After all, they should be fully aware of the Aurculean physique's shortcoming. Or it was possible Aurelia took this doomed path dispite their warnings. Which was short sighted on her part considering her big goals.
